The military might be Covid’s major villain
The ‘emergency’ that allowed the DoD to circumvent normal medical safety measures wasn’t an emergency at all.

Debbie Lerman of The Brownstone Institute has written perhaps the most-important summary showing how the U.S. military took over the Covid response and circumvented all previous safety measures designed to protect the population from unsafe and non-effective medical products (like “vaccines.”)
Debbie’s article builds on the “invaluable work” of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, who Debbie notes, “have been trying to draw attention to this shocking legal and regulatory framework for a long time.”
To Debbie’s analysis, I’d add my opinion that nothing that happened would have happened if “early spread” had been acknowledged.
The marketing message for the vaccines wasn’t subtle: This is a national emergency and you will very possibly die if you don’t get these shots
Debbie’s article points out:
“In December 2020 the following facts were known about Covid-19 without a reasonable doubt:
The infection fatality rate (IFR) for the entire population was less than 1%.
The IFR for anyone under 55 was 0.01% or lower.
The IFR for children was near zero.
Debbie continues: “A disease that has significant potential to affect national security has to be very severe, especially in its effect on the military. Yet in December 2020 military-aged people were known to be at nearly no risk from Covid-19. And still the HHS Secretary determined that there was an emergency that warranted EUA for the mRNA vaccines. And all military personnel were mandated to get the injections.”
No threat to military or to children ….
I made the same point in this article, where I noted that only nine active duty U.S. military personnel - out of 1.34 million active duty service members - had (allegedly) died from Covid in the first 13 months of the pandemic.
Regarding the mortality risk to children, in this article, I noted that the mortality risk for healthy children is greater than 1-in-1 million (A random child would be more likely to be struck by lightning than die from Covid).
Also, in my opinion, the IFR for the “entire population” was/is much lower than “1 percent.” I also firmly believe a more accurate IFR assessment could have been made as early as March 15, 2020, when most countries imposed draconian lockdowns to slow virus spread and thus, in their opinion, “save millions of lives.”
In short, the justification for lockdowns was that they would prevent cases, which would prevent huge number of cases that progressed to death.
Nobody knows the real IFR because nobody knows
the real number of early cases
My contrarian belief is that nobody really knows how many people had already been infected by this virus as of mid-March 2020 so the public didn’t know the real mortality risk (IFR) from this virus.
I also believe at least some public health officials must have known the real IFR was either much lower than publicly stated or that a real investigation into “early spread” would prove this so they knew they could not perform such a legitimate investigation.
I believe the Covid PCR test must qualify as the greatest fraud in medical history and was used to massively inflate the number of Covid “cases.”
Even though I think the diagnostic value of the PCR tests was massively over-stated, I still think it’s very possible that millions of people had already been infected with this novel virus by the date of the lockdowns and, most importantly, had NOT died after being infected.
If this was a super-contagious virus (which I think it was), the number of infected people wouldn’t have been limited or “isolated” to just a few households or towns; huge numbers of people had probably been infected by the beginning of spring 2020.
It’s not the ‘case numbers’ that blow up the authorized narrative …
But the number of real or likely early “cases” is not what blows up or debunks the authorized Covid narrative … what blows up the narrative is the fact hardly anyone was dying from this virus.
“Early Spread” = “Numerous infected people” … but, boldface this point, “very few if any Covid deaths.”
If millions of people had, in fact, already been infected by the date of the lockdowns and no spike in excess deaths had been observed by, say, March 1, 2020, the only conclusion I can make is that this virus is and was not deadly.
Re: “millions” of cases …
Millions (plural) of previously infected Americans would equate to just two million cases, which would be less than one percent of the U.S. population being infected by March 2020.
The results of the Red Cross antibody study - where 2.03 percent of one sample tested positive for antibodies Dec. 13-16, 2019 - extrapolated to the nation, equals more than 7.4 million cases …. by the end of November. That is, these blood donors didn’t suddenly develop antibodies the day they gave blood in mid-December.
It’s beyond dispute that no major spike in “excess deaths” had been observed by early March 2020.
If one uses the tiny number of “Covid deaths” before March 2020 as the IFR or CFR numerator and uses a denominator of “millions” of actual cases, one gets a mortality risk that is infinitesimal.
My main point is this virus should not have been considered a “health threat” to 99.9 percent of the population and it certainly wasn’t a “national security” threat, which was the justification for the military to take over vaccine development, procurement and distribution.
The “emergency” used to activate the “Emergency Use Authorization” provisions was not an “emergency” at all.
Summarizing …
Debbie Lerman’s excellent article shows the public the elaborate and prolonged contractural machinations that had to occur to let the military effectively take over the Covid response.
As Debbie points out, the experts who matter also said this virus was naturally-occurring, which reveals to anyone who’s paying attention that the military will take over even when the virus-creating “enemy” is not Russia, Iran or China … but some bats.
With this article, I’m simply pointing out that no grave public health “emergency - to the military or the public - existed in America. “National security” was not being put at risk by a virus that, over months, had infected millions of people without killing hardly anyone.
Debbie’s article shows us that the producers of this pandemic and the usual suspects in the Military Industrial Complex went to great lengths to legally “authorize” their draconian Covid responses, which provided liability cover for all the key players.
