I forgot to add the "Share" button to this article, which I've now done. If you are so inclined, please share this one. The only way to fight the censors is to share anti-censorship content while we still can.
Yes, sharing is caring, and I am linking this post to other social media.
I decided to engage one of those who threatened to leave Substack in reply to the recent invitation for writers to project what they learned in 2023 onto 2024.
I invited them to define NAZI, so as to supply the parameters of what they wanted to be censored.
No definition was offered, but I was excoriated as a troll for asking them to do this.
I saw many low quality "echos" of the "ban NAZI" which I expect were similarly posted without any understanding of what "NAZI" means.
So far I have seen no "NAZI" writers on Substack, which means that my reading interests are not driving such content to my eyeballs.
I'm glad you went to some of those sites and investigated for yourself. I need to do the same thing. Good question: how the heck do we define "Nazi sites?"
The first question from any of the hosts of free speech should be "What is a NAZI??" "Can you define the word and the mechanism for mind reading and parameters for censorship."
The whole issue seems so contrived.
Similarly, few people know what fascism is. Therefore the whole ANTIFA thing has been so phony since it became a media meme in the U.S.
I think everyone is being jerked around by people who invent a new conflict daily, in order to sow division.
Pure Bill Ayers, ain't it? Isolate the victims, throw an unfair label on them, and repeat it repeat it repeat it with all the sneering contempt that can fit in a label. It’s also pure grade-school.
I'm not Trump's biggest supporter, but I hope somebody calls me Ultra Mega MAGA. It'll give me the chance to say, "Yep. I'm ultra keen on making America mega-great again.”
The continuing positive about Trump is that he’s from outside the swamp, and they hate him. The more they display this hatred, the more popular Trump becomes.
I’m a little suspicious about that hatred/popularity scale. Trump’s impossible to ignore, but the opposition surely knows they’re giving him oxygen. But maybe that’s why "derangement" is the symptom of TDS.
"What is a NAZI??" Alan Dershowitz, that friend of Jeffrey Epstein, alleged paedophile, author of "The Case for Israel," first choice of Benjamin Netanyahu to defend Israel.against the Genocide Convention in the ICJ and erstwhile champion of civil liberties who argued that the State has the right to coerce unwilling people to be injected against their will with the COVID-19 vaccines infamously framed the 'allegations' against Epstein as an antisemitic attack – comparing his victims to Hamas for bringing the charges. Presumably those victims who dared complain about being molested are one example of "Nazis."
Back in the 80s I worked with a guy that whenever a situation arose and someone cleverly deflected their own blame onto someone else he’d say it was a case of the old “double-reverse backstab.” I never forgot that phrase. It has been quite useful of late.
How does a Jew get to Heaven from dry humping the Wailing Wall like Miley Cyrus?
Enquiring minds would like to know, so let’s ask Brother Nathaniel . . .
Jews go to the Wailing Wall and thrust their hips to imitate having intercourse with their “shekinah” (a female demon) while praying to their devil . . . at an old Roman fortress called Antonia . . .
And I think he did have sex with Virginia Roberts Giufree even though I now know Virginia has settled her lawsuit and said she might have been "mistaken" in identifying him as one of the VIPs Epstein "trafficked" her to.
If Dershowitz is lying, he would be one of the most brazen liars in the world - but I think that's the way many of these people are - they double and triple down on their lies.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I have no patience for comments that manage to splice "Nazi" with ISRAEL by pointing to individual Jews who are controversial. Or by singling out Israel for Covid-jab coercion - as though it wasn't practiced by plenty of other countries.
For someone claiming to be "not woke", you seem awfully quick to parrot the fact-free WOKE mantra about Israel "committing genocide" - which never comes with documentation because it's supposedly "self-evident".
It's no coincidence that all of the above are favorite Neo-Nazi accusations.
PS. And yet despite my rejection of your Jew-bashing nonsense, I support your right to spout it - so that I can give it the debunking treatment that it deserves.
This is free speech in action.
Just thought I would say that, before you play the usual victim card of "watch the Zionist Lobby try to silence me now for speaking the forbidden truth..."
On the contrary, I hope you speak your mind as freely as I did.
It may be that you have no patience for opinions that dissent from your own.
My comment didn't single out Israel for Covid jab coercion. To suggest that it did is a LIE that can be demonstrated to be so by examining my comment.
I said that Dershowitz argued that "the State" has the right to coerce the Injections.
He sought to impose his authoritarianism on Americans and indeed, it appears, the entire world.
Further, I referred to "... defend[ing] Israel against the Genocide Convention in the ICJ."
The reason for that is because Israel has been referred to the ICJ by South Africa, where it is to.stand trial for alleged violation of the convention.
The documentation which establishes the prima facie case is included in the referral.
Thus, your claim that references to alleged genocide "... never come[s] with documentation ..." is another LIE.
Further, Dershowitz is not just any Jew who is controversial but rather one who infamously framed the 'allegations' against Epstein as an antisemitic attack – comparing his victims to Hamas for bringing the charges.
Of note is that you engage in similar behavior to Dershowitz, framing critics as Nazis or Neo-Nazis.
Has it occurred to you that some people may object to the actions of BOTH Nazis and Israel, seeing them as similar?
We should be able to condemn both.
Indeed I have elsewhere many times condemned the actions of Hitler and the Nazis.
I don't need to do it in every comment I make.
I, and not you, will determine what I post or do not post.
Why don't you try to argue honestly instead of fallaciously and refrain from engaging in sophistry?
Don't bother answering because I've no interest in engaging with a Sophist further, having wasted enough time on you already.
Great comment, I think you nailed it with this sentence:
"I think everyone is being jerked around by people who invent a new conflict daily, in order to sow division."
I looked up definition of fascism recently, when I came across a definition of it that I questioned. It seems there are numerous definitions, many of which are conflicting. The original meaning of the word seems to have been lost to most folks.
Nazis, like communists, have historically been enthusiastic proponents of censorship. In pre-digital times Nazis burned books. Many nations have banned or attempted to ban communist parties. I personally consider the views of left wing extremists such as Casey Newton not merely highly offensive but dangerous. My preference is for Newton not to be censored. I don't want to be in an echo chamber. However, if Substack cravenly caves to the pressure for cancel culture behavior from those on the extreme left or extreme center then it will be necessary to adopt their tactics. Once the expression of Nazi views is censored then reactionary views may soon be censored as well followed by conservative views. It will be necessary to campaign to shut down platforms hosting Casey Newton and others of Newton's ilk. In fact, why wait. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Start linking the Casey Newtons of this world to.the horrors of Stalin and Pol Pot and call noisily for them to be silenced. Call for them to be silenced because they are pro-censorship like Stalinists are. Never mind the hypocrisy. Do it anyway!
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
of course the porn and communist propaganda was a good thing right? aside from this what else did they burn that had any social value? did they burn any bibles?
I appreciate that Substack supports free speech to the extent that it does. I am on the opposite end of the popular sentiment in regards to banning any speech- namely because I believe any censorship of any speech - including but not limited to incitement to violence as well as any interpretation of racial "hatred" etc, is unfortunately a double edged sword. Attempting to limit speech is inherently dangerous to all of us. In our well intentioned effort to "protect" specific groups of people- (in this case, Jews from the frightening words of "Nazis") we also by consequence enable and promote the state to monitor, track and identify potential dissidents ((so called "Nazis"- however the state may come to define such a term) as well as infiltrate, subvert and disrupt ANY potential for armed insurrection, violent overthrow, popular uprising, etc. There is NO question in my mind THE MOST important right to a free people is our sovereign right to exist, to congregate and to SPEAK FREELY in any way we damn well care to. We have all been duped into allowing our sympathies to be manipulated into agreeing to create laws that effectively impede our God given obligations to our sovereign nature. If - and WHEN we need to overthrow a tyrannical unjust government, it will be by means of force. And the rulers we displace will be identified as a cabal, a group- and that group cannot NOR EVER SHOULD BE protected by ANY legislation that could potentially shield them from their just expulsion from our sovereign nation.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Yes 1933 was when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He refused to keep paying the draconian monetary reparations to the international bankers imposed by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, and printed up his own debt free money to pay the German workforce.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I guess anyone who advocates for freedom of speech is a Nazi. There was a video on YouTube of a young man holding up a sign that says free speech “that’s it, and people started coming up to him, students and others, and reached themselves to the point where some of the girls were spitting on him. He didn’t answer. He didn’t say anything. He just stood there holding the sign that said “free speech “
If you told this to someone 20 years ago, they would’ve laughed you off the planet.
How sad to say that everyone has watched the handmaid tale and saw the part in both the movie and the TV show where they lied to the women and said the guy killed a pregnant woman so they would rip him apart. Everyone on earth has seen this yet They can’t figure out the govt and six corporations that own everything are using women to do their bidding by lying to them.
In Satanism, you have to tell them (the victim )what you are doing to them in order to make the sin on them, not the guilty party who is committing the sin.
When Wef/elite actually tell people what they are going to do and then they do it and people are still baffled that’s why they are called cattle.
I stumbled into some deeply disturbing content in a Substack comment thread. I was taken aback but glad to be able to see/witness the thought content of those who harbor deeply held evil ideas and have no shame in publically posting them. I was grateful for the knowledge and the opportunity to know that the enemy is out there and know what the enemy thinks, rather than have them driven underground where people can deny their existence or misuse terms like fascist and Nazi on clearly undeserving victims to try to shut down content they don't agree with.
Ironically, some of the same virtue signalling individuals with highly self appointed, self deluded, sensorious inclinations would probably be the ones to actually agree with or support the real delusional nutbags who post heinous content/ideas. Not sure how to categorize the pathology that is unable to sense any cognitive dissonance or inconsistency. It might be best called "queers for Palestine" syndrome.
And you are so right about the pathology exemplified by "queers for Palestine", the poster kids of cognitive dissonance. To me, their protests instantaneously appeared maladaptive to the max. What 'benefit' could that group ever hope to obtain from associating with likes of Hamas? Assisted suicide??
Often I think that some of these highly maladaptive groups are not organic at all, but contrived to sow further discord.
You are so correct. Follow the money behind these ideas. Funders of NGOs and research, who set guidelines,. employ full time SJWs and activists who love to get paid to show up and scream, protest, and, yes, vote on command. Politicians and their billionaire funders (Zuckerberg, Soros, Pritzker, Stryker, Gates, and their foundations) pay for a "service" by selectively funding "community groups" and similar organizations in exchange for mobilizing the mercenary armies for the pet "cause" to hold up signs that they probably can't or don't care to read, or fill the box of the designated candidate.
Here is one piece of the puzzle- sorry for the huge pasted intro and podcast link that follows. Very interesting and maddening. Sit down.......
Jennifer Pritzker has funded trans "research" activists, panels, guidelines that promote their plans. Meanwhile family members are heavily invested in the industries that benefit from these evil trends.Jennifer Bilek is a writer, a journalist, and an artist. As many of us struggled to understand the seemingly sudden onset of gender identity ideology and wonder how it took hold of institutions so quickly, Jennifer dug in and found the truth: billionaires, biotech, and transhumanists. In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Jennifer about her research and what she found about the roots of the transgender movement after "following the money." Find more of Jennifer's work at the 11th Hour blog
Agreed. I’d rather know who’s out there in the world and get an idea of their thought processes. I sometimes click to see who they are, what substack they write, who else they read, or if they are an anon.
If I look at a new substack to see if I want to subscribe I look at the reader comments as well. It gives me an idea of the type of community that reads it. Do they seem informed? Curious? Interested in respectful discussion ? The so called nazi sites shouldn’t be censored but shunned imo. You really can’t reason with them -
It does seem that reading comments is a good way to evaluate. I have not yet unsubscribed from one that had some pretty dark comments. I did post some questions that were meant to trigger more critical evaluation by the commenters and got one thoughtful response- probably from someone like me who was wandering by the comment section and just happened to witness the orgy of bad ideas.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I was shocked at some hateful comments on ET. It showed me how commonplace hate is and the cowardice when expressed anonymously. Still, I don't think those opinions should be censored, good to know what is going on behind the veil. I think as commentators we can in some way outwit the haters and shut them down with facts, all done in a civil fashion of course.
I did not try to engage the comments that seemed to reveal deeply held and cultivated foundational group blaming, loathing and dehumanization. In spite of our imperfect execution and hypocrisy at times, we have built in legal guidelines for societal self correction rooted in respect for the individual. It is anathema to the American ideal and still is hard to wrap one's head around ideas that run so counter to that, though our culture is manifesting a deep and long evolving cultural sickness and subversive self loathing tendency that is drawing us to dark places in spite of our progress and threatens a structure that, while imperfect, is also a fragile historical abberancy. The Americal ideal remains a beacon of hope for many in spite of ever-present ebb and flow of bad ideas and recently erupting trends and sickness that . Smart, thoughtful immigrants still come here from everywhere and help defend what we have from naive assaults of deluded, privileged, homegrown malefactors and their narcissistic pied pipers.
Sick parents all-to-commonly make sick kids. The many exceptions are proof of human resilience. Do you follow Josh Slocum. He talks about this extensively-and he is now an "escaped captive" helping others see and understand the sickness so they can extricate themselves and heal. All should understand the dark sides of our humanity. But, as Nietsche says,
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." (Beyond Good and Evil)
They are plants... I can't see them paying for a subscription to something they so oppose. My thinking is it's best to just ignore. Waste of time to engage.
So far as I can see nazi means anyone who brings up facts like jews were prominent in the holodomor, the NKVD and communism in general. Or the fact that Israel doesn't allow non jews to immigrate to Israel. Or the fact that jews are very prominent, far out of proportion to their demographics in porn, banking, government and non governmental organizations creating the import of millions of third world aliens to western countries.
Really it’s the “right of return” that Jews have in Israel. Non Jews can immigrate but they can’t automatically get citizenship. Israel has about 20% Arabs, who can be citizens but some don’t want it.
Interestingly some of the most traditionalist Jews did not favor the formation of Israel, and that decision was neither well thought out nor administered.
There’s a problem with the definition of Jews. It used to be a religion. Some want to be considered Jews but they obviously don’t believe in that religion. Some of these problematic people effectively are using observant Jews as human shields. Some people consider George Soros to be a Jew and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to be Catholic. But those 3 don’t believe or practice those religions.
There’s at least as much trouble with the misuse of religious labels as there is with the NAZI label.
There is a unique dimension to being Jewish - it's more than religion (Judaism) or nation (Israel) or ethnicity (Semitic-Hebrew).
