We are "educated" to trust and to submit to authority from a very early age. This is done in groups to add peer pressure which allegedly allows civilized societies to exist. Not knowing is naturally disconcerting, so filling that "void" with readymade information, rules and narratives is comforting and less of an effort than researching and experimenting oneself. The teaching of History is another case in point, as are most sciences. I feel I have educated myself far more in the past 5 years than during the prior 50 years of my life so that's definitely a silver lining 👍

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I went back into the story and added a recent Department of Labor inflation graph that shows that CPI for "all items" is now 3 percent and approximately 2.5 percent for "food."

I also added a caption under this graphic: "Yeah, right."

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Latest Robert Reich Update: Mr. Reich has 782,000 total subscribers as of Wednesday morning. By this weekend, he'll surge past 800,000 total subscribers and will probably pierce 1 million subscribers by the end of March. If he gets to a million subscribers by March 30, he will have doubled his subscriber numbers in less than three months.

"Something changed on Substack."

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For comparison purposes, two of the best-known "Covid Contrarian All-Stars" (Steve Kirsch and Alex Berenson) have essentially the same number of subscribers they had 48 days ago.

Why the eye-popping surge in liberal Substack subscribers/readers?

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Early on, I believe around April of 2020, I posted a few paragraphs about the PCR test and why it was worthless. There were, if memory serves, at least a dozen other sources of DNA fragments that would be interpreted as Covid if the cycle count was high enough. These sources included one of our own human chromosomes.

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I lost my job of 23 years because I refused the PCR test-March 1, 2021.

I told my supervisors that it goes against God-and I meant it! I still do!

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In a fair world, you'd have an open-and-shut lawsuit and lawyers would be lining up to take your case.

But I don't think we live in a fair world.

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My bf, and many people I worked with have been in a lawsuit for approximately three years…and still are.

I was FORCED to retire, or get tested/jabbed. I took the early retirement.

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In a fair, Natural Law world, it wouldn’t have happened.

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qPCR. Plain PCR is just an amplifier.

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You know that, and I know that, but my few followers don’t know the difference.

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The government data has always been about as honest and reliable as you would expect depraved human reporting to be.🤥

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Although Kerry Mullis who invented the PCR test explicitly stated (in a video before his mysterious death) that it was not designed to "Diagnose". I've also watched other videos of the infections being introduced into the blood/brain barrier by these DNA harvesting tools. The plot is far more insidious than most of us have been informed. Babies in the womb and the Senior Citizens are always the most vulnerable and the easiest "soft target" for wolves in sheep's clothing, (Doctors, Smocks) opp's I repeat myself.

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From Laura Dodsworth who wrote A State of Fear

“I spoke to a care home worker in the north of England about this problem. They have had cases where Covid-19 has been inaccurately put on the death certificate as the cause of death or an underlying cause of death. One resident, well into her 80s, tested positive for coronavirus at the end of March, when she had mild symptoms. She recovered but went on to die in August. A covering doctor who had never met the resident or seen the body, insisted that Covid-19 must have been a cause of death. The care home worker says, “She actually died of old age, quite peacefully and contentedly. Old age isn’t supposed to be used on death certificates, but sometimes it’s what it is.” How many times has this happened in care homes across the country?”


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In many countries, approximately 50 percent of "Covid deaths" happened in nursing homes. If we subtract the nursing home residents who allegedly died of Covid, the Covid death toll in these nations would be cut in half.

And how many of those nursing home residents died from iatrogenic medical protocols? This might be "democide" in action. Also, it's not like the residents' loved ones could check on their loved ones and see how they were being "cared for" during these months and years.

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Hey, I mostly believe gummint statements about temperature, wind speed, and altitudes. But "cases" seem to be of ever-smaller and soupier cans of tuna fish. No one in gummint or media would answer when I asked what "cases" were.

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Great article Bill! I will be resharing it!

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Thanks, Karen! I kind of re-stated or re-worded some points I'd made three years ago.

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Your assessment of the testing scam is far short of the reality.

My then Chief of Staff went to Covid committee meetings most weekdays when administration was present. He dismissed my comment every time that I asked him, "Bob, what cycle threshold are these people using for their PCR testing?"

I submitted about six comments to JAMA online articles requesting values on "laboratory-confirmed Covid" and was uniformly rejected with the note, "Your comment does not meet our community standards."

Thank you for continuing to write about the ongoing deception. At least it is being discussed in the USA- north of 49 we have a great squealing of "Orange man Bad!"

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One of my columnists for my local Substack, The Troy Citizen, just wrote a pithy piece on the "Five Most Important Economic Indicators" or Government Reports.

This piece was written by Dr. Wayne Curtis, who was a long-time commerce professor and once was the superintendent of banking for the state of Alabama. Dr. Curtis, 84, graduated from Troy High School in 1958 with my late mother and father. Both of my parents said Dr. Curtis was the smartest person in their class ... and that class had a lot of very smart people!

Here's Dr. Curtis's column, which inspired my national column.


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Excellent article, Bill! I will restack or crosspost soon.

The obfuscation of the unemployment, inflation, Covid, crime and census data has left me incredibly distrustful and disillusioned. Regarding the crime data shenanigans, I wrote a piece about that: https://open.substack.com/pub/foxyheterodoxy/p/violent-crime-really-was-lower-under?r=1qba3o&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false. It’s shameful. I just pray that more people wake up.

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Great summary Bill, I was unable to visit my mom in assisted living for many months, primarily because a worker had tested ”positive” so there was another 2 weeks of no visits. This went on forever it seemed. Then once we could schedule a 30 minute visit, it was in the lobby, supervised, with our chairs 10 feet apart, all to be masked! When she stopped eating, the isolation too much, I had to stick that damn thing in my nose every day to see her in full nursing care. I will never forget what they did to us!

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5 years later when I look back I just cant believe this shit happened. The inhumanity of it all. Your mom was a victim of neglect and abuse during that time. Treating people like germs, completely dehumanizing people just to see there elderly loved ones. It was beyond disgraceful.

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Jim, I kept asking, who is watching the watchers?

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What’s this we shit?

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