However, after going to all this trouble, they also had to show this virus posed a grave “emergency” to the military and/or the public.
Definitive evidence of a contagious virus that had caused very few deaths would have scuttled the entire painstaking operation.
As I keep writing, “early spread” simply cannot be “confirmed” … because this would also confirm no or few “early deaths” occurred. “Almost no deaths” does not equal a dire “emergency” to national defense.
A Final Question …
If the virus that causes Covid killed such a tiny percentage of people in the four or so months the virus was spreading widely (November 2019 through February 2020), what suddenly changed and killed so many people after April 2020?
I’d note that “Covid deaths” never stopped occurring. If I’m right that early spread happened, this would mean Covid - in its early months - did not kill many people at all, despite infecting millions of people.
It seems to me this initial “death rate” should have remained constant or even gone down as treatments should have improved, early diagnosis should have occurred and future virus mutations should not have been as deadly as the earliest form of the virus. (Plus, 80 percent of the population was now vaccinated).
Still, the “Covid deaths” never stopped and actually accelerated in Year Two of the official pandemic.
I believe evidence of early spread tells us many shocking things. One of my conclusions is that the “vaccines” created to prevent Covid deaths must have caused many deaths.
But it’s not just the vaccines that caused the huge spike in excess deaths that began after the lockdowns.
Many factors contributed to this spike in excess deaths and all of these factors can be traced to the experts’ response to the virus … not to the virus itself, which “early spread” tells us was largely benign.
As Covid deaths never stopped and I’m convinced “early spread” shows us Covid is/was not overly lethal, I can only conclude that other factors must explain the vast majority of alleged “Covid deaths” that are still happening.
It wasn’t a novel virus that posed a threat to national security, it was the response of the national security establishment that killed and harmed most “Covid” victims.
As usual in today’s upside-down world, the alleged hero or savior was almost certainly the villain and real killer.
The real IFR should be a big-deal even today. For its part, the CDC says the first Covid case in America was Jan. 19, 2020 (a man who had returned from Wuhan). In a CDC press conference from May 29, 2020, the CDC said "community spread" in America probably began in some places in mid to late February .
This doesn't make sense to me either. By the end of March - about 40 days after the CDC said community spread started, New York City was experiencing thousands of "Covid deaths." By the end of April, NY City had experienced more than 10,000 extra deaths - all attributed to Covid.
It takes, on average, 21 days to contract and then die from Covid. So if the big spike in NY City deaths was April 15th, most of the people who died on that day had been infected 21 days earlier - which would be the last week of March. Which would be 10 days after lockdowns were implemented to prevent spread.
Somehow deaths and cases went from zero in mid to late February to tens of thousands in a period of about 35 to 60 days in NY City.
This didn't happen in Wuhan, which is almost as large a city as NYC and just as densely-packed.
By the end of January in China, there had only been 50 to 200 deaths in the entire country, according to China officials. When did virus spread begin in China or Wuhan? Why so few deaths in this city and so many in NY City?
What was the IFR for Covid by January 30th in China? We don't know that either, but it was apparently a far less lethal virus in China than in America for some unknown reason.
My theory, like most I'm sure, is that the PCR tests are terrible and a major fraud and were used to inflate Covid cases (when they were finally widely administered, which was AFTER the lockdowns).
My question is how reliable or good are the antibody tests? It's the people who tested positive via the antibody tests that provide perhaps the main reason I think "early spread" happened. But this question occurs to me: If officials wanted to conceal all evidence of "early spread," why not just rig all the antibody tests so none of them produced any positives?
My working theory is that the "authorized" tests (from government cronies like Quest Labs or Abbott) probably do use cutoff values that will produce fewer positive results. It's the non-authorized tests used by a few hospitals and private labs that produced a greater percentage of positives. These tests, of course, were labelled as "junk" tests.
I also think antibodies probably do fade to undetectable levels in many people after two or three months (numerous studies support this view). This would mean that people that started getting antibody tests in late April or May 2020 - but who had Covid symptoms many months earlier - might be expected to test "negative" even if the tests were legit.
But, for some reason, this was not the case with everyone.
Also, hardly anyone could get an antibody test before the end of April 2020, which makes it even more likely there would NOT be many people who tested positive for antibodies. For the vast majority of Americans, the PCR tests and the antibody tests were both delayed. I'm one of the few writers who has pointed this out. I think this was probably intentional .... to conceal evidence of early spread.
As I hope my articles have shown, compelling evidence of early spread is kryptonite to the authorized narrative. I do think certain officials would (and did) do everything they could to limit this evidence. However, there's still enough antibody evidence to make me confident many people were already infected by the end of 2019.
And if a few people in a few towns were infected .... many people would have quickly become infected in these towns .... because the virus IS/was very contagious.
As I have also pointed out ad nauseum, the last thing officials would want to do is seriously investigate - and then "confirm" - any of these possible early cases.
The CDC didn't even bother to interview any of the 39 people who tested positive for antibodies in the Red Cross blood study - which was published 11 1/2 months after those people first gave blood.
I've seen zero evidence any officials were serious about investigating possible early cases. This is probably my greatest "red flag." Officials did not do things they could have and should have easily done.