It's a peoplehood based on an enduring Covenant, and a Covenant that we didn't ask for. It has terms and conditions, both moral and lifestyle-based, that were set by the God of Israel.
It's a Covenant that you can join (convert), and then you bequeath that new Jewish identity to your children. But once in, you can't leave it, and neither can your children.
You can only be an immoral Jew, or a hypocritical Jew, or a lapsed Jew, or an idol-worshipping Jew, or deny the fact that you're a Jew -- and the Covenant spells out what happens in those cases. You can't be an 'ex-Jew' by God's definition.
As a people we have a long history of trying to forget that Covenant and leave it behind, but God won't let us. The Land of Israel is also part of that history, but you'll have to read the whole Book to understand the complexity.
Suffice to say that regardless of rabbinic lore to the contrary, we did not choose to be chosen. And it's not because of our own virtue that we are still around after 4000 years. Nor are we back in our homeland because we did everything right. God has His plans. Again, you have to read the Book.
If you are referring to the covenant ritual in Gen. 15, you will of course know that GOD took it on Himself to "walk between the pieces" and make that promise to Abraham. Alone.
If you are using it as a metaphor for some modern equivalent, where the Jews take GOD's place in promising something to... someone (?)... it's a creative idea. But it fails the test of both logic and history.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Hirschfeld was an immoral Jew, and a Darwinist who never identified with Israel's Covenant or any form of Judaism.
You thought he was somehow relevant to my comment?
Arthur Kronfeld -- in no way associated with Hirschfeld -- was famous for his pamphlet "Degenerates in Power" in which he accused Hitler of harboring homosexuals in his inner circle. (It turned out to be true in the case of SA chief Ernst Röhm.)
Takeaway Point: Better fact-check your source next time before posting a link.
Seriously? You didn't even try to define "Nazi". You took the lazy way of parroting the trendy woke mantra -- the fact-free inversion that has made the Zionists and/or the world's Jews into the 'new Nazis'.
This myth was actually concocted by the Soviet KGB propaganda mill in 1970, for their own reasons. They churned out hundreds of pamphlets in different languages, including English, saying everything you are repeating here.
For example, your accusations effortlessly jumped from "Israel" to "jews [sic]" worldwide - just as the Soviet slander did.
And not coincidentally, just as the neo-Nazi slander does today.
And so do the Islamic jihadis like Hamas, who spelled it out in their Charter that the Jews are their enemy, not Israel.
If your only way of finding the truth is to embrace whatever the Jews protest to be a lie, and you only feel threatened by prominent Jews (giving a free pass to Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Biden, Putin, et al.) -- then you are already drunk from the Kool-Aid of antisemitism.
Just don't say you aren't free to "bring up" your Jew-bashing insinuations here.
PS -- You should have looked up Israel's immigration laws before you made up your own "fact" list. But hey, if you want to keep embarrassing yourself, this is what FREE SPEECH is about.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I have not seen any outright "Nazi" writers, but I have noticed a lot of anti-Semitic comments??? I hope that Substack encourages the host to "police" their following and become aware of anti-Semitic comments from followers. There is a tendency in the USA to label anti-Semitism as "NAZI," which includes a lot of other things????
Who are the executives of Substack,?and how would we reach them, if we decided it would be a necessary move?
THANK YOU, Bill Rice, Jr. Please stay on top of this. I would join all my favorite Substack writers, if I could. I have joined some; however, I am an “old” retired teacher , and that means limited income. We can only do what we can.
I am so upset about what these Evil Dems and the UN are doing to our country. In fact, it is always on my mind. I grew up in a fabulous America and watched Bill Clinton start taking us down. Thought the Bush’s were ok but they were evil, too.😢 Broke my heart to see what these people have been doing to America. AND Obama topped it off by placing traitors throughout our government. We have been blind to the evil. The snake has snuck up on us and is getting ready to bite soon. They are bringing in mercenaries into a Phoenix facility and flying them around the country. The originator of Veritas who they fired has begun another company. Whistleblowers say these mercenaries are being flown around the country every hour. Reported on X ---
Follow Tucker Carlson. He’s on it, too
TAKE COVER PEOPLE. They don’t plan on us having a 2024 election. They plan on a Hitler take over.
Thanks, Susan. I think if all Substack readers would just support three monthly subscriptions ($18/month) that would really help Substack and its independent, skeptical writers. Or just one paid subscription. Of course, many Substack readers are paying for dozens of subscriptions - they are going above and beyond.
Wow. you just expressed my thoughts exactly. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that: regulate an establishment of religion; prohibit the free exercise of religion; abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
perhaps it's going into the weeds. I think it's important to identify the problem. When you read the kalergi plan, the cloward-piven plan, UN agenda 2030, shwab, gramsci, alinsky and marx everything that is happening becomes clear. The technology has changed but they will still need block committees and informers in the fifteen minute camps. Along with kgb stasi enforcers. The idea remains the same. Total control over every aspect of humanity.
And, they won't stop as this is still primarily 'Psy-Ops'; a Psychological War which is in reality a Spiritual War...It really is God vs. Hell and those of God and Evil are definitely aligned and choosing sides.
The Devil's greatest weapons are lies, propaganda and censorship...To hide Truth through many methods identified as 'Defense Mechanisms' by Freud. Until the Demonic issue the 'Clarion Call' for the Conventional/Nuclear/EMF or whatever 'Hot War Weapons' to begin...This is their primary method of Warfare and the prefered one as evil wants to maintain infrastructure which a 'Hot War' would destroy.
It's funny I posted this article on twitter with a lead in that reads "of course the devil worshipers want to cancel one of the few free speech platforms on the internet. " I was going to follow that with "Truth is the greatest enemy of the Devil and Devil worshipers", but I didn't have enough room for that plus the headline from this article.
Great framing. So much in these disturbing movements/ trends really is evil incarnate. It looks, acts, talks exactly like I would envision the devil. And I am not a traditionally religious person.
pimaCanyon, it's possible one of us is being or was being hacked earlier...When I opened this comment earlier; the coding was displayed and there was no way to get around it.
Am not on Twitter and never was...But, if that's what you wished to say; is it possible anybody reading it will have access to the Comment Section? If so, maybe some will catch the conversation here.
in all seriousness I believe what you said about the Devil's greatest weapons being lies, propaganda, and censorship is true. For those of us who are able to see thru the lies and censorship it's almost unbelievable that so many cannot. Unbelievable and scary!
yes, I guess that is a risk. I'm sure that all my followers on X are on the same page as we are. I'm also pretty sure that my account there was shadow banned before Elon took over, and it's never been un-shadow banned, so the only people who see my tweets are those who follow me AND actually go to my main page. But your point is well taken. That would be the downside of posting on X, but I feel that getting the truth out is more important than not sharing it for fear of attracting psycho's. It's a dilemma...
Don't kid yourself...They're most certainly here already. Have been since the beginning. There were reasons many didnt' allow Substack to be used a references on other Social Media. The Outlets of THEIR enemies are highly monitored. Make no doubt about it.
Funny, the US government funds literal NAZIs in Ukraine and now their leftist cabal is coming after Substack because "NAZIs post there"? Sounds more like a case of the Marxist rule "accuse others of what you do"...
I would report that short of seeing them identified on GETTR or mentioned in an essay, I'm blissfully unaware of what additional Substack sources I might have some sort of interest in. I love the substack sources I subscribe to. I don't feel any need or have the time to ferret about looking for things to disapprove of.
My thoughts exactly! If you don't like what an author is posting, then don't read or subscribe to their posts. No one is making anyone read something that offends them. Common sense, a trait so many people seem to be missing these days.
Dumbocraps are busy bodies. They have to know what everyone says or thinks, at all times. That way they can be offended and have hissy fits, because they aren't controlling what everyone thinks or says.
Ditto thoughts here! like I said earlier, whatever happened to: if you don't like it, don't read/watch it?? I remember the outrage in the '70's over TV shows like All In The Family, that dared to confront topics like racism & sexism (or even just sexuality in general). the horrified church ladies were eventually shouted down by majority that appreciated the societal reality check.
My same thought. If you come across one that ‘offends’ or doesn’t agree with your views, move along. When people start screaming for censorship for one reason or another, these same people should be held accountable because there’s always a hidden agenda. First they called for anti-vaxxers, then racists, now Nazis. It never ends with their attacks on people.
It is not merely "BS." It, and calls for mandates/passports, are the renunciation of rights-based democracy. I have a doctorate in political science: what I say is that the licenses of all of the medical doctors who approved this brief should be subjected to review, and that states should pass new laws, which prohibit doctors who profess Nazism, communism, revolutionary Islamism, or this kind of Pharma-ism radical curtailment of basic rights, from practicing medicine. Doctors who are enemies of liberal democracy are a danger to our entire way of life. Listen to the doctors of political science on this.
Not sure what I would do without substack. My powers of discernment would have to ramp up considerably . I do pray for discernment. I’m learning to question and connect dots on the most mundane “truths” these days. Substack gets me clued in. So much learned from you the commenters. I would feel truly alone again.
I appreciate Substack as well- but I would also add that as comparatively free of the hysterical wokism censor mania as Substack is (at least for the time being), it is a mistake to presume that freedom to speak is equated with respect for civil liberties. That is a bygone notion, at least currently. Substack is not free of functioning as a honeypot for the state- just as any and all social media outlets are. Substack is most likely allowed to exist with it's more open stack culture - exactly because it provides a perfect forum to track and trace dissidents. Every word we post, every stack article we read, every link we click on, is being swept up and filed, collated and analyzed. Palantir and the panopticon of surveillance is in full swing. I speak out, knowing I risk potentially putting myself and my family in danger. I try to not be reckless, but I have a desire to communicate truthfully with other humans. I believe it is incumbent on all of us to face the risk to speak openly- I believe it is important that we all try to participate to whatever level we have the courage to do- that helps ensure our freedoms remain intact. But in the current Stasi police state we find ourselves in, for some of us true dissidents, every post we make, we run the risk of cancel culture swinging into full attack mode- singling one out for personal and or financial ruination, or worse. Make no mistake, we are at war.
Exactly the reason The Black Nobility will seek to infiltrate and close down Substack; to create more isolation and Mental Health Disorders as the sane are now driven to insanity with the 'Gaslighting', and Info Warfare/Psy-Ops.
Their ONLY means of victory is INDOCTRINATION/BRAINWASHING and Substack vastly helps to alleviate that by raising people up with sanity, truth and basic information to enhance survival and to teach Survival Skills as well as presenting options with treating self and one's family.
One of the most obscure reasons to remove Substack is to remove the ability to connect with other human beings of a similar, creative, witty, artistic mindset as in the material world...To remove normalcy.
All must happen concurrently across the board to succeed with this Psy-Ops Warfare. Wage money on the Criminals Against All Life on the Planet to place more pressure; to increase attacks on Substack as the Outlier.
Even with all their advanced technology; they've been consistently WRONG/INCORRECT with virtually all predictions. A reason to celebrate.
Though they've sought to shut-down Substack, they've failed in that endevour, too.
But, they're Socio/Psychopaths and arrogant which means only God knows what their boundary is...Planetary Destruction while they lay low in their bunkers? They know they will die when they fail in their Agenda...So, all bets are off.
I agree - reality isn't being kind to the elites. This system will survive as long as enough people go along with it. I think it's only a matter of time before a 'Great Disillusionment' and it may not be pretty.
This seems like a religious war: one side accepts Enlightenment principles (daring to think) and the other believes in totalitarianism (doing what you're told is right).
Sounds like you have a good understanding of the evil ones. And yes, they've been wrong consistently. At least that's what I see and I've been watching them a very long time.
Humiliation and terror are emotions evil deplores feeling itself...And, it motivates evil to STRIKE HARDER out of vengeance/vindictiveness. Those emotions are used by evil to CONTROL OTHERS and only they have the privilege to use those emotions in their perspective.
Evil is now HUMILIATING the U.S.; not merely to demoralized so nobody stands to fight; but because the colonists as their slaves camouflaged as serfs/peasants actually had the audacity to rise-up and kick their bums multiple times...THEIR OWNED HUMAN CATTLE HERD stole themselves and the resources of a whole new land away from their control. Then the Human Cattle Herd actually had the gall to claim Inalienable Rights endowed by God instead of themselves as Socipathic Evil giving 'Human Rights' to their sycophantic idiots to remove Absolute Power through their silly Constitution. If that were not bad enough, their victory inspired the whole world to rise vastly delaying the their THEFT OF ALL GOD'S CREATION they termed 'World Colonization'.
The U.S. suffers now with them perpetrating the Fraud/Cheat Elections throughout the last 70 years; but their dander was really raised; especially when Trump snuck his way through their web to get a victory for 'The People'. One weapon always used to control the masses was starvation; so they not only plan to starve the masses...They are manipulating the environment to NOT PRODUCE FOOD allowing only THEIR INSECTS AND WORMS TO BE EATEN AS FOOD...For the slaves surviving their Mass Omnicide of the Planet.
Yes, worked among the most evil kinds of people in the world...Evil isn't difficult to comprehend. Look at the worst parts of yourself in your nightmares...
Wonderful question and one so appreciated. This link contains a video interview out of Romaina as a reference within the body of the Substack Posting in a box entitled 'Black Nobility'. It requires two hours and worth every minute as it names names, connections, marriages, corporations, sins, crimes, wealth...Politics, Banks, Royals...On and on.
what cass sunstein who was the co author with thaler on the book " nudge" ?! I didn't know. saw thaler on an unherd interview and made the majority of commenters' skin crawl. he was saying " oh yes we NEED mandates" whilst smiling demonically from ear 2 ear...
Cass Sunstein is a co-author of the mind-controlling recipe book along with Thalidomide. A whole buncha Neo-Bolshevik Marxist/Zionist apologist. I say send 'em to Gaza, hah hah haaah!
Substack exists as an escape hatch and refuge. When it stops being that it will become Facebook and the value, independence, har# work, and creativity will run to a new platform. Free speech now depends on jumping off dying platforms before they kill off content. The real risk is that the censorship industrial complex regulates this resilience out of the internet.
I say ignore the trolls. completely ignore them. do not engage. ever. only engage with those that seem willing to have civil debate. the minute it isn't civil. disengage. period
Problem is you can't always tell who they are. "Trolls" no longer excludes the authors themselves.. "The best disinformation is 98% ice cream and 2% bullshit." ~ Michael C. Ruppert, author, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at The End of the Age of Oil.
