A Scary Halloween Story …
According to Brownstone authors, the Powers that Be might be “scrubbing the Internet right now.”

Today is Halloween so I might as well post a scary story … and I just found one.
According to Brownstone authors Jeffrey Tucker and Debbie Lerman, it’s possible Deep State ghouls and goblins are “Scrubbing the Internet Right Now.”
Excerpts from yesterday’s piece at Brownstone outline concerns, which if true, have chilling implications. (The entire article, while scary, might be an important read. Ms. Lerman also writes more about this topic in her Substack dispatch today).
From Tucker and Lerman’s Brownstone article (emphasis added by this author):
“Instances of censorship are growing to the point of normalization. Despite ongoing litigation and more public attention, mainstream social media has been more ferocious in recent months than ever before.
“Podcasters know for sure what will be instantly deleted and debate among themselves over content in gray areas. Some like Brownstone have given up on YouTube in favor of Rumble, sacrificing vast audiences if only to see their content survive to see the light of day.
“It’s not always about being censored or not. Today’s algorithms include a range of tools that affect searchability and findability.
“For example, the Joe Rogan interview with Donald Trump racked up an astonishing 34 million views before YouTube and Google tweaked their search engines to make it hard to discover, while even presiding over a technical malfunction that disabled viewing for many people. Faced with this, Rogan went to the platform X to post all three hours.
“Navigating this thicket of censorship and quasi-censorship has become part of the business model of alternative media.
“Those are just the headline cases. Beneath the headlines, there are technical events taking place that are fundamentally affecting the ability of any historian even to look back and tell what is happening.
“Incredibly, the service Archive.org which has been around since 1994 has stopped taking images of content on all platforms. For the first time in 30 years, we have gone a long swath of time – since October 8-10 – since this service has chronicled the life of the Internet in real time.
“… What this means is the following: Any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow and leave no record of what they posted unless some user somewhere happened to take a screenshot.”
Amazon, Alexa and Google…
Tucker and Lerman discuss the possible significance of Amazon purchasing a company called Alexa in 1999, which allowed any researcher to see how much traffic a given story generated.
“Furthermore, the most widely used service that once ranked websites based on traffic is now gone. That service was called Alexa. The company that created it was independent. Then one day in 1999, it was bought by Amazon.
“Put very simply, the more people found a search result useful, the higher it would rank. Google now uses very different metrics to rank search results, including what it considers “trusted sources” and other opaque, subjective determinations.
“Then, in 2014, years after acquiring the ranking service Alexa, Amazon did a strange thing. It released its home assistant (and surveillance device) with the same name. Suddenly, everyone had them in their homes and would find out anything by saying “Hey Alexa.” Something seemed strange about Amazon naming its new product after an unrelated business it had acquired years earlier. No doubt there was some confusion caused by the naming overlap.
“Here’s what happened next. In 2022, Amazon actively took down the web ranking tool. It didn’t sell it. It didn’t raise the prices. It didn’t do anything with it. It suddenly made it go completely dark …”
Elsewhere, the authors note:
“… Thus the two available tools for searching cached pages on the Internet disappeared within weeks of each other and within weeks of the November 5th election …”
“… The hacking and hobbling of Archive.org underscores the point: there will be no more memory.
“As of this writing, fully three weeks of web content have not been archived. What we are missing and what has changed is anyone’s guess. And we have no idea when the service will come back. It is entirely possible that it will not come back, that the only real history to which we can take recourse will be pre-October 8, 2024, the date on which everything changed.
“The Internet was founded to be free and democratic. It will require herculean efforts at this point to restore that vision, because something else is quickly replacing it.”
Should we be afraid … perhaps very afraid?
My comments:
Would shadowy forces try to make it much harder to access information that had previously been reported on the Internet?
Speaking for myself, I suspect such a project has been on-going for some time.
Controlling - or “scrubbing” previous documents - would protect the world’s real rulers from muckraking citizen journalists who are seeking to uncover previous bogus or dubious statements that would be embarrassing if disclosed.
Such “scrubbing” initiatives could also prevent the words and writings of dissident skeptics from reaching a larger audience.
My guess is that if “they” can get away with such projects, they’ll probably try … and already may be doing just this.
… Anyway, Happy Halloween, everyone!
Update: CHD surpasses fund-raising goal
Note: If the above story has sinister overtones, this news brief is encouraging and inspires hope ….
I recently wrote a short Substack article encouraging readers (who are able) to financially support the annual fund-raiser of Children’s Health Defense (CHD).
This morning I received an email from CHD CEO Mary Holland, telling supporters the group founded by Robert Kennedy, Jr. had surpassed its goal of raising $1 million.
I thought Ms. Holland’s thank-you note was perfect and deserves a larger audience …
Writes Ms. Holland:
Congratulations — you did it again.
Thanks to your generosity, we met our Million Match fundraising goal ahead of schedule. Thank you!
I am truly grateful. But I’m not surprised.
CHD supporters are among the most fiercely dedicated, generous people working to protect children’s health and health freedom.
You’re also some of the bravest.
Maybe you’ve been speaking truth to power for decades. Maybe you didn’t join this fight until the lies about COVID vaccines made you question everything you thought you believed about public health and vaccine “safety.”
Either way, adding your voice to help expose pharmaceutical industry corruption, public health agency capture — and the truth about vaccine injury — has likely required some measure of courage and personal sacrifice.
Maybe it’s cost you friends. Or a job. Or a family member.
As the Nobel Prize-winning poet and author Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn said:
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”
Thank you for having the courage to not take part in the lie.
Thank you for supporting our work so we can spread the truth every single day.
And from all of us at CHD, thank you for helping us reach this critical fundraising goal so together, we can make vaccine injuries a thing of the past.
In gratitude,
Mary Holland
CEO, Children’s Health Defense
In my opinion, CHD and The Brownstone Institute are two of the most important, even indispensable, non-profit organizations in the world today.
I hope many more citizens continue to discover both organizations and, if able, support them with a financial donation. (See links in above paragraph).
(Like CHD and Brownstone, “fund-raising” for independent Substack authors never ends. Our newsletters do not receive million-dollar grants and subsidies, but still we fight on.)
This quote is so great I need to repeat it in the Reader Comments (and keep using it):
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”
Perhaps the best reason for freedom-supporting citizens to support organizations like the Brownstone Institute and Children's Health Defense is we all know the Establishment is doing everything they can to shut down these organizations (or at least muffle their potential influence.)
That is, the New York Times, Aspen Institute, Stanford University, etc. don't have anything to worry about as our leaders continue to wage their war on "disinformation." These organizations never produce "disinformation" ... only the certified truth. They have nothing to worry about (except the truth being revealed).
As far as I can tell, the entire purpose of every high-profile government and NGO initiative these days is to stomp out any possible dissent. These groups say they are "defending democracy," but it's a strange democracy when only certain approved people and organizations can participate in "democratic" debates or conversations.