School Closings Galore Documented
The CDC’s 'revised' ILI data says the 2019-2020 flu season was moderate or normal by historic standards. As always, don’t believe the experts.

INTRODUCTION - A few tidbits germane to this project
Over too many hours of research than I want to think about, I was able to document at least 108 school systems and/or individual schools in America that closed due to rampant illness and heavy absences in the four months before the lockdowns designed to “slow” or “stop” the “spread” of a novel respiratory virus.
These school closings occurred in at least 15 states.
(Note/Update: After this story was first published, a reader - T Coddington - provided me links to two more articles that document six more school systems that closed in Illinois, expanding my list to at least 15 states and “at least 105” school systems or individual schools that closed in the pre-pandemic flu season. Reader “Wisconsin Mom” provided two more schools in Wisconsin not included in my original tally).
As I developed in Part-1 of this article, this number seems to be higher than the terrible flu season of 2017-2018 and significantly higher than the prior flu season of 2018-2019, which was also severe. (It came as no surprise to me that the CDC later significantly revised - downward - its flu estimates for the 2019-2020 season, which I suspect is more evidence of how officials concealed evidence of “early spread.”)
Most of the school closings documented below occurred in late January 2020 and early February.
This would be approximately 40 to 50 days before the lockdowns of mid-March 2020. At least for this author, it does not seem farfetched to think this virus could have been making people sick 45 or so days before experts claim this virus began to infect large numbers of Americans (oddly, in the warmer, spring weeks and months).
However, this article also documents school closings as early as November 8 (in Texas) and closings in December and earlier in January.
‘Flu’ does not necessarily mean everyone actually has the flu …
Most news reports refer to these closings as being because of the “flu” although I know from research that the vast majority of people who have ILI symptoms and get a flu test actually test “negative” for the flu.
Of the more than 100 school systems or schools listed below, the vast majority are entire “school systems” that shut down. Most school systems closed (for one or more days) because at least 20 percent of the student body or staff was affected by illness. Some schools had absent rates above 40 percent.
Some school systems would have dozens or scores of schools. This means this list probably comprises many thousands of schools across 15 states … and hundreds of thousands of students and staff members..
I added a few comments I thought were interesting or that readers might enjoy.
I actually began researching “school closings” in the spring of 2020. In re-examining this earlier research, I discovered some of my saved links no longer open. Fortunately, I saved the text, which I could copy into the article.
I hope a few readers will at least skim the text and sub-headlines of what turned into a long document. Perhaps a few readers will agree with my contrarian hypothesis - that the coronavirus was spreading widely in America weeks and months before the country’s first “confirmed case” of January 18, 2020.
For the life of me, I don’t understand why “early spread” isn’t being investigated by public health officials given the overwhelming evidence that some kind of very contagious virus was obviously spreading in America. I’m sure many public health officials have children or grandchildren who attended schools that also experienced many absences due to ILI in these pre-Covid months.
… I listed the states by the number of school closings …. so I start with the leader of the ILI pack, the Buckeye State.
OHIO - At least 30 school districts and/or individual
schools were closed by the end of January 2020
Centerville City Schools
East Dayton Christian School
Wenzler Daycare and Learning Center
Wilmington City Schools
Plymouth-Shiloh Local Schools
Washington Court House City Schools - “spent three weeks with 20 percent of the student body out sick.”
Ashland Crestview School district - “Crestview superintendent, said there were so many staff absences the district was concerned about proper student supervision. “
Loudenville-Perrysville Local Schools
R.F. McMullen Elementary
Adena Local Schools
Grace Life Christian Childcare
Granville Christian Academy
Huntington Local Schools
Logan Hocking Local Schools
New Lexington City Schools
Pickaway Ross Vocational Center
The Charles School at ODU
Waverly City Schools
YouthBuild Columbus Community School
Zane Trace Local
Chillicothe City Schools
Southern Local Schools
Green Local
Northwest Local in Scioto County
Miami Trace Local School District
Crossroads Christian Academy
Marion Preparatory Academy - “Closed a week ago (January 10) …because of the flu. The school's principal said 40% of her students were out with it in the first week of January.”
Cardinal Local Schools
Crestview Local Schools
Westerly Elementary School in Bay Village
“Because of an increased number of illnesses throughout this week, Centerville City Schools will be closed … ” district spokeswoman Sarah Swan said. “Students and staff have been absent for a variety of reasons, including the flu.”