I get what you are saying but I guess, as someone who has very little to do with either social media or MSM, I approach it somewhat differently. if someone only spouts dogma and flings epitaphs, I skim right over them. if someone repeatedly refuses to engage in rational, civil debate or only will debate if you start from a certain assumption, nope. if nothing is added to the discussion but a Monty Python-type 'argument', then its not worth my time.
to me, 'troll' is defined as someone who comes online with the sole purpose of 'trolling' to be a shit-stirrer and/or to push a one-sided agenda, sometimes for actual monetary gain (but anymore, social 'gain' might work too but only for negative people with too much time on their hands. these have a really distinct smell, imho)
authors themselves... here's what I look for: #1 - expertise with appropriate humility (as in admit when they don't know something or need to learn more). #2 - willingness to learn from other's perspectives. #3 - they're not selling anything (though promoting one's book or whatnot is not an automatic cross-off if they're up-front about it. I'm mostly referring to folks who get into a discussion, try to get others to follow them, THEN do the sales pitch. this used to be a big problem on the autism treatment blogs.)
other than those things, someone is not a 'troll' if they just happen to disagree and are passionate and genuine about it. I was red-pilled over 15 yrs ago and can smell bullshit a mile away. but I challenge myself to learn something new every day, even if its just another perspective, doesn't matter if I agree or not.
even in the indie/alt media, different sites and authors have different 'flavors' of thought and once you know them, the appropriate grains of salt are pretty obvious but that doesn't mean they are trolls, or 'controlled opposition' (a term I find kind of supercilious and intellectually lazy.)
they don't even have to be a vulture capitalist. Someone like soros or some group could secretly fund a takeover and turn sub stack into a globo homo mouthpiece. Of course make the appropriate pronouncements, we respect free speech, everything stays the same. At the level the reptilians operate on money really doesn't have much meaning. Invest a few million, co-op and destroy gradually and your R.O.I. will be more power and wealth.
I don't know who founded Substack: I do vaguely know who Jimmy Wales is: and all the other lovely young folk who founded FriendsReunited, MySpace and Facebook and the rest - they all seem to me to be nice young men, and I guess they have families and mortgages, and if someone offered me $500M I suppose they would grab the cash and run, I know I would.
It might have been fear porn, but I read somewhere recently that AI is soaking up Substack posts so it can sabotage legitimate writers. Imagine a sudden Who is Robert Malone post that says, “Sorry guys, I was wrong! Run out and get jabbed and pick up some doughnuts and a big gulp on the way!” Evil can be far more subtle than that, but at the end of the day, it’s too stupid to escape discernment.
I basically just search tv shows and movies on it now. Maybe a countries geographic points. The odd long dead person. I consider everything else manipulated. I always disliked wiki.
I was an early editor, and it started like Substack - edit boldly! Now its run by a secretive monastic group of (often) paid editors who seem to delight in freezing their own versions of events and deleting everyone elses. You cant really edit Wikipdia nowadays unless you are willing to spend many hours learning their cultish ways. Its still a handy reference, but untrustworthy on any controversial issues. The disability pages for example are fixated on the medical model, which is so frustrating.
Yeah, I've been getting breathlessly outraged & concerned emails about this from my old literary cronies. I leave them to their delusions (they believe January 6 was a genuine insurrection, and they've all been multiply jabbed with the holy cooties juice, too).
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if most, maybe even all of the so-called "Nazi" Substacks are in fact phishing fakes. Who's phishing? Oh, I dunno, FBI? DHS?
P.S. One of the few organizations I still have respect for and a dollop of faith in is the Free Speech Union. https://freespeechunion.org/
I remain a card-carrying member.
And I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU, which went all in for the jabs, actually defended some "Nazis" who wanted to march through a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors. And I thought that while it was a cruel and stupid provocation on the part of the "Nazis," the ACLU was correct in stalwartly defending their rights to march peacefully. Oh, but that was long, long ago and the ACLU then was a very different organization than it is now.
yeah, it's astounding how relatively smart people can be so easily deceived, by the covid lies and the J6 lies. I don't know which one is more bizarre and illogical. I'm thinking maybe J6. I mean if it was a real insurrection, why did they leave their guns at home? And you can't have an insurrection without the support of the military. The military hated Trump. Trump had zero support from the permanent bureaucratic "government" (dictatorship) in Washington. An insurrection is truly laughable. Add to that the fact the the "insurrectionists" were invited in to the Capitol, it's truly mind boggling that anyone could think it was a real insurrection. Just goes to show the real power that the media has. And the disgusting laziness that so many US citizens have that they won't take the time to really investigate these issues. They just take whatever MSM spoon feeds them as absolute truth.
"The power" of the MSM - read propaganda department of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - is an optical illusion created based on the bells and whistles of "authority" over the truth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every level headed wo/man will sooner or later realise the real price of the truth.
The military high command hated (hates) Trump. Part of the long march through the institutions. Obviously an unarmed insurrection isn't an insurrection at all. Two protesters were killed (one at least was murdered) which doesn't fit the insurrection narrative either.
I'd actually posit they both were murdered. One shot to death and the other beat to death. And I question the sanity of anyone who thinks that right minded patriots would so ineptly mount such a lackluster "insurrection", bringing with them their selfie sticks, flags and trump hats. The sheer impossibility of this list of potential weapons boggles the mind.
It’s estimated ( conservatively) that over 200 fbi infiltrated the crowd & were positioned inside & outside the capital on j6. Dressed in maga gear & showing other looky-Lou’s inside where to find Pelosi’s office etc. Entrapment was the game, along with the murder of Ashli Babbit.
It's almost unbelievable that out own federal police have turned against so many Americans. The "Democrats" have become fascists, totalitarian, and they have hundreds of federal "police" (gestapo) willing to do their bidding.
Do maintain some distance from those continuing to choose the narrative lies...They are dangerous and will most certainly die out of stupidity.
One MUST know when one is at war and one MUST know what kind of war one is in...It's basic survival.
The information is out there...It's here and when people refuse to see the truth and choose stupidity; the wise must remove themselves and those they are responsible for in any every way possible.
Unfortunately, although I try to keep my heart open, and to respect with genuine curiosity & wonder the infinitely surprising complexities of any and all human beings, I think you nailed it.
Hard to distance from loved ones who have stronger influences, more adept debaters, etc. in their lives. They unfortunately believe those sources more than the people who raised them and will always love them.
Know what you're saying...In the end, I pull the 'Spiritual Authority Under God Card'. As the elder, I am their 'Spiritual Authority' and tell them to believe me or not; but as a sane person never lying to them and always loving...They must listen with an open heart as God placed me as their authority for a reason and I'm not dead, yet."
After a lifetime of trying to get over, abuse or doing many things to avoid the truth...God has taken care of things EVERY SINGLE TIME until now; thy never try to evase or neutralize what I speak. They listen even as they disagree...Only, to reach agreement later.
Absolutely...And, the enemy will also seek to reduce those of the Truth of God to conspiracy by spying and turning-in neighbors, friends, family.
Evil loves nothing better than to degrade and reduce God's people by binding them in lose-lose situations where force is used to choose to empower murder and/or to die themselves to save somebody else through love. It is most satisfactory when evil feeds upon the innocent and God's people.
The strategies of evil are NOT centered on the 'Useful Idiots' as they already belong to evil...They most certainly will attack, enslave, abuse, murder the good more than anybody else.
The press had plans for the propaganda campaign in place ahead of time. They all started calling it the "I" word early in the event, and have never wavered from their song sheet.
agree totally. boggles my mind that anyone with half a brain could think that those 'insurrectionists' had a snowball's chance in hell of actually overthrowing the entrenched governing elites. its hilarious. were there crimes committed? well yeah. were they 'allowed' to be committed? kinda looks that way.
Public has a nice write up regarding the actual content that was objected to...it was a VERY SMALL percentage of articles and paid subscribers (most of whom are probably FBI tbh).
It's good to know it's a minor issue and that Substack people are reviewing the articles for compliance with their policies. I'm in agreement in keeping speech as free as possible. If there are articles that sound discriminatory but don't promote violence, we the subscribers can dismantle them with our opposing words.
Or by simply....ignoring them. They can scream into the void just as easily as we have been doing for at least 7 years...I would also say that they have a right to say what they think as much as we do. That no one hears or sees their thoughts is how it should be, but it must be by choice (ignoring) and NEVER by censorship...which is always wrong. (as long as it is legal speech i.e. no calls for violence etc)
Ignoring us good and let them scream into the void. However I don’t agree with inserting algorithms to enforce “freedom of speech, not reach” as defined on X.
I just move by. They reveal themselves. They can think or say what they like but I don’t have to read or listen. I normally skip the entire thread now. I may rarely remark that I now know how they roll and will ignore them. Throw them into the void. Good phrase, irunthis
"Nazi" hate speech certainly does exist on substack NOT in the actual articles per se but in comments by obsessive anti-semites. I have come across rather too many examples, which sometimes appear to be terminated by the creator of the actual article but in other cases, disappointingly allowed to carry on ad nauseam with few attempts by others at rebuttal.
As for The Guardian, once a distinguished purveyor of factual news (70s/80s), and funded mainly by its readers, it's depended for some time on funds from the likes of BigPharma, Bill Gates etc. like so many other media outlets which have slowly gravitated to a stance on certain issues that can only be described as virtually fascist themselves, so here it's a case of the boot being on the other foot.
Alexei, it seems the nazi label is no longer about anti-semitism. it is about deviation from the mainstream global narratives: global climate change is manmade, fossil fuels are evil and nitrogen use is evil, meat consumption must be severely curtailed, sexual perversion must be celebrated, Christianity is the root of all civilizational harms, Islam can do no wrong, abortion should not be regulated, nationalism is bad, global digital currency is essential, a universal income should be applauded, AI is safe, DEI policies must be implemented, white people and men are pure evil.... the list of topics that the radical marxist left have weaponized is beyond belief.
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Nazi hate speech would be something like Jews played an important role in the bolshevik takeover in Russia. Or mentioning the holodomor, Katyn forest or the three red terrors.
if you speak against the world empire you are a nazi or reacist, etc.... now we know the international jews as Henry Ford mentions have major control over the world money and industry generally so their power combined against Germany to orchestrate the powerful nations of the world to war against Germany andf then all the war propaganda which usually ends after a way is still repeated to the current year
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
I was a member of the ACLU until it became clear they only supported free speech for certain groups and excluded what they didn't like in the Bill of Rights.
yeah, that was in Skokie Illinois, right in my neck of the woods (greater Chicagoland). old enough to remember that too. whatever happened to 'I may disagree with your views but will fight for your right to express them'??
when evil is allowed to express itself, then we can know it for what it is. when its driven underground... not so much.
AMY LOFTUS: OK. Hi. Thanks for letting me speak. The meeting has been full of signals about how this board does not discriminate against certain groups. It happened for the first hour at least. And this is discrimination.
In 1993 I visited Dachau in southern Germany. When I got home my father, who was like a walking encyclopedia, said, did you see how close the train was to the concentration camp? And that it was full of windows? And I said, I did. He said, spend your life finding out how those people sat on that train and watched the people in those camps every day and said nothing.
The way that they did that is they believed that the people in the camps were sick with a virus, that they were a harm to humanity. They were indoctrinated with propaganda from their own country.
This is discrimination. I happen to be married to someone who is in a line genetically who of survivors of those camps I describe.
Papers please is not something that I want to hear in any town in America. And that this council is proud to stand behind legislation like this[1] is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You're on the wrong path and I think deep down you know it.
Discrimination is discrimination. If you're going to save a family from living in a car and then proudly talk about how you're not going to let somebody into a business because of their private medical information, you have lost your way. Like so many other things that you have done in this town, you're ruining it, three of you are, ruining it. It has to stop. And it's 18,000 people dead now after 2 weeks. Many died within two weeks. And the VAERS[1] report is highly likely 1% of the real numbers.
[1] Beginning November 29, 2021 vaccine verification requirements were imposed in Culver City for entering health clubs, restaurants, salons, and theaters and more. These requirements were rescinded in March 2022.
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
On Culver City's vaccine verification requirements:
"The City Council has decided to rescind the city's COVID-19 vaccine verification requirements for local food and beverage establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments and city facilities.
"At its Monday night’s meeting, the panel also decided to resume in-person City Council meetings in April as the CDC now categorizes L.A. County as being at low community risk.
"Vaccine verification requirements had been in place at restaurants, personal care, fitness and entertainment businesses in Culver City since November 29, 2021. The City will issue a new Supplement to Public Order revising those requirements and aligning with the LA County Health’s vaccine verification requirements. Culver City will no longer verify vaccination status at city facilities"
[2] VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
I worked at the ACLU (Chicago) during that suit. The outcome: the Nazi's won the right to march but there were only about a dozen of them and the march never happened.
Thanks for the link to the FSU site and Carl's situation. It is disturbing that people can be so stupid and I don't mean ignorant or uninformed. To have a "trainer", regarding personnel issues, not be capable of mentally processing a word being uttered in order to make a specific point regarding personnel issues is heartbreaking when I remember that she is part of the same species as I. That the "trainer" needed a week off to recuperate tells me she is either or both weak minded or is playing the system.
On the other hand, now everyone who knows this woman understands that she is weak and will use the government against you if she can. Treat her accordingly. This is a benefit of free speech.
I remember that defense of the march in Skokie, Illinois I believe. I agreed and actually belonged to the ACLU during some of the Bush 2 years. The flag burning stuff too. They supported that as I did as well. Now every reach out to me is shredded. They are captured and have lost all dignity and credibility.
I just blew away my record for "likes" and I've already gotten 16 (!) new paid subscribers. Many thanks to Dr. Malone and my other fellow Substack authors for cross-posting this article.
And thank you to all these readers and new free and paid subscribers. Trust me. These "shadow rulers" are afraid of You.
Thank you very much, Janet. Update: I've now got about 38 new paid subscribers in the past week (and more than 100 free subscribers). In the previous month or two, I had LOST (net) about 17 paid subscriber. So this "Nazi" strategy to cancel or de-monetized contrarian writers like myself is backfiring. I call it the "Law of Opposite Effects." What they want to happen, they produce the opposite effect.
If the Deep State crushes Substack, Telegram and Rumble they will control all major internet media and will continue their push towards whatever Dystopian future they have for humanity. I hope Substack leadership stays strong and continues to be open platform while the few forces of good push to get America back to the way of life we enjoyed 2 or 3 decades ago. This will all come to a head this year as I expect the democrats will fight to preserve their Senate and presidential positions, cheat if necessary and may even get the US into a war so they can postpone elections. We must fight this evil. Remember the Democrats are not the same party that was the saviour of the working man. The Democrats have been bought just like MSM, big tech and government agencies.
