I know the sentence that follows sounds corny, but it’s true so I’m going to run with it:
My main motivation as a writer and journalist is to do what I can to make the world a better place.
I’m of course honest enough to know my articles have not produced this result.
The question today’s essay explores is why does someone like myself keep doing what he’s doing, knowing that “my work” is not making a noticeable difference?
The answer, I think, is that people with my personality traits never lose hope.
We keep thinking the next big story might be the one that changes things for the better … or will make more people think about an important topic in new and more logical ways … which will help make the world a better place.
For me, one thought is always percolating in the back of my mind: If people would just understand they’ve been lied to on one important topic, maybe they’ll understand that they have been misled on many important topics.
That is, one truth bomb could lead to a cascade of truth bombs.
These flashes of belated illumination and exposed truths would identify many important officials and authorities who’ve been lying all along. Once their crimes or malfeasance were exposed, these individuals might be imprisoned or at least be disgraced.
The key point is that they would be removed from positions of leadership and authority. This would mean they wouldn’t be able to cause more harm in the future. This, per my philosophy, would make the world a better place going forward.
Examples that might better illustrate my point …
I’m probably best known on Substack as “the guy who is trying to prove early spread.”
For 40 months, I’ve been doing research and writing articles trying to produce evidence that might prove my hypothesis. So why would I do so much work and arguably become obsessed about one topic?
It occurs to me that my real motivation is not to “prove” early spread happened. My real goal is to get more people to realize that society’s alleged experts and authorities should not be trusted.
What I really want to happen is see these officials (and the organizations they work for) exposed as dangerous frauds (or at least as incompetent). If this result happens, our children and grandchildren’s futures will be much better … the world would be a better place because of my work.
To be even more corny, my life would have “made a difference.”
Any Covid scandal - definitively exposed as a “shocking scandal” - would produce the same result.
For example, say some brilliant investigative journalist definitively proved the “vaccines” were killing and harming millions of people (and that all the key experts knew this was the case all along).
If, by some miracle, such an expose broke through to the “mainstream” population, the whole world would change … for the better. The entire Science/Medicine/Big Pharma Industrial Complex would be exposed as nefarious frauds.
Most importantly, these criminals would not be in a position to mandate policies that kill and harm large swaths of the population in the future.
The guilty parties would be banished from positions of great power and the people who replace them would have a stark example of what could happen to them if they also emulate the activities of their predecessors.
Future leaders would have a strong incentive to NOT become the next disgraced Anthony Fauci.
The end result would be that the next generation of “leaders” would possess much-higher character. Tragic results made possible by duplicitous, power-hungry corrupt officials would be far less likely to occur … And the world would be a better place than if this change had not occurred.
I now understand what’s really motivated me with almost all the “contrarian” articles I’ve become passionate about. I just want the Bad Guys to be exposed as Bad Guys. I don’t want these people to keep getting away with it.
I also realize there are only a limited number of scandals that - if exposed and shocking enough - might bring about a better world. This is why certain stories galvanize my interest. If they were exposed, we might get world-improving change.
The Epstein scandal, if fully exposed, could have
drained much of the swamp
Before I became obsessed with all the unreported Covid scandals, I became passionate over the possibility the Epstein “sex trafficking” scandal might be exposed.
Upon deeper reflection, I didn’t care Epstein and the people he surrounded himself with were awful, sick human beings.
The reason this story was important to me is that I understood if the true story was ever revealed, heads would roll and minds of the previously naive might explode.
The real important story is two-fold: (1) A cross-section of world leaders are prurient people who completely lack the morals we’d like our “leaders” to posses.
(2) The bigger scandal is that numerous agencies of the U.S. government (and probably the Israeli government) almost certainly knew all about this sex-trafficking (and blackmail?) scandal and covered it up for years if not decades.
What they were obviously doing was protecting the VIP “Johns.” So the important story is that our government is hopelessly corrupt, and the scales of justice tilt heavily to the elite, ruling class.
The idea percolating in my head was that this story, fully exposed, had the potential to drain the swamp. If fully exposed, just about everyone who read about this story would realize that our trusted institutions were rotten.
