The bleak message from my 1st year on Substack
Every big and important organization in the world is now captured. This means the future of the world will be determined by smaller organizations.

Next week will be the one-year-anniversary of my Substack newsletter.
After a year’s worth of contrarian articles, I think I now know the most important Covid truth - every important organization in the world is now captured or corrupt.
Leadership matters and the world’s leadership couldn’t be more reprehensible.
Sadly, I’ve come to believe the vast majority of the world’s citizens don’t understand what this portends for their own futures (or the futures of their children and grandchildren).
What this means is that everything to come - just like all the crimes that have already happened - will be based on lies and coordinated frauds.
The world’s “leaders” aren’t going to save anyone because they all serve in corrupt or captured organizations.
Even if certain leaders and organizations don’t harm people directly, members of society’s leadership class won’t lift a finger to stop unnecessary pain and suffering, simply because they lack the character to oppose any of the authorized narratives that are harming staggering numbers of world inhabitants.
Most citizens either don’t understand this or, for some inexplicable reason, are fine following leaders who are leading them off a cliff … or into a giant penitentiary.
The troubling thought is the masses are too brainwashed or perhaps too distracted by “bread and circuses” and won’t wake up in time to realize their blind compliance was a colossal (even fatal) blunder.
One of many Covid examples …
The continuing surge in excess deaths might constitute evidence the whole system is beyond saving. Across the world, tens of millions of extra people are dying and suffering serious “adverse health events” … and, as far as I can tell, nobody in power even cares.
Strangely, most citizens are fine with this as well.
These excess deaths aren’t reversing and won’t stop … because none of the policies that are creating these surge in deaths are going to be exposed … at least by the institutions which were supposed to expose massive malfeasance.
In the entire world, no important “watchdog” or “truth-seeking” organization exists that is interested in exposing the real reason for these surging number of deaths, injuries and run-away inflation.
Our real rulers had to capture governments …
Leaders in government probably didn’t come up with many of the nefarious and deadly programs that are wreaking havoc on the non-wealthy citizens of the world.
Operators in the Deep State or Shadow Government have “captured” politicians, which made possible all the requisite legal and bureaucratic rule making and emergency executive orders signed by “puppet” presidents, governors and mayors.
Those behind the curtain making the big decisions knew they must have the power and coercive tools of government to accomplish their objectives.
Because it owns and operates the printing press and distributes money throughout the system, government agents can reward “cronies” who “play ball,” people who will go along with life, liberty and economy-destroying programs.
The giant corporations are also all captured and can be counted on to support whatever program is being pushed at the moment.
Colleges, K-12 education and the military are among our captured institutions. Even 99 percent of the big trial lawyer firms know what lawsuits they can’t bring and what clients they can’t represent.
One might think religious organizations would have the numbers in their pews to push back against the State, but this didn’t happen either.
The key organization that sold its soul …
Of course, the biggest and most important captured organization is the Fourth Estate, the mainstream media. When the “watchdog” press exists to protect corrupt organizations and refuses to investigate massive scandals, any and all nefarious goals become possible.
The institution created to be the ultimate check on those with power is now running cover for those with absolute power.
A massive Censorship Industrial Complex has emerged to bring forth North Korean, 1984-style reforms, ensuring only the government’s point of view is widely disseminated.
I don’t think every organization is led by demons or master prevaricators.
The leaders in most organizations are probably simply following the herd. Their overriding goal is to remain a member in good standing of “the club.” If injustice occurs, members of said club know intuitively that they are NOT going to speak up and try to stop it.
History tells us that when good people do nothing, Holocausts can happen.
When bad people ascend to leadership positions and do nothing when miscarriages of justice become routine … monstrosities are certain to happen.
If the major organizations are all captured,
the minor organizations have to save us …
Since the above reality “is what it is,” the future of the world probably hinges on the possibility some minor organizations could save humanity and genuine freedom.
Substack probably qualifies as one of the most important minor organizations that’s yet to be captured.
Substack is one of the dwindling number of writers’ platforms that does not censor speech. Furthermore, writers and thinkers who are inclined to challenge false narratives have, by necessity, gravitated to Substack.
So too have citizens who possess a skeptic’s bent of mind.
Nor do I think millions of Substack readers visit this platform every day just to receive more Covid articles.
These readers represent the 10 percent (?) of the population that are independent or critical thinkers, the group in society that does not automatically trust the pronouncements of officials and alleged experts … on Covid topics or any other topic where the official narrative is dubious or dead wrong.
Members of this heroic group, for whatever reason, decided they would not sit idly by as society’s elite leaders and organizations attempted to take total control of the world.
In short, if the world is going to be saved, the group who will do the most to save us from the captured leadership class can be found largely here on Substack.
As I will develop in future articles, Substack isn’t perfect. For example, I’m not sure the platform’s business model provides enough income to support enough contrarian journalists.
Still, Substack represents one beacon of light in a world where darkness and ignorance seem to be carrying the day.
The Bad Guys haven’t won yet …
After one year of being a Substack writer, my main take-away is that the Bad Guys are more brazen than ever - and they clearly control all the important organizations … but they haven’t won yet.
As long as enough citizens who have found each other on Substack continue to push back and challenge all the many dangerous lies, the most important thing - hope - will survive.
As far as I’m concerned, we can write off all the major organizations that are supposed to exist to expose harmful truths and punish the corrupt. The members of this motley club aren’t going to expose and discredit other club members.
But these actors are going to have to be exposed and purged if the future isn’t going to become more bleak or dystopian.
It’s not fair, and it shouldn’t be this way, but the smaller organizations and the 10 percent of brave citizens still capable of thinking clearly are going to have to do the heavy lifting if David is going to slay Goliath.
In the past year, I’ve tried to use the platform presented by one small business, Substack, to take on 100 massive organizations. I’ve tried to pen some original stories, all of which have the same goal - don’t trust the alleged experts.
I also know our side needs many more soldiers to join the fight.
But my best journalism might still be to come and I think our side is recruiting much faster than the side supported by BlackRock or the World Economic Forum.
The best thing I can say is that our side hasn’t given up yet. It’s still possible some of the little organizations that aren’t captured might become large enough to make a difference and, perchance, save a world that’s increasingly in peril.
Substack has helped me live my daily life in varied ways but among the important things is the human contact that offers me the ability to check up on my own sanity and the knowledge that there are people to love and people who do indeed love their fellow man. I am most grateful for all of you.
My personal experience is that people believe the adverse events aren't caused by the vaccines, that they would have happened regardless. People seem desperate to wear their blinkers and go on with the illusion that everything is OK.