They owe their allegiance now to the deep state, otherwise they would endorse RFK who has the best chance to be the liberal president.
The Democrats are the exact opposite of what they used to be. They used to be the party of working class. Now they look down their noses at working class. They used to be the antiwar party. Now they vote 100% across the board for sending weapons and money to whatever war our neocon warmongers are currently waging. They used to be against corporate power and corporate monopolies. Now they all do the bidding of Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Ag, Big Insurance, Big "Defense".
IMO the democrats are depleting American military preparedness both in manpower and weaponry. Wars cause confusion and divisiveness, perfect to help destroy a society.
Maybe Emma and her lesbian, gay and transgender friends will bring the US military up to speed. And the low I.Q. third world recruits.
The war stocks sent to Ukraine can't be easily or quickly replaced. And the warmongering leftists and neocons want to get into a war with Russia, Iran and China.
PC, global communism is the end game. Communist tactics continue to change and evolve as needed which is why they are still in business. If it pushed centralization and the destruction of capitalism and the destruction of the West--its all good. It is as Marx said "the relentless criticism of all things." I recommend JR Nyquist.
Looking out for "colour" signs in order to orient oneself which direction to go is THE DECEPTION itself. Looking much "HIGHER ABOVE" - actually HE is to be found in a crib - where the only GUIDING STAR can be found!
The same way BELIEVING of having to choose between plague and cholera instead of considering SANITY would equally be considered INSANITY!
I look at it that RFK is not part of the deep state effort. Biden, Harris, etc are and have been bought. So the Demorats do not want RFK as part of their compromised party.
Agreed, Wilson. It’s depressing really…but I just say to myself: “ Fck ‘em” and keep on moving along my own path….informed in no small part by my fellow ‘stackers.
IMO this Government and others are owned by Klaus Schwab and his WEF/UN. Western countries would be much better off if we turfed them. They are the NWO/Great Reset ... Schwab even wrote a book about their intentions and the UN even said the quiet part of Agenda 2030 out loud. Shut these un-elected psycopaths down.
You'll own nothing and be happy. The abolition of private property is one of the principles of marxism. Of course they only mean your private property.
"...cheat if necessary...". They'll definitely cheat, building on tactics they used in 2020 & 2022. Gotta beat these corrupt devils, or America is lost.
And if we have no Substack ... we're probably in trouble because there's no other similar platform that reaches so many people. And the Reader Comments on Substack are invaluable.
Never say never, Bill. YouTube turned on its conservative users and content creators...and suddenly there was Rumble. Twitter turned on its conservative users and high-follower content creators....and suddenly there was Parler (RIP), Gab, GETTR, Telegram, and Truth Social. I am 100% confident that a platform that provides the same or more features than Substack for content creators & users will emerge if Substack's owners commit business suicide by caving to the Globalist Establishment fascists.
And the Law of Opposite Effects might kick in again. Here, the goal is to cancel or neuter/intimidate and de-monetize Substack. Well, this story got far more shares and "likes" and cross-posts than any story I've published in 15 months on Substack. Thanks to my generous subscribers, I've added more than 110 subscribers (including) approximately 35 paid subscribers!
More people now know about Substack and are supporiting the Substack authors the censors want to put out of business.
I’m gonna agree with you even though I don’t want Substack to go away. Rumble has been a huge success. They’ve got millions of followers & There will be a revolt for sure if they try to deplatform Rumble. I’m doing my best to support the parallel economy and free speech anything! I pray Substack stays strong.
To be clear, I also do NOT want Substack to go away or change its censorship policy. I'm simply saying that should that happen, all of our favorite content creators will find their way over to another platform that undoubtedly will emerge to provide a censorship-free home for these folks once again. It's the universal law of supply and demand that totalitarians can never successfully suppress in the long term.
I disagree. Laws here are substantially different than in CCP-run China. The fascists here pressure the social media platforms but in China they bypass the "pressure" phase and simply arrest and imprison advocates of more open speech. What the current illegitimate regime in DC is doing to free speech advocates is illegal; the current illegitimate DOJ simply isn't enforcing the law on the Establishment or its benefactors in the globalist corporate / billionaire class.
And in the west the problem is globalist bank & multinational corporations who own far too many of the products that western nations' citizens use and buy and use the threat of removing advertising revenue to coerce poorly-funded and/or greedy platform owners to comply.
IDK how much advertising revenue Substack relies on, but I (maybe mistakenly) thought user subscription fees were the main source of funding here.
It amuses me some to think that the globohomos underestimated the internet. I think they thought that capturing the msm, schools, military and government was going to be enough.
I agree - I enjoy reader comments from most of the substacks I read, & have learned alot from them. I find whenever an obviously vulgar or anti- Semitic comment is made it’s mostly ignored & they just go away it seems. 99.9% engage respectfully in my experience.
the problem is, in order for the uncensored competition to gain speed and following, it may already be too late. And each time there are new attacks and methods of censoring employed.
Great post, Bill. The truth of it. We watched the censors go after Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones and others called Nazi's and extremists and said nothing. Until they came for us on those other platforms. Sure, Fuentes says loathsome things that are highly offensive. I don't have to read them. He and others like him should have the same right to offend that Larry Flint, Bob Guiccione and Hugh Hefner had, and their publications still have. What's more offensive? Doesn't matter, because Free Speech.
Obscenely rich cowards and bullies are threatened by ANY challenge to their homogeny. Running scared of a bunch of (predominantly) amateurs and semi-pros expressing opinions that run counter to their monied interests. They are high tech wife-beaters that wear turtlenecks instead of sleeveless white t-shirts.
According to the fascist takeover playbook, if they lose control of the means to disseminate their propaganda, their coup is over. That's why they're fighting so hard.
fascist was originally defined as opposition to communists. I don't know what people think it is now. But I note that no one ever calls communists communist.
Fascism and communism seem to have merged. But then if you look back in history, communist leaders didn't live like communists. They lived like fascists. There was one set of rules and standard of living for the people and another for them.
all the communist "leaders" historically and present day were/are wealthy. Castro had 400 million USD with twelve or thirteen mansions around Cuba. All of them are like that. Abolishing private property is only for the peasants.
This is very concerning because I view Substack as one of the last bastions of free speech and there are some great authors doing "real" journalism on here. Interesting that it all seems to circle back to the vaccines, right when we are seeing a renewed push with new shots for RSV, shots for cancer- all of it new and not adequately tested. For whatever reason, they are determined to get this mRNA into us and we should be very suspicious about that. It looks like the Covid vaccines were just Round 1. Be prepared to dig your heels in everyone! It appears this battle isn't ending anytime soon.
The jab was just part of the plan. The overall plan IMO has to do with control of the population. The jab, Climate Change sh_t, transgenderism, etc are simply ways to destroy western civilization and make people accept one world government run by the Deep State or whoever they are.
I tell most when the subject of money comes up that they should watch out for the CBDC trap and I give a short version of what that means and where it is happening already. At least they may connect a dot or 2 in the future.
they have yet to spring the CBDC and digital I.D. and deploy the 200 divisions of third world illegal aliens. Probably have to collapse the currency first.
I am not so sure. I expect the powers that be have anticipated this. For example they might harness the power of China's CPP that is struggling with rebellion to help pull of their coup and subjegate then murder citizens of the world starting with those who oppose them.
Indeed! What better scenario could the WEF/globalists hope for than to have a populace who willingly destroys their own economy to the point that they can then be led, without the ability to resist meaningfully, into their great reset. Yes, there is such a plan. Klaus Schwab even wrote a book by the same name describing the process. When your enemy tells you what they're up to.... Believe them.
When did ninety-seven percent of the world become delicate little easily-offended flowers? Is this what happens when everyone gets a (participation) trophy? The entitlement is MIND BLOWING. Why do I have to agree with every single thing posted on this platform to use it? (Do the anti-Nazis have any idea of the nasty crap out there on X and YouTube, which they likely peruse daily?) I wrote about this back when Joni Mitchell and Neil Young were having simultaneous tantrums about pulling their music from the same streaming service as "Covid misinformation spreader" Joe Rogan. (BYE!) The mind boggles. https://jennamccarthy.com/not-your-cuppa-joe/ (Oh, and how much do you wanna bet this massive "user revolt" is the two folks mentioned here? I've got a crisp fifty I'll throw down.)
No question Substack is being attacked and falsely discredited.
ALL free-speech platforms must be destroyed by those who benefit from censorship, disinformation and gaslighting propaganda - governments, Pharma, globalists and their tools and puppets.
Benjamin Franklin: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”
These concepts are poison to those who engage in corruption and criminality.
I think there are some real Nazi's out there. I've actually never met one or had a conversation with one. I live in Alabama and I've never met anyone who was in the KKK or has gone to bat for the KKK.
I think this is similar to that campaign to shut down X, by showing racist or Nazi content or characterizing it as common - when it's a needle in a haystack.
Heck, my dads folks belonged to the KKK up here in Illinois. She was from Virginia. When I asked her about it a long time ago. She said it was just a social club with potluck suppers. Ok.
Lol. She was a cool granny from the back hills of virginny. Had a job as a young whipper snapper with a family in Hyannis Port. Said she was the governess. (Or maybe the tweeny who lit the fires in the bedrooms.) 😉. Took on airs after that. I didn’t know about the other thing until she was almost gone and sick. . She was a hoot. Grandpa hardly said a word. She was always on deaths door with a fainting couch nearby. Lived to 85.
No one ever mentions that the KKK was started in reaction to what the union was doing during reconstruction. When it morphed into something outside of the original reasons I think Nathan Bedford Forest resigned.
I forgot to add the "Share" button to this article, which I've now done. If you are so inclined, please share this one. The only way to fight the censors is to share anti-censorship content while we still can.
Yes, sharing is caring, and I am linking this post to other social media.
I decided to engage one of those who threatened to leave Substack in reply to the recent invitation for writers to project what they learned in 2023 onto 2024.
I invited them to define NAZI, so as to supply the parameters of what they wanted to be censored.
No definition was offered, but I was excoriated as a troll for asking them to do this.
I saw many low quality "echos" of the "ban NAZI" which I expect were similarly posted without any understanding of what "NAZI" means.
So far I have seen no "NAZI" writers on Substack, which means that my reading interests are not driving such content to my eyeballs.
I'm glad you went to some of those sites and investigated for yourself. I need to do the same thing. Good question: how the heck do we define "Nazi sites?"
The first question from any of the hosts of free speech should be "What is a NAZI??" "Can you define the word and the mechanism for mind reading and parameters for censorship."
The whole issue seems so contrived.
Similarly, few people know what fascism is. Therefore the whole ANTIFA thing has been so phony since it became a media meme in the U.S.
I think everyone is being jerked around by people who invent a new conflict daily, in order to sow division.
It's making everyone poorer.
Pure Bill Ayers, ain't it? Isolate the victims, throw an unfair label on them, and repeat it repeat it repeat it with all the sneering contempt that can fit in a label. It’s also pure grade-school.
I'm not Trump's biggest supporter, but I hope somebody calls me Ultra Mega MAGA. It'll give me the chance to say, "Yep. I'm ultra keen on making America mega-great again.”
The continuing positive about Trump is that he’s from outside the swamp, and they hate him. The more they display this hatred, the more popular Trump becomes.
I’m a little suspicious about that hatred/popularity scale. Trump’s impossible to ignore, but the opposition surely knows they’re giving him oxygen. But maybe that’s why "derangement" is the symptom of TDS.
"What is a NAZI??" Alan Dershowitz, that friend of Jeffrey Epstein, alleged paedophile, author of "The Case for Israel," first choice of Benjamin Netanyahu to defend Israel.against the Genocide Convention in the ICJ and erstwhile champion of civil liberties who argued that the State has the right to coerce unwilling people to be injected against their will with the COVID-19 vaccines infamously framed the 'allegations' against Epstein as an antisemitic attack – comparing his victims to Hamas for bringing the charges. Presumably those victims who dared complain about being molested are one example of "Nazis."
Back in the 80s I worked with a guy that whenever a situation arose and someone cleverly deflected their own blame onto someone else he’d say it was a case of the old “double-reverse backstab.” I never forgot that phrase. It has been quite useful of late.
How does a Jew get to Heaven from dry humping the Wailing Wall like Miley Cyrus?
Enquiring minds would like to know, so let’s ask Brother Nathaniel . . .
Jews go to the Wailing Wall and thrust their hips to imitate having intercourse with their “shekinah” (a female demon) while praying to their devil . . . at an old Roman fortress called Antonia . . .
Dershowitz has always been a dirtbag.
And I think he did have sex with Virginia Roberts Giufree even though I now know Virginia has settled her lawsuit and said she might have been "mistaken" in identifying him as one of the VIPs Epstein "trafficked" her to.
If Dershowitz is lying, he would be one of the most brazen liars in the world - but I think that's the way many of these people are - they double and triple down on their lies.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I have no patience for comments that manage to splice "Nazi" with ISRAEL by pointing to individual Jews who are controversial. Or by singling out Israel for Covid-jab coercion - as though it wasn't practiced by plenty of other countries.
For someone claiming to be "not woke", you seem awfully quick to parrot the fact-free WOKE mantra about Israel "committing genocide" - which never comes with documentation because it's supposedly "self-evident".
It's no coincidence that all of the above are favorite Neo-Nazi accusations.
PS. And yet despite my rejection of your Jew-bashing nonsense, I support your right to spout it - so that I can give it the debunking treatment that it deserves.
This is free speech in action.
Just thought I would say that, before you play the usual victim card of "watch the Zionist Lobby try to silence me now for speaking the forbidden truth..."
On the contrary, I hope you speak your mind as freely as I did.
It may be that you have no patience for opinions that dissent from your own.
My comment didn't single out Israel for Covid jab coercion. To suggest that it did is a LIE that can be demonstrated to be so by examining my comment.
I said that Dershowitz argued that "the State" has the right to coerce the Injections.
He sought to impose his authoritarianism on Americans and indeed, it appears, the entire world.
Further, I referred to "... defend[ing] Israel against the Genocide Convention in the ICJ."
The reason for that is because Israel has been referred to the ICJ by South Africa, where it is to.stand trial for alleged violation of the convention.
The documentation which establishes the prima facie case is included in the referral.
Thus, your claim that references to alleged genocide "... never come[s] with documentation ..." is another LIE.
Further, Dershowitz is not just any Jew who is controversial but rather one who infamously framed the 'allegations' against Epstein as an antisemitic attack – comparing his victims to Hamas for bringing the charges.
Of note is that you engage in similar behavior to Dershowitz, framing critics as Nazis or Neo-Nazis.
