We're getting closer
But close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades; it's not good enough when it comes to the campaign to end mRNA non-vaccines.
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden just posted a story at her Substack that’s encouraging on one level, but maddening/frustrating/disappointing on another.
The story documents activities in many state legislatures where some legislators are actually trying to ban mRNA “vaccines” - news that would be incredibly exciting and significant.
However, so far, no state legislative body has summoned the courage to actually pass these bills into law - which is disappointing and probably a giant tell about the power of Big Pharma and the Powers that Be.
My take-away is that political leaders in America are still unable to exert genuine “leadership” and are still “following” the world’s real leaders who have captured every level of government.
As Dr. Bowden’s story strongly suggests, it seems some of these bills were/are very close to being passed and sent to the governor to hopefully sign into law.
Whether a governor would be “leader” enough to sign these bills into law is, for now, another great unanswered question.
For now, it seems “someone” has been able to block these bills from becoming law … and I think we can all make a guess as to who those “someones” are (or from whom key legislators still take their orders).
These state-level bills are crucially important as it might take just one state to start a chain reaction where many states pass similar bills.
But, again, it would take one state to be the courageous and historic first democratic body to reject the “safe-and-effective” lie.
One gets the sense the vast Vaccine Promotion Complex is exerting all its significant power to prevent the first domino from falling.
Presumably, America was created as a republic for a reason
Of course, it would be nice if Congress and the Senate banned these vaccines and boosters at the national level, but this almost certainly won’t happen with both Houses of Congress divided at close to a 50-50 ratio and 100-percent of Democrats certain to support Big Pharma with every vote (and plenty of Republicans likely to do the same thing).
Thus, the key legislative activity in our national Republic will occur at the state level … but only if a few real leaders exert enough leadership and summon enough courage to push these life-saving policy changes into law.
Since it seems a few of these efforts are, perhaps, very close to becoming reality, all that might be needed is a surge of grassroots’ outreach in these states to tell/implore these alleged leaders to perform their Constitutional oversight duties and actually protect citizens - or stop endorsing measures that are harming and killing so many innocent citizens.
That is, in our national republic, a display of real democracy - in the form of voters flooding phone lines, filling email in-boxes and showing up in large numbers at State Capitols - might show a previously-skeptical population that democracy can still “work.”
If anyone lives in any of these states, it can’t hurt - and might even make history - if you participate in the democratic process and help these legislators know the political sky won’t fall on them if they do what “the people” want them to do.
*** (Please share this article, especially with voters who live in the below states … ) ***
Excerpts from Dr. Bowden’s article; boldface text showing the “strange” occurrences that might be blocking these initiatives was added by me:
Moving the needle state by state.
Legislative activity in the medical freedom movement picks up.
“In the past two weeks, we’ve seen a wave of legislative activity in the medical freedom movement signaling an increased appetite in our country to pull the mRNA shots off the market, make ivermectin over the counter, and eliminate medical mandates.
“Montana was the first state to introduce a bill proposing a ban on the administration of all gene-based vaccines to humans. Introduced by Rep Greg Kmetz, HB371 passed out of committee and went to the Montana House for a vote. Unfortunately, it did not pass, but Rep Kmetz other bill HB418, which would ban the shots for animals, is still alive.
“Idaho was the next state to introduce a bill calling for a moratorium on all gene-based vaccines. Sen Brandon Shippy announced S1036 on February 4, 2025. The bill was scheduled for an initial vote in front of the Senate Health Services Committee on February 17, 2025, but the chair of the committee, Sen Julie VanOrden, suddenly canceled the vote on this bill. The Senate Committee did hear testimony on the bill and a future vote is pending.
“In Kentucky, Rep TJ Roberts and Sen Lindsey Tichenor filed HB469, a bill prohibiting the use of any gene therapy product for infectious diseases. The bill has ten co-sponsors and is awaiting a vote in committee. The day before this bill was filed, Rep Thomas Massie tweeted, “FDA should immediately revoke approval of these shots.”
“On Friday, February 21st, Rep Wes Virdell from Texas filed HB3176 stating “A person may not manufacture, sell, or distribute a product developed through the use of mRNA material in the prevention or treatment of a communicable disease.”
“In Iowa, Senator Doug Campbell filed SF360: “A person shall not provide or administer a gene-based vaccine to another person in this state.”
South Carolina also plans to file a bill. Sen Mark Body from Tennessee drafted a bill but decided not to file it, blaming Rep Gino Bulso who had promised to file legislation on the House side but backed out at the last minute …”
My bottom-line: Supporters on our side are getting close, but close doesn’t count when it comes to actually banning deadly shots.
Somehow, one state has to reach the finish line … and lead the way for the rest of the nation.
Not just the vax. They need to stop vaxing our food supply. That is sequivity in pork, mrna in meat, chickens and produce. If they start vaxing egg laying chickens, im done with eggs.
Knowing how hard Bill Gates is lobbying, it's not really a stretch to assume that there are lawmakers out there being paid off.