Biden tapes, if heard, might be TNT
There’s a reason the U.S. Attorney General won’t release 5 hours of audio tapes of Joe Biden. Presumably, the audio would reveal once and for all that our emperor has no clothes (brain).

The decision of Attorney General Merrick Garland to not turn over audio tapes of President Biden’s five-hour interview with a special prosecutor is potentially explosive news.
Via a subpoena, two Congressional Committees have demanded that the Department of Justice turn over audio tapes of this interview.
The attorney general, along with “President Biden,” cited “executive privilege” in claiming they don’t have to comply with this Congressional oversight request. (The attorney general said redacted transcripts of this interview are all Congress needs).
Basically, the Department of Justice said it doesn’t have to do what Congress told them they have to do.
For now at least, the bottom-line is that nobody in Congress or - more importantly, no American citizens - can listen to this audio tape.
Here, the main issue does not involve details of Special Prosecutor Robert Hur’s investigation into whether Biden had illegal possession of government documents from his tenure as vice president and as a U.S. senator.
What Republicans in Congress are really trying to find out is whether compelling evidence exists that the president of the United States is suffering from dementia, and thus, is not fit to serve in this office. (The assumption, silly as it may be, is that a nation should not be “led” by a person with severely-impaired cognitive abilities).
Hur declined to file charges against President Biden, in part, because he said a jury would be unlikely to convict “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
It’s the Mother-of-All Cover-Ups
(Excluding Covid, Epstein, J-6, ‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’)
To me, this story suggests a massive crime and cover-up that involves two of the three branches of our federal government.
The cover-up is that everyone who matters in the White House and Department of Justice knows that President Biden suffers from ever-worsening dementia. And have probably known this for years. And everyone is perfectly fine with this.
Common sense tells us that if the President is indeed “mentally sharp” (as the public has been told ad nauseam by White House spokespeople) - and shows no signs of cognitive impairment - the audio tapes would support this conclusion.
The fact the White House and our attorney general are not willing to release these audio tapes strongly suggests that if the public did hear these tapes, most citizens in this country would likely reach a very different conclusion.
The conclusion would be these trusted public servants have been covering up this bombshell revelation and, even today, are still trying to cover it up to the point of blowing off a legitimate legal order from Congress.
Question: do proven liars lie only once?
If many people reached this conclusion, it’s not farfetched to conclude the same citizens might begin to doubt the veracity of all claims coming from these two branches of government.
Large swaths of the public might ask a question like …
“If they lied to us about this - or worked so hard to conceal this information - what else have they been lying to us about?”
For example, is it possible that other trusted government officials lied or covered up important truths dealing with the Covid response and the Covid “vaccine”?
Another question: If Joe Biden is not mentally capable to lead our government, who is leading our government and country? The answer would be: “It can’t be that person I just heard in that interview.”
The interview matters because we haven’t heard our
President when his handlers don’t want us to hear him
The most salient facts involving this interview are: 1) The interview was more than five hours; (2) President Biden did not have any aides who could help him compose his answers and (3) He presumably didn’t have access to prepared scripts to help with his answers. Basically, he was “on his own.”
This contrasts with the appearances the public does see of our president, all of which are heavily controlled by White House staffers (aka, “All the President’s Handlers.”)
If one thinks about it, the public has very rarely seen President Biden engage in long interviews where he is not reading from his best friend and savior, the teleprompter. Biden has also retired the record for fewest number of press conferences.
Even though every presidential movement is highly-choreographed and every presidential utterance has been pre-scripted, Biden still makes at least one cringe-inducing “gaffe” at virtually every public appearance, regardless of how short these events might be.
Given the above, it’s not surprising a few politicians from the rival political party might be interested in other methods of gauging the mental acuity of the world’s most important leader.
For example, how such a person responds to a series of questions, with no assistance from aides, over many hours would be a worthwhile exam. This happened last October when Special Prosecutor Hur interviewed Biden for five hours.
As reported by Politico, members of Congress have argued that the audio tape of the presidential interview would be of "superior evidentiary value," noting the transcripts "do not reflect important verbal context, such as tone or tenor, or nonverbal context, such as pauses or pace of delivery.”
That is, one suspects Hur’s conclusion about the affable, elderly public servant with a poor memory might have been the kindest characterization he could muster.