Has it occurred to you that some people may object to the actions of BOTH Nazis and Israel, seeing them as similar?
We should be able to condemn both.
Indeed I have elsewhere many times condemned the actions of Hitler and the Nazis.
I don't need to do it in every comment I make.
I, and not you, will determine what I post or do not post.
Why don't you try to argue honestly instead of fallaciously and refrain from engaging in sophistry?
Don't bother answering because I've no interest in engaging with a Sophist further, having wasted enough time on you already.
Thanks for making my case for me.
Killing Palestinians is not genocide, since they live in a free fire zone.
Looks like I found some.
Great comment, I think you nailed it with this sentence:
"I think everyone is being jerked around by people who invent a new conflict daily, in order to sow division."
I looked up definition of fascism recently, when I came across a definition of it that I questioned. It seems there are numerous definitions, many of which are conflicting. The original meaning of the word seems to have been lost to most folks.
the original meaning was anti communist from what I remember. Now it seems that everyone who the left doesn't like is a fascist or a nazi.
I'm not sure what was the original definition; I've also read it was when corporations take over govt, as per Benito Mussolini.
Nazis, like communists, have historically been enthusiastic proponents of censorship. In pre-digital times Nazis burned books. Many nations have banned or attempted to ban communist parties. I personally consider the views of left wing extremists such as Casey Newton not merely highly offensive but dangerous. My preference is for Newton not to be censored. I don't want to be in an echo chamber. However, if Substack cravenly caves to the pressure for cancel culture behavior from those on the extreme left or extreme center then it will be necessary to adopt their tactics. Once the expression of Nazi views is censored then reactionary views may soon be censored as well followed by conservative views. It will be necessary to campaign to shut down platforms hosting Casey Newton and others of Newton's ilk. In fact, why wait. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Start linking the Casey Newtons of this world to.the horrors of Stalin and Pol Pot and call noisily for them to be silenced. Call for them to be silenced because they are pro-censorship like Stalinists are. Never mind the hypocrisy. Do it anyway!
Great responses. 🎯
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
of course the porn and communist propaganda was a good thing right? aside from this what else did they burn that had any social value? did they burn any bibles?
didn't they also burn the works of the Jewish doctor who did the transgender surgeries in weimar Germany?
didn't hear about that.... there is definitely a lot of stuff in our society in USA that should be burned
I appreciate that Substack supports free speech to the extent that it does. I am on the opposite end of the popular sentiment in regards to banning any speech- namely because I believe any censorship of any speech - including but not limited to incitement to violence as well as any interpretation of racial "hatred" etc, is unfortunately a double edged sword. Attempting to limit speech is inherently dangerous to all of us. In our well intentioned effort to "protect" specific groups of people- (in this case, Jews from the frightening words of "Nazis") we also by consequence enable and promote the state to monitor, track and identify potential dissidents ((so called "Nazis"- however the state may come to define such a term) as well as infiltrate, subvert and disrupt ANY potential for armed insurrection, violent overthrow, popular uprising, etc. There is NO question in my mind THE MOST important right to a free people is our sovereign right to exist, to congregate and to SPEAK FREELY in any way we damn well care to. We have all been duped into allowing our sympathies to be manipulated into agreeing to create laws that effectively impede our God given obligations to our sovereign nature. If - and WHEN we need to overthrow a tyrannical unjust government, it will be by means of force. And the rulers we displace will be identified as a cabal, a group- and that group cannot NOR EVER SHOULD BE protected by ANY legislation that could potentially shield them from their just expulsion from our sovereign nation.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Just go to the lame stream news the governments and the filthy rich, I think all of us would agree they fit the title of Nazi's much much better.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Even so who cares?? Call me a Nazi and I’ll laugh in your face. Losers, posers and grifters imho!
Hitler declared war on the international bankers.
Israel is owned by the international bankers.
jews declared war on Germany not long after 1933
Yes 1933 was when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. He refused to keep paying the draconian monetary reparations to the international bankers imposed by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, and printed up his own debt free money to pay the German workforce.
Nazis display swastikas on their posts.
And their employees wear natty black uniforms, and go round yelling "Zieg Heil"
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I guess anyone who advocates for freedom of speech is a Nazi. There was a video on YouTube of a young man holding up a sign that says free speech “that’s it, and people started coming up to him, students and others, and reached themselves to the point where some of the girls were spitting on him. He didn’t answer. He didn’t say anything. He just stood there holding the sign that said “free speech “
If you told this to someone 20 years ago, they would’ve laughed you off the planet.
How sad to say that everyone has watched the handmaid tale and saw the part in both the movie and the TV show where they lied to the women and said the guy killed a pregnant woman so they would rip him apart. Everyone on earth has seen this yet They can’t figure out the govt and six corporations that own everything are using women to do their bidding by lying to them.
In Satanism, you have to tell them (the victim )what you are doing to them in order to make the sin on them, not the guilty party who is committing the sin.
When Wef/elite actually tell people what they are going to do and then they do it and people are still baffled that’s why they are called cattle.
I stumbled into some deeply disturbing content in a Substack comment thread. I was taken aback but glad to be able to see/witness the thought content of those who harbor deeply held evil ideas and have no shame in publically posting them. I was grateful for the knowledge and the opportunity to know that the enemy is out there and know what the enemy thinks, rather than have them driven underground where people can deny their existence or misuse terms like fascist and Nazi on clearly undeserving victims to try to shut down content they don't agree with.
Ironically, some of the same virtue signalling individuals with highly self appointed, self deluded, sensorious inclinations would probably be the ones to actually agree with or support the real delusional nutbags who post heinous content/ideas. Not sure how to categorize the pathology that is unable to sense any cognitive dissonance or inconsistency. It might be best called "queers for Palestine" syndrome.
Yaaaa, 'sunlight is the best disinfectant'.
And you are so right about the pathology exemplified by "queers for Palestine", the poster kids of cognitive dissonance. To me, their protests instantaneously appeared maladaptive to the max. What 'benefit' could that group ever hope to obtain from associating with likes of Hamas? Assisted suicide??
Often I think that some of these highly maladaptive groups are not organic at all, but contrived to sow further discord.
You are so correct. Follow the money behind these ideas. Funders of NGOs and research, who set guidelines,. employ full time SJWs and activists who love to get paid to show up and scream, protest, and, yes, vote on command. Politicians and their billionaire funders (Zuckerberg, Soros, Pritzker, Stryker, Gates, and their foundations) pay for a "service" by selectively funding "community groups" and similar organizations in exchange for mobilizing the mercenary armies for the pet "cause" to hold up signs that they probably can't or don't care to read, or fill the box of the designated candidate.
Here is one piece of the puzzle- sorry for the huge pasted intro and podcast link that follows. Very interesting and maddening. Sit down.......
Jennifer Pritzker has funded trans "research" activists, panels, guidelines that promote their plans. Meanwhile family members are heavily invested in the industries that benefit from these evil trends.Jennifer Bilek is a writer, a journalist, and an artist. As many of us struggled to understand the seemingly sudden onset of gender identity ideology and wonder how it took hold of institutions so quickly, Jennifer dug in and found the truth: billionaires, biotech, and transhumanists. In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Jennifer about her research and what she found about the roots of the transgender movement after "following the money." Find more of Jennifer's work at the 11th Hour blog
* Published: 8/6/23 4:01:13 PM
* Episode Download link (47 MB): https://anchor.fm/s/ee51e278/podcast/play/79395223/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2023-11-1%2F357959498-44100-2-99882615b0d3133b.mp3
* Show Notes: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/meghan-murphy5/episodes/Jennifer-Bilek-on-the-true-roots-of-the-transgender-movement-e2cleun
* Episode feed: Feminist Current - https://anchor.fm/s/ee51e278/podcast/rss
Agreed. I’d rather know who’s out there in the world and get an idea of their thought processes. I sometimes click to see who they are, what substack they write, who else they read, or if they are an anon.
If I look at a new substack to see if I want to subscribe I look at the reader comments as well. It gives me an idea of the type of community that reads it. Do they seem informed? Curious? Interested in respectful discussion ? The so called nazi sites shouldn’t be censored but shunned imo. You really can’t reason with them -
It does seem that reading comments is a good way to evaluate. I have not yet unsubscribed from one that had some pretty dark comments. I did post some questions that were meant to trigger more critical evaluation by the commenters and got one thoughtful response- probably from someone like me who was wandering by the comment section and just happened to witness the orgy of bad ideas.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I was shocked at some hateful comments on ET. It showed me how commonplace hate is and the cowardice when expressed anonymously. Still, I don't think those opinions should be censored, good to know what is going on behind the veil. I think as commentators we can in some way outwit the haters and shut them down with facts, all done in a civil fashion of course.
I did not try to engage the comments that seemed to reveal deeply held and cultivated foundational group blaming, loathing and dehumanization. In spite of our imperfect execution and hypocrisy at times, we have built in legal guidelines for societal self correction rooted in respect for the individual. It is anathema to the American ideal and still is hard to wrap one's head around ideas that run so counter to that, though our culture is manifesting a deep and long evolving cultural sickness and subversive self loathing tendency that is drawing us to dark places in spite of our progress and threatens a structure that, while imperfect, is also a fragile historical abberancy. The Americal ideal remains a beacon of hope for many in spite of ever-present ebb and flow of bad ideas and recently erupting trends and sickness that . Smart, thoughtful immigrants still come here from everywhere and help defend what we have from naive assaults of deluded, privileged, homegrown malefactors and their narcissistic pied pipers.
Sick parents all-to-commonly make sick kids. The many exceptions are proof of human resilience. Do you follow Josh Slocum. He talks about this extensively-and he is now an "escaped captive" helping others see and understand the sickness so they can extricate themselves and heal. All should understand the dark sides of our humanity. But, as Nietsche says,
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." (Beyond Good and Evil)
If kids were loved and protected, adults would not have perverted emotions.
They are plants... I can't see them paying for a subscription to something they so oppose. My thinking is it's best to just ignore. Waste of time to engage.
Epoch Times
Extra Terrestrial.
According to the US Congress they do exist :-)
Yes. The enemy is here. STAY AWAKE. The Battle of Good vs evil is upon us.
Peace and God Bless
The enemy is always here, but he runs the long game and is a tricky SOB. Fight the good fight.
So far as I can see nazi means anyone who brings up facts like jews were prominent in the holodomor, the NKVD and communism in general. Or the fact that Israel doesn't allow non jews to immigrate to Israel. Or the fact that jews are very prominent, far out of proportion to their demographics in porn, banking, government and non governmental organizations creating the import of millions of third world aliens to western countries.
Really it’s the “right of return” that Jews have in Israel. Non Jews can immigrate but they can’t automatically get citizenship. Israel has about 20% Arabs, who can be citizens but some don’t want it.
Interestingly some of the most traditionalist Jews did not favor the formation of Israel, and that decision was neither well thought out nor administered.
There’s a problem with the definition of Jews. It used to be a religion. Some want to be considered Jews but they obviously don’t believe in that religion. Some of these problematic people effectively are using observant Jews as human shields. Some people consider George Soros to be a Jew and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi to be Catholic. But those 3 don’t believe or practice those religions.
There’s at least as much trouble with the misuse of religious labels as there is with the NAZI label.
There is a unique dimension to being Jewish - it's more than religion (Judaism) or nation (Israel) or ethnicity (Semitic-Hebrew).
It's a peoplehood based on an enduring Covenant, and a Covenant that we didn't ask for. It has terms and conditions, both moral and lifestyle-based, that were set by the God of Israel.
It's a Covenant that you can join (convert), and then you bequeath that new Jewish identity to your children. But once in, you can't leave it, and neither can your children.
You can only be an immoral Jew, or a hypocritical Jew, or a lapsed Jew, or an idol-worshipping Jew, or deny the fact that you're a Jew -- and the Covenant spells out what happens in those cases. You can't be an 'ex-Jew' by God's definition.
As a people we have a long history of trying to forget that Covenant and leave it behind, but God won't let us. The Land of Israel is also part of that history, but you'll have to read the whole Book to understand the complexity.
Suffice to say that regardless of rabbinic lore to the contrary, we did not choose to be chosen. And it's not because of our own virtue that we are still around after 4000 years. Nor are we back in our homeland because we did everything right. God has His plans. Again, you have to read the Book.
Then don't walk between the pieces of the sacrifices.
If you are referring to the covenant ritual in Gen. 15, you will of course know that GOD took it on Himself to "walk between the pieces" and make that promise to Abraham. Alone.
If you are using it as a metaphor for some modern equivalent, where the Jews take GOD's place in promising something to... someone (?)... it's a creative idea. But it fails the test of both logic and history.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Hirschfeld was an immoral Jew, and a Darwinist who never identified with Israel's Covenant or any form of Judaism.
You thought he was somehow relevant to my comment?
Arthur Kronfeld -- in no way associated with Hirschfeld -- was famous for his pamphlet "Degenerates in Power" in which he accused Hitler of harboring homosexuals in his inner circle. (It turned out to be true in the case of SA chief Ernst Röhm.)
Takeaway Point: Better fact-check your source next time before posting a link.
Seriously? You didn't even try to define "Nazi". You took the lazy way of parroting the trendy woke mantra -- the fact-free inversion that has made the Zionists and/or the world's Jews into the 'new Nazis'.
This myth was actually concocted by the Soviet KGB propaganda mill in 1970, for their own reasons. They churned out hundreds of pamphlets in different languages, including English, saying everything you are repeating here.
For example, your accusations effortlessly jumped from "Israel" to "jews [sic]" worldwide - just as the Soviet slander did.
And not coincidentally, just as the neo-Nazi slander does today.
And so do the Islamic jihadis like Hamas, who spelled it out in their Charter that the Jews are their enemy, not Israel.
If your only way of finding the truth is to embrace whatever the Jews protest to be a lie, and you only feel threatened by prominent Jews (giving a free pass to Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Biden, Putin, et al.) -- then you are already drunk from the Kool-Aid of antisemitism.
Just don't say you aren't free to "bring up" your Jew-bashing insinuations here.
PS -- You should have looked up Israel's immigration laws before you made up your own "fact" list. But hey, if you want to keep embarrassing yourself, this is what FREE SPEECH is about.
looks like you are still fulfilling your role as a jewish loyalist
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
Being a Jewish loyalist doesn't mean I'm wrong. Refute me with documented facts, not ad hominem comments.
got you... no excuses will help.... and you are allwrong
I remember maybe wrongly that Trotsky made up the word nazi. Some communist anyway. The communists had to demonize them.
The Jewish Pioneers of Sexual Degeneracy in 1920s Berlin . . . by Michael Walsh . . .