For example, maybe the FBI and Department of Justice would have been humiliated and purged well before the same people covered up Hillary Clinton’s involvement in RussiaGate or before they covered up Hunter Biden’s decadence and corruption. Or before they went on a witch hunt to arrest people who entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Maybe Bill Gates, if he was a repeat Epstein client, would have been disgraced and humiliated years before Covid, which would mean he wouldn’t have been able to fund so many dangerous Covid and Censorship initiatives.
If all of this had happened, the world would have been a better place.
“Surely, this is going to be Big Story …”
Time and time again, I think, “Ah, this is going to be the stunning big story that belatedly wakes everyone up and shows them the real truth.”
For example, on the Covid “vaccine” issue, I might think: “The stroke suffered by famous actor Jamie Fox or the death of actor Lance Reddick or some athlete who died suddenly … will be the story that finally makes billions of people think these vaccines are not “safe” after all.
If one family member with a big platform and true grit made these claims, maybe other family members of other victims would also be emboldened to come forward and the whole house of cards would begin to crumble.
So I get excited that “this might be the game-changer story” … but this never happens.
I just wrote a story about the Canadian Truckers Convoy protest, another story I thought could end up being a “game-changer.”
The actual requests of the truckers weren’t earth-shattering. The truckers simply wanted to do away with vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.
But I saw the Bigger Possible Story, which was that the masses were finally organizing and pushing back against our “trusted” rulers.
Naively, I thought this protest could end up being the equivalent of the Boston Tea Party, a “history-changing” event that symbolized the fight against tyrannical rulers.
Anyway, for a coupe of weeks, I thought sanity was being restored, that “normal” citizens in the grassroots were now stepping up and this movement might spread across the planet.
The end result might be that our rulers would be exposed and disgraced - and perhaps even have to flee to their bug-out shelters in New Zealand. If nothing else, their ravenous appetite for ever-more control would be hamstrung and blocked.
Perhaps this movement would allow new and persuasive grassroots’ leaders to emerge, a necessity when all the official “leaders” are captured and working for the other other side.
All of these hypothetical results would make the world a better place … so I thought this might be the ONE story that finally changes things.
But I was wrong again.
“And I still haven’t found what I’m looking for …”
By now, I can observe that every story I thought could be a “narrative-changer” has been blocked or neutralized or never became a real narrative-changing story.
From this observation, I now understand how important it is to our corrupt rulers to make sure the first of these narrative-changing type stories doesn’t get exposed.
They no doubt get what I get. If the first scandal was conclusively exposed, all of the other scandals might be exposed.
And if any of these stories were exposed, the world’s true rulers would understand that their days at the top of the societal pyramid might come to an ugly and abrupt end.
My great desire is to help prove one massive scandal that would put a stake in these Dracula type leaders. I actually don’t care what scandal achieves this goal, but it needs to be a scandal shocking enough to take the blindfolds off the eyes of billions of previously blind world inhabitants.
To make the world a better place in the future, we’ve got to expose and purge stadiums full of “leaders,” “experts” and “officials.”
One fully-exposed scandal might be enough to get The Great Purge started. This might cause hundreds of millions of people to realize the world’s not going to be a better place in the future unless these corrupt, serial liars and sociopaths are gone.
If people don’t care about a better world for themselves, maybe they want their children and grandchildren to live in a better world … or one that’s not going to be even more frightening than today’s world.
I firmly believe it would take just one exposed scandal to start a domino-effect that results in a better world for all of us.
One scandal exposed. That’s not out of the realm of possibility, right?
This, I think, is why hope still lives inside me.
As Andy Dufresne said in a letter to his best friend, Red, in the classic movie “The Shawshank Redemption:”
“Remember. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
For anyone interested in other great movies with messages for our "Covid/New Normal Times," you might be interested in these 17 selections I made in a Substack article eight months ago.
I ended that piece with "Shawshank Redemption."
This is one of my favorite columns (since I'm such a big movie buff). However, I didn't have many subscribers back then and it didn't get much of a response. I keep "re-booting" this column in hopes it might find a larger audience in re-release!
Dear Bill,
It is not a corny goal and is shared by many of us, each trying in our own ways against this monstrous current system. You are making a real difference, keep up the fantastic work! We are all in this together and the little things ripple out. I have a feeling a tipping point will eventually be reached on these specific topics and the truth will prevail. I’m sure many other horrors and corruptions on various scales will endlessly come to light given human nature but we keep holding our values up and seeking a better world. As to stand by and do nothing...