The (redacted) transcripts raise D-word issues, but probably not to the degree audio tapes would.
For that matter, one wonders why the interview wasn’t video taped so future historians and current citizens could could listen to and watch the president try to give his answers.
This isn’t like ‘Dateline’ …
Like many of my readers, I’ve watched numerous episodes of the popular true-crime TV series “Dateline.”
In just about every one of these episodes, viewers see (and hear) footage of a criminal suspect who was questioned by law enforcement officers.
These interviews are then often shown to juries in court trials where they can be used to the benefit of prosecutors or defense attorneys.
It’s worth noting that juries don’t just receive transcripts from these very-important interviews. They get to watch and hear the entire interview.
Because they do, they can assess the body language of those in the footage. They can see how long someone pauses before answering a question. (Not insignificantly, jurors and court observers can also confirm if any transcripts are, in fact, accurate.)
This also happens in civil depositions. How a witness comports himself in these interviews is often quite revealing.
If we can all watch law-enforcement interviews on “Dateline,” why can’t we watch the president spar with one tax-payer funded special counsel?
Biden mounts his own passionate defense …
After Special Prosecutor Hur released his report saying the government should drop its investigation into Biden’s archived documents, President Biden felt compelled to call an impromptu press conference to criticize the suggestion the president was mentally impaired.
This response turned out to be a disaster as a flustered Biden proved - in an 8-minute effort - that he can’t finish sentences and couldn’t remember details about his late son.
President Biden also suggested the special prosecutor had falsely characterized his performance in their interview sessions.
As Politico writes: “While the transcripts of the interviews have already been released, Biden’s effort to block the recordings puts him in a politically awkward position: He has insisted that Hur has mischaracterized the interviews but is nonetheless trying to maintain secrecy over the raw audio.”
(I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Politico has filed a Freedom of Information request to also get the audio-taped interview … to which I say: Good luck with that.)
The Big Picture isn’t about the Big Guy …
The members of the Deep State no doubt have their reasons for installing and then protecting President Biden. By now, they must know the public can’t do anything to remove him from office.
Our leaders behind the curtain are clearly not afraid of Congress and certainly aren’t afraid of the “watchdog” press.
In fact, they’re so confident they can do whatever they want, they are running a man with ever-worsening dementia for president … again. (One can only imagine how bad an 85-year-old Joe Biden will be).
If our shadow rulers can get away with eight years of a “Weekend-at-Bernie’s” ruse (416 weekends), they must figure they can get away with anything.
Still, if the public did hear all five hours of this interview, it’s possible the ruse would be up. It wouldn’t be just Biden who’d be exposed - it would be the people who put him in office and then worked so hard to keep a senile man in the highest office in the land.
My hunch: The importance of keeping this audio tape away from the public has nothing to do with Joe Biden.
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All subs and Ko-Fi donations are greatly appreciated.
Cutting-room floor text ...
When President Biden was "elected," he and his spokespeople pledged that his administration would be the “most transparent” in U.S. history.
It has, of course, been the least transparent in U.S. history (as a mountain of ignored requests for important Covid documents amply confirm).
By now, members of Congress must be completely use to government agencies they fund and supervise blowing off requests for documents or information.
Sen. Ron Johnson has repeatedly said he can’t get any answers on his Covid questions or, if he does belatedly receive some requested document, the document has hundreds of pages of redacted pages.
In watching Tucker Carlson’s two-hour plus interview with Vladimir Putin, I was not the only person who wondered why President Biden hasn’t done a two-hour sit-down interview with any journalist.
Bobby Kennedy is eager to accept any interview request he gets. (Most are from alternative media podcasters) and, with no notes, Kennedy talks cogently for hours at a time on 20 different complex subjects.
Most Americans are probably like me and think President Biden would humiliate himself within 15 minutes of any similar interview.
Exactly!! The more measures taken to block it, clearly the worse it is! Either they are attempting to hide that the transcript was edited so wouldn’t match the audio…. Or the audio is such a disaster for President Magoo…… if Biden is sharp as a tack as many keep insisting, why not release it? Someone said the other day “ Americans are really tired of being driven over like ignored speed bumps. It’s all so insulting….. we need a whistleblower.