IN 1919, Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld, founded the “Institut für Sexualwissenschaft” (Institute for ‘Sexual Research’) in Berlin. Both were active in the German Communist Party and were prominent members of Berlin’s Jewish community.
A multitude of degenerate services were offered at the institute, including the first surgical sex changes in modern history, abortions, lectures and ‘sex counseling’, room rentals, a large library of pornography and erotic literature on every possible perversion (including bestiality and pedophilia), and a Museum of Sex featuring a wide array of homosexual fetish items, dildos, “masturbation machines”, etc.
The institute hosted tens of thousands of visitors each year, including school class field trips. Hirschfeld was a notorious sodomite, popularly known in the Berlin gay scene by his cross-dresser name Tante Magnesia.
He also founded a committee for gay rights and wrote and published many degenerate books and journals, including Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types). In fact, he’s the sinister figure that coined the term ‘transvestite’. Hirschfeld campaigned to end the Berlin police department’s arrest of cross-dressers and prostitutes . . .
I've seen little National Zionism on Substack.
I have not seen any outright "Nazi" writers, but I have noticed a lot of anti-Semitic comments??? I hope that Substack encourages the host to "police" their following and become aware of anti-Semitic comments from followers. There is a tendency in the USA to label anti-Semitism as "NAZI," which includes a lot of other things????
Who are the executives of Substack,?and how would we reach them, if we decided it would be a necessary move?
THANK YOU, Bill Rice, Jr. Please stay on top of this. I would join all my favorite Substack writers, if I could. I have joined some; however, I am an “old” retired teacher , and that means limited income. We can only do what we can.
I am so upset about what these Evil Dems and the UN are doing to our country. In fact, it is always on my mind. I grew up in a fabulous America and watched Bill Clinton start taking us down. Thought the Bush’s were ok but they were evil, too.😢 Broke my heart to see what these people have been doing to America. AND Obama topped it off by placing traitors throughout our government. We have been blind to the evil. The snake has snuck up on us and is getting ready to bite soon. They are bringing in mercenaries into a Phoenix facility and flying them around the country. The originator of Veritas who they fired has begun another company. Whistleblowers say these mercenaries are being flown around the country every hour. Reported on X ---
Follow Tucker Carlson. He’s on it, too
TAKE COVER PEOPLE. They don’t plan on us having a 2024 election. They plan on a Hitler take over.
Thanks, Susan. I think if all Substack readers would just support three monthly subscriptions ($18/month) that would really help Substack and its independent, skeptical writers. Or just one paid subscription. Of course, many Substack readers are paying for dozens of subscriptions - they are going above and beyond.
Thanks for reading my newsletter - Bill
I think they plan on a lenin/stalin takeover.
Wow. you just expressed my thoughts exactly. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws that: regulate an establishment of religion; prohibit the free exercise of religion; abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
perhaps it's going into the weeds. I think it's important to identify the problem. When you read the kalergi plan, the cloward-piven plan, UN agenda 2030, shwab, gramsci, alinsky and marx everything that is happening becomes clear. The technology has changed but they will still need block committees and informers in the fifteen minute camps. Along with kgb stasi enforcers. The idea remains the same. Total control over every aspect of humanity.
Thank you.
Done. Thanks for posting!
Pretty sure nobody is forced to read Substack posts that they don’t agree with. They just never stop with the censorship BS, do they?
And, they won't stop as this is still primarily 'Psy-Ops'; a Psychological War which is in reality a Spiritual War...It really is God vs. Hell and those of God and Evil are definitely aligned and choosing sides.
The Devil's greatest weapons are lies, propaganda and censorship...To hide Truth through many methods identified as 'Defense Mechanisms' by Freud. Until the Demonic issue the 'Clarion Call' for the Conventional/Nuclear/EMF or whatever 'Hot War Weapons' to begin...This is their primary method of Warfare and the prefered one as evil wants to maintain infrastructure which a 'Hot War' would destroy.
It's funny I posted this article on twitter with a lead in that reads "of course the devil worshipers want to cancel one of the few free speech platforms on the internet. " I was going to follow that with "Truth is the greatest enemy of the Devil and Devil worshipers", but I didn't have enough room for that plus the headline from this article.
Great framing. So much in these disturbing movements/ trends really is evil incarnate. It looks, acts, talks exactly like I would envision the devil. And I am not a traditionally religious person.
pimaCanyon, it's possible one of us is being or was being hacked earlier...When I opened this comment earlier; the coding was displayed and there was no way to get around it.
Am not on Twitter and never was...But, if that's what you wished to say; is it possible anybody reading it will have access to the Comment Section? If so, maybe some will catch the conversation here.
ha! no, I was thinking more along the lines of "great minds think alike..."
in all seriousness I believe what you said about the Devil's greatest weapons being lies, propaganda, and censorship is true. For those of us who are able to see thru the lies and censorship it's almost unbelievable that so many cannot. Unbelievable and scary!
Don’t advertise on X. You’ll bring psycho’s to substack
yes, I guess that is a risk. I'm sure that all my followers on X are on the same page as we are. I'm also pretty sure that my account there was shadow banned before Elon took over, and it's never been un-shadow banned, so the only people who see my tweets are those who follow me AND actually go to my main page. But your point is well taken. That would be the downside of posting on X, but I feel that getting the truth out is more important than not sharing it for fear of attracting psycho's. It's a dilemma...
Don't kid yourself...They're most certainly here already. Have been since the beginning. There were reasons many didnt' allow Substack to be used a references on other Social Media. The Outlets of THEIR enemies are highly monitored. Make no doubt about it.
Read in the Bible: 2Chronicles 7: 14
Then do what it says. Save America…….
God has been rejected by many. He has blessed our great America. Take note and pray…
Well said. 👍🏼
Funny, the US government funds literal NAZIs in Ukraine and now their leftist cabal is coming after Substack because "NAZIs post there"? Sounds more like a case of the Marxist rule "accuse others of what you do"...
I would report that short of seeing them identified on GETTR or mentioned in an essay, I'm blissfully unaware of what additional Substack sources I might have some sort of interest in. I love the substack sources I subscribe to. I don't feel any need or have the time to ferret about looking for things to disapprove of.
Exactly. I only follow as many as I have time to read, otherwise I'd be spending all day deleting emails.
My thoughts exactly! If you don't like what an author is posting, then don't read or subscribe to their posts. No one is making anyone read something that offends them. Common sense, a trait so many people seem to be missing these days.
Dumbocraps are busy bodies. They have to know what everyone says or thinks, at all times. That way they can be offended and have hissy fits, because they aren't controlling what everyone thinks or says.
Because they can't think for themselves. I think we're dealing with brain damage and/or insanity (=psychopathy)
Ditto thoughts here! like I said earlier, whatever happened to: if you don't like it, don't read/watch it?? I remember the outrage in the '70's over TV shows like All In The Family, that dared to confront topics like racism & sexism (or even just sexuality in general). the horrified church ladies were eventually shouted down by majority that appreciated the societal reality check.
My same thought. If you come across one that ‘offends’ or doesn’t agree with your views, move along. When people start screaming for censorship for one reason or another, these same people should be held accountable because there’s always a hidden agenda. First they called for anti-vaxxers, then racists, now Nazis. It never ends with their attacks on people.
It is not merely "BS." It, and calls for mandates/passports, are the renunciation of rights-based democracy. I have a doctorate in political science: what I say is that the licenses of all of the medical doctors who approved this brief should be subjected to review, and that states should pass new laws, which prohibit doctors who profess Nazism, communism, revolutionary Islamism, or this kind of Pharma-ism radical curtailment of basic rights, from practicing medicine. Doctors who are enemies of liberal democracy are a danger to our entire way of life. Listen to the doctors of political science on this.
The scads of staunch supporters trying to stanch free speech is mind boggling. Substack is a lifeline of sanity in bizarro world.
"Substack is a lifeline of sanity..." I could not have said it better.
Not sure what I would do without substack. My powers of discernment would have to ramp up considerably . I do pray for discernment. I’m learning to question and connect dots on the most mundane “truths” these days. Substack gets me clued in. So much learned from you the commenters. I would feel truly alone again.
I appreciate Substack as well- but I would also add that as comparatively free of the hysterical wokism censor mania as Substack is (at least for the time being), it is a mistake to presume that freedom to speak is equated with respect for civil liberties. That is a bygone notion, at least currently. Substack is not free of functioning as a honeypot for the state- just as any and all social media outlets are. Substack is most likely allowed to exist with it's more open stack culture - exactly because it provides a perfect forum to track and trace dissidents. Every word we post, every stack article we read, every link we click on, is being swept up and filed, collated and analyzed. Palantir and the panopticon of surveillance is in full swing. I speak out, knowing I risk potentially putting myself and my family in danger. I try to not be reckless, but I have a desire to communicate truthfully with other humans. I believe it is incumbent on all of us to face the risk to speak openly- I believe it is important that we all try to participate to whatever level we have the courage to do- that helps ensure our freedoms remain intact. But in the current Stasi police state we find ourselves in, for some of us true dissidents, every post we make, we run the risk of cancel culture swinging into full attack mode- singling one out for personal and or financial ruination, or worse. Make no mistake, we are at war.
Definitely been a lifeline for me. I don’t think I could have survived the Plandemic without Substack and a Podcast I listen to.
Exactly the reason The Black Nobility will seek to infiltrate and close down Substack; to create more isolation and Mental Health Disorders as the sane are now driven to insanity with the 'Gaslighting', and Info Warfare/Psy-Ops.
Their ONLY means of victory is INDOCTRINATION/BRAINWASHING and Substack vastly helps to alleviate that by raising people up with sanity, truth and basic information to enhance survival and to teach Survival Skills as well as presenting options with treating self and one's family.
One of the most obscure reasons to remove Substack is to remove the ability to connect with other human beings of a similar, creative, witty, artistic mindset as in the material world...To remove normalcy.
All must happen concurrently across the board to succeed with this Psy-Ops Warfare. Wage money on the Criminals Against All Life on the Planet to place more pressure; to increase attacks on Substack as the Outlier.
Black Nobility hasn't been able to close down Substack yet.
Even with all their advanced technology; they've been consistently WRONG/INCORRECT with virtually all predictions. A reason to celebrate.
Though they've sought to shut-down Substack, they've failed in that endevour, too.
But, they're Socio/Psychopaths and arrogant which means only God knows what their boundary is...Planetary Destruction while they lay low in their bunkers? They know they will die when they fail in their Agenda...So, all bets are off.
I agree - reality isn't being kind to the elites. This system will survive as long as enough people go along with it. I think it's only a matter of time before a 'Great Disillusionment' and it may not be pretty.
This seems like a religious war: one side accepts Enlightenment principles (daring to think) and the other believes in totalitarianism (doing what you're told is right).
Agreed. I think of it as Good vs. Evil.
Sounds like you have a good understanding of the evil ones. And yes, they've been wrong consistently. At least that's what I see and I've been watching them a very long time.
Humiliation and terror are emotions evil deplores feeling itself...And, it motivates evil to STRIKE HARDER out of vengeance/vindictiveness. Those emotions are used by evil to CONTROL OTHERS and only they have the privilege to use those emotions in their perspective.
Evil is now HUMILIATING the U.S.; not merely to demoralized so nobody stands to fight; but because the colonists as their slaves camouflaged as serfs/peasants actually had the audacity to rise-up and kick their bums multiple times...THEIR OWNED HUMAN CATTLE HERD stole themselves and the resources of a whole new land away from their control. Then the Human Cattle Herd actually had the gall to claim Inalienable Rights endowed by God instead of themselves as Socipathic Evil giving 'Human Rights' to their sycophantic idiots to remove Absolute Power through their silly Constitution. If that were not bad enough, their victory inspired the whole world to rise vastly delaying the their THEFT OF ALL GOD'S CREATION they termed 'World Colonization'.
The U.S. suffers now with them perpetrating the Fraud/Cheat Elections throughout the last 70 years; but their dander was really raised; especially when Trump snuck his way through their web to get a victory for 'The People'. One weapon always used to control the masses was starvation; so they not only plan to starve the masses...They are manipulating the environment to NOT PRODUCE FOOD allowing only THEIR INSECTS AND WORMS TO BE EATEN AS FOOD...For the slaves surviving their Mass Omnicide of the Planet.
Yes, worked among the most evil kinds of people in the world...Evil isn't difficult to comprehend. Look at the worst parts of yourself in your nightmares...
Blazecloud3, who or what is Black Nobility? Never heard of them. Thanks ahead of time!
Wonderful question and one so appreciated. This link contains a video interview out of Romaina as a reference within the body of the Substack Posting in a box entitled 'Black Nobility'. It requires two hours and worth every minute as it names names, connections, marriages, corporations, sins, crimes, wealth...Politics, Banks, Royals...On and on.
Thanks for the reply, I'll take a look when I get a chance. Just got done replacing my sump pump. GOTTA CLEAN UP MY BASEMENT NOW!!! 🤬
oh dear... life never stops shitting on ya, censorship critical mass be damned. ugh
Nasty Job...
Dad and Grandpa always did it at our house...Thank God.🙏🏼
You and me both, Cheryl. Substack is the only news I get.
Bang on, Cheryl. 💯
Unlike Wikipedia, which has been 'Captured' by corporate interests.
Naaah-- Wicked-Pedi-a was STARTED by corporate-paid Marxists. Check out "Cass Sunstein" arrogant know-it-all Marxist Oh-Bumminator.
Oh, I thought it was started by the 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' but there you go, eh?!
what cass sunstein who was the co author with thaler on the book " nudge" ?! I didn't know. saw thaler on an unherd interview and made the majority of commenters' skin crawl. he was saying " oh yes we NEED mandates" whilst smiling demonically from ear 2 ear...
Cass Sunstein is a co-author of the mind-controlling recipe book along with Thalidomide. A whole buncha Neo-Bolshevik Marxist/Zionist apologist. I say send 'em to Gaza, hah hah haaah!
probably just a matter of time before Substack is captured.
Substack exists as an escape hatch and refuge. When it stops being that it will become Facebook and the value, independence, har# work, and creativity will run to a new platform. Free speech now depends on jumping off dying platforms before they kill off content. The real risk is that the censorship industrial complex regulates this resilience out of the internet.
they won't stop until they capture the internet. The reptiles can't allow a free internet.
sadly true
Hah-- It already is. Notice all the suave li'l trolls infesting the place? And all the "counter" authors?
I say ignore the trolls. completely ignore them. do not engage. ever. only engage with those that seem willing to have civil debate. the minute it isn't civil. disengage. period
Problem is you can't always tell who they are. "Trolls" no longer excludes the authors themselves.. "The best disinformation is 98% ice cream and 2% bullshit." ~ Michael C. Ruppert, author, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at The End of the Age of Oil.
I get what you are saying but I guess, as someone who has very little to do with either social media or MSM, I approach it somewhat differently. if someone only spouts dogma and flings epitaphs, I skim right over them. if someone repeatedly refuses to engage in rational, civil debate or only will debate if you start from a certain assumption, nope. if nothing is added to the discussion but a Monty Python-type 'argument', then its not worth my time.
to me, 'troll' is defined as someone who comes online with the sole purpose of 'trolling' to be a shit-stirrer and/or to push a one-sided agenda, sometimes for actual monetary gain (but anymore, social 'gain' might work too but only for negative people with too much time on their hands. these have a really distinct smell, imho)
authors themselves... here's what I look for: #1 - expertise with appropriate humility (as in admit when they don't know something or need to learn more). #2 - willingness to learn from other's perspectives. #3 - they're not selling anything (though promoting one's book or whatnot is not an automatic cross-off if they're up-front about it. I'm mostly referring to folks who get into a discussion, try to get others to follow them, THEN do the sales pitch. this used to be a big problem on the autism treatment blogs.)
other than those things, someone is not a 'troll' if they just happen to disagree and are passionate and genuine about it. I was red-pilled over 15 yrs ago and can smell bullshit a mile away. but I challenge myself to learn something new every day, even if its just another perspective, doesn't matter if I agree or not.
even in the indie/alt media, different sites and authors have different 'flavors' of thought and once you know them, the appropriate grains of salt are pretty obvious but that doesn't mean they are trolls, or 'controlled opposition' (a term I find kind of supercilious and intellectually lazy.)
I think we can assume that any successful enterprise will fall prey to a vulture capitalist sooner or later. Sadly.
they don't even have to be a vulture capitalist. Someone like soros or some group could secretly fund a takeover and turn sub stack into a globo homo mouthpiece. Of course make the appropriate pronouncements, we respect free speech, everything stays the same. At the level the reptilians operate on money really doesn't have much meaning. Invest a few million, co-op and destroy gradually and your R.O.I. will be more power and wealth.
What if we-the-sane-people put up so many posts they outnumbered the Soros idiots? Just a thought.
I don't know who founded Substack: I do vaguely know who Jimmy Wales is: and all the other lovely young folk who founded FriendsReunited, MySpace and Facebook and the rest - they all seem to me to be nice young men, and I guess they have families and mortgages, and if someone offered me $500M I suppose they would grab the cash and run, I know I would.
It might have been fear porn, but I read somewhere recently that AI is soaking up Substack posts so it can sabotage legitimate writers. Imagine a sudden Who is Robert Malone post that says, “Sorry guys, I was wrong! Run out and get jabbed and pick up some doughnuts and a big gulp on the way!” Evil can be far more subtle than that, but at the end of the day, it’s too stupid to escape discernment.
I basically just search tv shows and movies on it now. Maybe a countries geographic points. The odd long dead person. I consider everything else manipulated. I always disliked wiki.
I was an early editor, and it started like Substack - edit boldly! Now its run by a secretive monastic group of (often) paid editors who seem to delight in freezing their own versions of events and deleting everyone elses. You cant really edit Wikipdia nowadays unless you are willing to spend many hours learning their cultish ways. Its still a handy reference, but untrustworthy on any controversial issues. The disability pages for example are fixated on the medical model, which is so frustrating.
Thanks for the information. I read it’s supremely hard to know the real origins of the editors. Cultish sounds about right.
@Sunshinegirl1217 I see what you did there. And I love you for it!
Well said, thank you!
Yeah, I've been getting breathlessly outraged & concerned emails about this from my old literary cronies. I leave them to their delusions (they believe January 6 was a genuine insurrection, and they've all been multiply jabbed with the holy cooties juice, too).
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if most, maybe even all of the so-called "Nazi" Substacks are in fact phishing fakes. Who's phishing? Oh, I dunno, FBI? DHS?
P.S. One of the few organizations I still have respect for and a dollop of faith in is the Free Speech Union. https://freespeechunion.org/
I remain a card-carrying member.
And I'm old enough to remember when the ACLU, which went all in for the jabs, actually defended some "Nazis" who wanted to march through a neighborhood of Holocaust survivors. And I thought that while it was a cruel and stupid provocation on the part of the "Nazis," the ACLU was correct in stalwartly defending their rights to march peacefully. Oh, but that was long, long ago and the ACLU then was a very different organization than it is now.
yeah, it's astounding how relatively smart people can be so easily deceived, by the covid lies and the J6 lies. I don't know which one is more bizarre and illogical. I'm thinking maybe J6. I mean if it was a real insurrection, why did they leave their guns at home? And you can't have an insurrection without the support of the military. The military hated Trump. Trump had zero support from the permanent bureaucratic "government" (dictatorship) in Washington. An insurrection is truly laughable. Add to that the fact the the "insurrectionists" were invited in to the Capitol, it's truly mind boggling that anyone could think it was a real insurrection. Just goes to show the real power that the media has. And the disgusting laziness that so many US citizens have that they won't take the time to really investigate these issues. They just take whatever MSM spoon feeds them as absolute truth.
"The power" of the MSM - read propaganda department of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - is an optical illusion created based on the bells and whistles of "authority" over the truth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every level headed wo/man will sooner or later realise the real price of the truth.
Truth is conjured from the illusion.
Truth is;
A well known celebrity with exceptional presentation skills.
The illusion is the problem, not the celebrity's presentation. Go after the creators of illusion and expose them.
The military high command hated (hates) Trump. Part of the long march through the institutions. Obviously an unarmed insurrection isn't an insurrection at all. Two protesters were killed (one at least was murdered) which doesn't fit the insurrection narrative either.
I'd actually posit they both were murdered. One shot to death and the other beat to death. And I question the sanity of anyone who thinks that right minded patriots would so ineptly mount such a lackluster "insurrection", bringing with them their selfie sticks, flags and trump hats. The sheer impossibility of this list of potential weapons boggles the mind.
Roseanne Boyle was also murdered by police ( beaten) in the tunnel.
It’s estimated ( conservatively) that over 200 fbi infiltrated the crowd & were positioned inside & outside the capital on j6. Dressed in maga gear & showing other looky-Lou’s inside where to find Pelosi’s office etc. Entrapment was the game, along with the murder of Ashli Babbit.
It's almost unbelievable that out own federal police have turned against so many Americans. The "Democrats" have become fascists, totalitarian, and they have hundreds of federal "police" (gestapo) willing to do their bidding.
4 capital police officers have been "suicided" since J6. What are the chances, huh.
Do maintain some distance from those continuing to choose the narrative lies...They are dangerous and will most certainly die out of stupidity.
One MUST know when one is at war and one MUST know what kind of war one is in...It's basic survival.
The information is out there...It's here and when people refuse to see the truth and choose stupidity; the wise must remove themselves and those they are responsible for in any every way possible.
Unfortunately, although I try to keep my heart open, and to respect with genuine curiosity & wonder the infinitely surprising complexities of any and all human beings, I think you nailed it.
Hard to distance from loved ones who have stronger influences, more adept debaters, etc. in their lives. They unfortunately believe those sources more than the people who raised them and will always love them.
Know what you're saying...In the end, I pull the 'Spiritual Authority Under God Card'. As the elder, I am their 'Spiritual Authority' and tell them to believe me or not; but as a sane person never lying to them and always loving...They must listen with an open heart as God placed me as their authority for a reason and I'm not dead, yet."
After a lifetime of trying to get over, abuse or doing many things to avoid the truth...God has taken care of things EVERY SINGLE TIME until now; thy never try to evase or neutralize what I speak. They listen even as they disagree...Only, to reach agreement later.
Absolutely...And, the enemy will also seek to reduce those of the Truth of God to conspiracy by spying and turning-in neighbors, friends, family.
Evil loves nothing better than to degrade and reduce God's people by binding them in lose-lose situations where force is used to choose to empower murder and/or to die themselves to save somebody else through love. It is most satisfactory when evil feeds upon the innocent and God's people.
The strategies of evil are NOT centered on the 'Useful Idiots' as they already belong to evil...They most certainly will attack, enslave, abuse, murder the good more than anybody else.
No more than around 10% are still rolling up their sleeves.
Whatever they say, or don't say, in public they will not get the latest shot.
Maybe they're not all so idiotic after all.
The press had plans for the propaganda campaign in place ahead of time. They all started calling it the "I" word early in the event, and have never wavered from their song sheet.
agree totally. boggles my mind that anyone with half a brain could think that those 'insurrectionists' had a snowball's chance in hell of actually overthrowing the entrenched governing elites. its hilarious. were there crimes committed? well yeah. were they 'allowed' to be committed? kinda looks that way.
"the shackles of censorship are every good transcribers worst nightmare"
That is what I say Transcriber B!
Can someone post an example of the so called "Nazi" speech that was posted on Substack? I haven't seen it.
They never can come up with examples! This is what drives me crazy when people believe this BS. Any time you ask for an example, you’ll get none
The Guardian article is disgustingly deceitful.
Public has a nice write up regarding the actual content that was objected to...it was a VERY SMALL percentage of articles and paid subscribers (most of whom are probably FBI tbh).
Irunthis1- thanks you so much posting this link! The more I formed we are, the better.
It's good to know it's a minor issue and that Substack people are reviewing the articles for compliance with their policies. I'm in agreement in keeping speech as free as possible. If there are articles that sound discriminatory but don't promote violence, we the subscribers can dismantle them with our opposing words.
Or by simply....ignoring them. They can scream into the void just as easily as we have been doing for at least 7 years...I would also say that they have a right to say what they think as much as we do. That no one hears or sees their thoughts is how it should be, but it must be by choice (ignoring) and NEVER by censorship...which is always wrong. (as long as it is legal speech i.e. no calls for violence etc)
Ignoring us good and let them scream into the void. However I don’t agree with inserting algorithms to enforce “freedom of speech, not reach” as defined on X.
I just move by. They reveal themselves. They can think or say what they like but I don’t have to read or listen. I normally skip the entire thread now. I may rarely remark that I now know how they roll and will ignore them. Throw them into the void. Good phrase, irunthis
"Nazi" hate speech certainly does exist on substack NOT in the actual articles per se but in comments by obsessive anti-semites. I have come across rather too many examples, which sometimes appear to be terminated by the creator of the actual article but in other cases, disappointingly allowed to carry on ad nauseam with few attempts by others at rebuttal.
As for The Guardian, once a distinguished purveyor of factual news (70s/80s), and funded mainly by its readers, it's depended for some time on funds from the likes of BigPharma, Bill Gates etc. like so many other media outlets which have slowly gravitated to a stance on certain issues that can only be described as virtually fascist themselves, so here it's a case of the boot being on the other foot.
Alexei, it seems the nazi label is no longer about anti-semitism. it is about deviation from the mainstream global narratives: global climate change is manmade, fossil fuels are evil and nitrogen use is evil, meat consumption must be severely curtailed, sexual perversion must be celebrated, Christianity is the root of all civilizational harms, Islam can do no wrong, abortion should not be regulated, nationalism is bad, global digital currency is essential, a universal income should be applauded, AI is safe, DEI policies must be implemented, white people and men are pure evil.... the list of topics that the radical marxist left have weaponized is beyond belief.
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Nazi hate speech would be something like Jews played an important role in the bolshevik takeover in Russia. Or mentioning the holodomor, Katyn forest or the three red terrors.
if you speak against the world empire you are a nazi or reacist, etc.... now we know the international jews as Henry Ford mentions have major control over the world money and industry generally so their power combined against Germany to orchestrate the powerful nations of the world to war against Germany andf then all the war propaganda which usually ends after a way is still repeated to the current year
In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.
Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.
And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males? What happened?
Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, with Globohomo diversity brigades going door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before.
Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .
Funny how that is. I suppose if you Google you could find anything they want you to find.
I was a member of the ACLU until it became clear they only supported free speech for certain groups and excluded what they didn't like in the Bill of Rights.
Totally hear you.
yeah, that was in Skokie Illinois, right in my neck of the woods (greater Chicagoland). old enough to remember that too. whatever happened to 'I may disagree with your views but will fight for your right to express them'??
when evil is allowed to express itself, then we can know it for what it is. when its driven underground... not so much.
PS The real Nazis were the ones who imposed Jab Crow. That would include California's Culver City council. See:
Clip from: Culver City Council Mtg 1/8/21
posted December 26, 2023
hat tip: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/movie-review-the-zone-of-interest/comment/46041750
AMY LOFTUS: OK. Hi. Thanks for letting me speak. The meeting has been full of signals about how this board does not discriminate against certain groups. It happened for the first hour at least. And this is discrimination.
In 1993 I visited Dachau in southern Germany. When I got home my father, who was like a walking encyclopedia, said, did you see how close the train was to the concentration camp? And that it was full of windows? And I said, I did. He said, spend your life finding out how those people sat on that train and watched the people in those camps every day and said nothing.
The way that they did that is they believed that the people in the camps were sick with a virus, that they were a harm to humanity. They were indoctrinated with propaganda from their own country.
This is discrimination. I happen to be married to someone who is in a line genetically who of survivors of those camps I describe.
Papers please is not something that I want to hear in any town in America. And that this council is proud to stand behind legislation like this[1] is disgusting. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You're on the wrong path and I think deep down you know it.
Discrimination is discrimination. If you're going to save a family from living in a car and then proudly talk about how you're not going to let somebody into a business because of their private medical information, you have lost your way. Like so many other things that you have done in this town, you're ruining it, three of you are, ruining it. It has to stop. And it's 18,000 people dead now after 2 weeks. Many died within two weeks. And the VAERS[1] report is highly likely 1% of the real numbers.
End this now.
I yield.
# # #
Amy Loftus is a singer/ songwriter, writer, teacher and podcaster who lives in Culver City, California. Her Substack is https://amyloftus.substack.com/ and her podcast, "Real Progress with Amy Loftus" is at https://amyloftus.substack.com/podcast
[1] Beginning November 29, 2021 vaccine verification requirements were imposed in Culver City for entering health clubs, restaurants, salons, and theaters and more. These requirements were rescinded in March 2022.
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
On Culver City's vaccine verification requirements:
From Culver City Observer, March 17, 2022:
"The City Council has decided to rescind the city's COVID-19 vaccine verification requirements for local food and beverage establishments, gyms and fitness venues, entertainment and recreation venues, personal care establishments and city facilities.
"At its Monday night’s meeting, the panel also decided to resume in-person City Council meetings in April as the CDC now categorizes L.A. County as being at low community risk.
"Vaccine verification requirements had been in place at restaurants, personal care, fitness and entertainment businesses in Culver City since November 29, 2021. The City will issue a new Supplement to Public Order revising those requirements and aligning with the LA County Health’s vaccine verification requirements. Culver City will no longer verify vaccination status at city facilities"
[2] VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
(Note: https://openvaers.com provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)
"jabbed with the holy cooties juice" - I love it, great description. Love your articles, too, Transcribe B, keep them coming!
Thanks for your kind words, E. Grogan.
I worked at the ACLU (Chicago) during that suit. The outcome: the Nazi's won the right to march but there were only about a dozen of them and the march never happened.
Thanks for the link to the FSU site and Carl's situation. It is disturbing that people can be so stupid and I don't mean ignorant or uninformed. To have a "trainer", regarding personnel issues, not be capable of mentally processing a word being uttered in order to make a specific point regarding personnel issues is heartbreaking when I remember that she is part of the same species as I. That the "trainer" needed a week off to recuperate tells me she is either or both weak minded or is playing the system.
On the other hand, now everyone who knows this woman understands that she is weak and will use the government against you if she can. Treat her accordingly. This is a benefit of free speech.
I remember that defense of the march in Skokie, Illinois I believe. I agreed and actually belonged to the ACLU during some of the Bush 2 years. The flag burning stuff too. They supported that as I did as well. Now every reach out to me is shredded. They are captured and have lost all dignity and credibility.
I shred their mailers, too.
PS Thanks for standing for freedom. It gives me so much heart to know there are others out there.
I just blew away my record for "likes" and I've already gotten 16 (!) new paid subscribers. Many thanks to Dr. Malone and my other fellow Substack authors for cross-posting this article.
And thank you to all these readers and new free and paid subscribers. Trust me. These "shadow rulers" are afraid of You.
I just subscribed. Always interested in your comments.
Thank you very much, Janet. Update: I've now got about 38 new paid subscribers in the past week (and more than 100 free subscribers). In the previous month or two, I had LOST (net) about 17 paid subscriber. So this "Nazi" strategy to cancel or de-monetized contrarian writers like myself is backfiring. I call it the "Law of Opposite Effects." What they want to happen, they produce the opposite effect.
If the Deep State crushes Substack, Telegram and Rumble they will control all major internet media and will continue their push towards whatever Dystopian future they have for humanity. I hope Substack leadership stays strong and continues to be open platform while the few forces of good push to get America back to the way of life we enjoyed 2 or 3 decades ago. This will all come to a head this year as I expect the democrats will fight to preserve their Senate and presidential positions, cheat if necessary and may even get the US into a war so they can postpone elections. We must fight this evil. Remember the Democrats are not the same party that was the saviour of the working man. The Democrats have been bought just like MSM, big tech and government agencies.
They owe their allegiance now to the deep state, otherwise they would endorse RFK who has the best chance to be the liberal president.
I agree, Fred. This year is going to be very important in world history.
The Democrats are the exact opposite of what they used to be. They used to be the party of working class. Now they look down their noses at working class. They used to be the antiwar party. Now they vote 100% across the board for sending weapons and money to whatever war our neocon warmongers are currently waging. They used to be against corporate power and corporate monopolies. Now they all do the bidding of Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Ag, Big Insurance, Big "Defense".
IMO the democrats are depleting American military preparedness both in manpower and weaponry. Wars cause confusion and divisiveness, perfect to help destroy a society.
Maybe Emma and her lesbian, gay and transgender friends will bring the US military up to speed. And the low I.Q. third world recruits.
The war stocks sent to Ukraine can't be easily or quickly replaced. And the warmongering leftists and neocons want to get into a war with Russia, Iran and China.
Let’s add Big Food. Killing us softly. Every bite we take on the SAD diet.
Yep, and I think it's been going on for a long time....(trying to kill us(
PC, global communism is the end game. Communist tactics continue to change and evolve as needed which is why they are still in business. If it pushed centralization and the destruction of capitalism and the destruction of the West--its all good. It is as Marx said "the relentless criticism of all things." I recommend JR Nyquist.
no question at all. One reason the globo homos spend so much time calling everyone a nazi. Cover for what they are doing.
Looking out for "colour" signs in order to orient oneself which direction to go is THE DECEPTION itself. Looking much "HIGHER ABOVE" - actually HE is to be found in a crib - where the only GUIDING STAR can be found!
The same way BELIEVING of having to choose between plague and cholera instead of considering SANITY would equally be considered INSANITY!
Don’t forget Big Food (run by former leaders of Big Tobacco).
Problem for the Dems is RFK' Jr's revelations on the "vaccines" would destroy the entire party (and many Repubs too)
I look at it that RFK is not part of the deep state effort. Biden, Harris, etc are and have been bought. So the Demorats do not want RFK as part of their compromised party.
That’s a GOOD problem.
none of the revelations have made an impact with the masses. That I can see anyway.
Agreed, Wilson. It’s depressing really…but I just say to myself: “ Fck ‘em” and keep on moving along my own path….informed in no small part by my fellow ‘stackers.
discouraging, disappointing and depressing for me. You're right, keep going is the way. Being a stoic is helpful.
IMO this Government and others are owned by Klaus Schwab and his WEF/UN. Western countries would be much better off if we turfed them. They are the NWO/Great Reset ... Schwab even wrote a book about their intentions and the UN even said the quiet part of Agenda 2030 out loud. Shut these un-elected psycopaths down.
You'll own nothing and be happy. The abolition of private property is one of the principles of marxism. Of course they only mean your private property.
"...cheat if necessary...". They'll definitely cheat, building on tactics they used in 2020 & 2022. Gotta beat these corrupt devils, or America is lost.
Some times I chuckle that Hillary didn't get in in 2016 because the demorats underestimated how much they needed to cheat to win.
Or they get an offer they can't refuse....
If substack caves on any of this, it will open the door for new, uncensored competition. It would ultimately be the end of substack.
And if we have no Substack ... we're probably in trouble because there's no other similar platform that reaches so many people. And the Reader Comments on Substack are invaluable.
Never say never, Bill. YouTube turned on its conservative users and content creators...and suddenly there was Rumble. Twitter turned on its conservative users and high-follower content creators....and suddenly there was Parler (RIP), Gab, GETTR, Telegram, and Truth Social. I am 100% confident that a platform that provides the same or more features than Substack for content creators & users will emerge if Substack's owners commit business suicide by caving to the Globalist Establishment fascists.
And the Law of Opposite Effects might kick in again. Here, the goal is to cancel or neuter/intimidate and de-monetize Substack. Well, this story got far more shares and "likes" and cross-posts than any story I've published in 15 months on Substack. Thanks to my generous subscribers, I've added more than 110 subscribers (including) approximately 35 paid subscribers!
More people now know about Substack and are supporiting the Substack authors the censors want to put out of business.
I’m gonna agree with you even though I don’t want Substack to go away. Rumble has been a huge success. They’ve got millions of followers & There will be a revolt for sure if they try to deplatform Rumble. I’m doing my best to support the parallel economy and free speech anything! I pray Substack stays strong.
To be clear, I also do NOT want Substack to go away or change its censorship policy. I'm simply saying that should that happen, all of our favorite content creators will find their way over to another platform that undoubtedly will emerge to provide a censorship-free home for these folks once again. It's the universal law of supply and demand that totalitarians can never successfully suppress in the long term.
You describe what free speech is like in China. Same cat-mouse game.
I disagree. Laws here are substantially different than in CCP-run China. The fascists here pressure the social media platforms but in China they bypass the "pressure" phase and simply arrest and imprison advocates of more open speech. What the current illegitimate regime in DC is doing to free speech advocates is illegal; the current illegitimate DOJ simply isn't enforcing the law on the Establishment or its benefactors in the globalist corporate / billionaire class.
And in the west the problem is globalist bank & multinational corporations who own far too many of the products that western nations' citizens use and buy and use the threat of removing advertising revenue to coerce poorly-funded and/or greedy platform owners to comply.
IDK how much advertising revenue Substack relies on, but I (maybe mistakenly) thought user subscription fees were the main source of funding here.
"Can't stop the signal, Mal."
Mal: "I aim to misbehave."
I know you want Substack to stay! 👍
It amuses me some to think that the globohomos underestimated the internet. I think they thought that capturing the msm, schools, military and government was going to be enough.
"And the Reader Comments on Substack are invaluable."
Agreed. It provides great ability to feel like we are not alone and to share important information.
I agree - I enjoy reader comments from most of the substacks I read, & have learned alot from them. I find whenever an obviously vulgar or anti- Semitic comment is made it’s mostly ignored & they just go away it seems. 99.9% engage respectfully in my experience.
I sometimes get the gist of a post and go straight to comments. Then back to the post.
the problem is, in order for the uncensored competition to gain speed and following, it may already be too late. And each time there are new attacks and methods of censoring employed.
Great post, Bill. The truth of it. We watched the censors go after Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones and others called Nazi's and extremists and said nothing. Until they came for us on those other platforms. Sure, Fuentes says loathsome things that are highly offensive. I don't have to read them. He and others like him should have the same right to offend that Larry Flint, Bob Guiccione and Hugh Hefner had, and their publications still have. What's more offensive? Doesn't matter, because Free Speech.
the bottom line is who gets to decide what free speech is?
Alex Jones converted to Judaism when he married his Jewish wife. His kids are Jewish. Associating him with Nazis is bizarro!
Obscenely rich cowards and bullies are threatened by ANY challenge to their homogeny. Running scared of a bunch of (predominantly) amateurs and semi-pros expressing opinions that run counter to their monied interests. They are high tech wife-beaters that wear turtlenecks instead of sleeveless white t-shirts.
that is a meme in the making...
Hegemony. Curse the auto-fill thingy!
There's NOTHING they won't do or say to brainwash people. NOTHING.
According to the fascist takeover playbook, if they lose control of the means to disseminate their propaganda, their coup is over. That's why they're fighting so hard.
fascist was originally defined as opposition to communists. I don't know what people think it is now. But I note that no one ever calls communists communist.
Fascism and communism seem to have merged. But then if you look back in history, communist leaders didn't live like communists. They lived like fascists. There was one set of rules and standard of living for the people and another for them.
all the communist "leaders" historically and present day were/are wealthy. Castro had 400 million USD with twelve or thirteen mansions around Cuba. All of them are like that. Abolishing private property is only for the peasants.
Unfortunately the masses pushing for this in the Western world don't seem to realize it.
This is very concerning because I view Substack as one of the last bastions of free speech and there are some great authors doing "real" journalism on here. Interesting that it all seems to circle back to the vaccines, right when we are seeing a renewed push with new shots for RSV, shots for cancer- all of it new and not adequately tested. For whatever reason, they are determined to get this mRNA into us and we should be very suspicious about that. It looks like the Covid vaccines were just Round 1. Be prepared to dig your heels in everyone! It appears this battle isn't ending anytime soon.
The jab was just part of the plan. The overall plan IMO has to do with control of the population. The jab, Climate Change sh_t, transgenderism, etc are simply ways to destroy western civilization and make people accept one world government run by the Deep State or whoever they are.
The odds of them actually pulling this off are declining exponentially every day as the awakening seems to be picking up speed! I have hope!
I tell most when the subject of money comes up that they should watch out for the CBDC trap and I give a short version of what that means and where it is happening already. At least they may connect a dot or 2 in the future.
they have yet to spring the CBDC and digital I.D. and deploy the 200 divisions of third world illegal aliens. Probably have to collapse the currency first.
I am not so sure. I expect the powers that be have anticipated this. For example they might harness the power of China's CPP that is struggling with rebellion to help pull of their coup and subjegate then murder citizens of the world starting with those who oppose them.
Our best defence is if we all stand up together, including the Chinese who wish to get out from under their leadership.
Indeed! What better scenario could the WEF/globalists hope for than to have a populace who willingly destroys their own economy to the point that they can then be led, without the ability to resist meaningfully, into their great reset. Yes, there is such a plan. Klaus Schwab even wrote a book by the same name describing the process. When your enemy tells you what they're up to.... Believe them.
The WEF.
I love this post! Thank you!
When did ninety-seven percent of the world become delicate little easily-offended flowers? Is this what happens when everyone gets a (participation) trophy? The entitlement is MIND BLOWING. Why do I have to agree with every single thing posted on this platform to use it? (Do the anti-Nazis have any idea of the nasty crap out there on X and YouTube, which they likely peruse daily?) I wrote about this back when Joni Mitchell and Neil Young were having simultaneous tantrums about pulling their music from the same streaming service as "Covid misinformation spreader" Joe Rogan. (BYE!) The mind boggles. https://jennamccarthy.com/not-your-cuppa-joe/ (Oh, and how much do you wanna bet this massive "user revolt" is the two folks mentioned here? I've got a crisp fifty I'll throw down.)
No question Substack is being attacked and falsely discredited.
ALL free-speech platforms must be destroyed by those who benefit from censorship, disinformation and gaslighting propaganda - governments, Pharma, globalists and their tools and puppets.
Benjamin Franklin: “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom - and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”
These concepts are poison to those who engage in corruption and criminality.
Not like they are supporting Nazi fighters in Ukraine.
I think there are some real Nazi's out there. I've actually never met one or had a conversation with one. I live in Alabama and I've never met anyone who was in the KKK or has gone to bat for the KKK.
I think this is similar to that campaign to shut down X, by showing racist or Nazi content or characterizing it as common - when it's a needle in a haystack.
This is hilarious "I live in Alabama and I've never met anyone in the KKK."
Bill - have you checked your local FBI field office?
Heck, my dads folks belonged to the KKK up here in Illinois. She was from Virginia. When I asked her about it a long time ago. She said it was just a social club with potluck suppers. Ok.
LOL Don't tell Substack Hamish! You will be kicked off!
(I'm crying with laughter rn).
Lol. She was a cool granny from the back hills of virginny. Had a job as a young whipper snapper with a family in Hyannis Port. Said she was the governess. (Or maybe the tweeny who lit the fires in the bedrooms.) 😉. Took on airs after that. I didn’t know about the other thing until she was almost gone and sick. . She was a hoot. Grandpa hardly said a word. She was always on deaths door with a fainting couch nearby. Lived to 85.
No one ever mentions that the KKK was started in reaction to what the union was doing during reconstruction. When it morphed into something outside of the original reasons I think Nathan Bedford Forest resigned.
This likely means that you're over the target. The knives come out when you're winning....