Facebook User comments about Centerville outbreak:
Jessica Pricci - A lady at the orthodontist was saying 600 students in the high school missed school yesterday and they had so many teachers out with not enough subs that counselors were teaching.”
Trisha Payton - They need to close down my job too because I am running out of bleach wipes and these gross people keep hacking up lungs.
Beth Ann - Wow, I do not ever remember this happening before.
Danielle Lee - Washington ch house closed thur and friday. Zero sports!! Not enough teacher subs to cover also like 100 per school..(we have three) Sadly elias was one of the many this week:(
Sherry Pemberton Reker - My grandson in Centerville has been sick for over a week, his baseball coach and over 8 of his baseball team members also. Apparently, numerous other teachers and students have had this flu and a well.
Nancy Herrin Schaefer - That explains the lack of traffic on my drive to work Friday.
Mindy Porter - They should of closed a couple days ago when there wasn't enough teachers/subs . Some classes had no teachers at all.
Lisa Oakes …This has gotten totally out of control! There have been an unbelievable amount of absences.
“The health department recommends a closure when student absences reach 20 percent or more. McMullen has reached and exceeded this threshold today,” Superintendent Catherine Puster said in a statement.
“The virus is peaking earlier and faster than in previous flu seasons. The Ohio Department of Health counts 1,806 Ohioans have been hospitalized due to the flu. Experts say 806 of those are recent cases. Just in Franklin County, there's been 136 flu hospitalizations.”
“… This flu season is on track to be one of the worst in the decade, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases."
ARKANSAS - At least 23 school systems - most in early February.
School system or individual school closings reported include:
Little Rock School District.
The Pulaski County Special School District
The Guy-Perkins School District
Sheridan School District
Mayflower High School
The Lonoke School District
South Pike County School District
Newport School District
Cabot schools
Guy Perkins schools
The Beebe School District
Lisa Academy North in Sherwood
The Decatur School District
Jackson County,
Des Arc
Magazine led to closures.
Ridgefield Christian Schools in Jonesboro
Mountain Pine School District
Calico Rock School district
The Pulaski County Special School District
“Feb. 5, 2020 - Throughout the state, the spread of the virus this season has prompted at least 23 schools or school districts to close for one or more days, according to a state Health Department report.
“… During the week that ended Jan. 25, Arkansas was among 41 states reporting a high level of flu activity as determined by the percentage of patients in doctor's offices who had flu-like symptoms, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
… In Arkansas, "I think we're definitely still in the middle of it," Tumilson said.
TENNESSEE - More than 12 Tennessee school
districts closed due to widespread illness
“Feb- 2 More than a dozen Tennessee school districts are closed Monday because of widespread illness …The CDC estimates there are more than between 19 and 26 million cases nationwide and says at least 10,000 people have died as a result.
“… Wilson County Schools' spokesman Bart Barker said that 10 percent of the entire student and teacher population in the district's schools had been sick with some type of illness recently. But he added that not all of those illnesses were the flu.”
School systems that closed for one or more days included:
Humphreys County Schools
Lincoln County Schools
Maury County Schools
Overton County Schools
Putnam County Schools
Robertson County Schools
Stewart County Schools
Tullahoma City Schools
Wilson County Schools
Knox County
Hardeman County Schools
“… The district says 462 students were absent Wednesday out of the 1,286 students enrolled. That’s up from 385 the day before. The district saying many absences were due to flu or flu-like symptoms.
“… We’ve been back and forth to the doctors office and it’s been so crowded we went back home and we’ve Lysoled the house,” said another parent, Deborah Flood …”
ALABAMA - At least 5 schools districts/schools
School systems included:
Pickens County Schools
Haleyville Elementary School
Opp City Schools
Randolph County Schools
Lamar County
(CBS TV 42 WIAT) — January 28: Multiple school systems are reporting an increase in students and staff experience flu or flu-like symptoms.
“… (Lamar County School Superintendent Vance Herron said 400 students at South Lamar School did not attend school Tuesday. The school has approximately 700 students. Twenty-two percent of students countywide missed class Tuesday … Herron said he’s not sure if it’s flu or strep throat.
FB comments after Opp statement:
Brittany Adams -Really wish Florala Elementary would close as well my son got it … in turn has gotta my whole house sick.
April Woods - Good decision... The flu is no joke.... We all had it I wouldn't wish that on anyone!!!
Tawana Rigsby - Elba needs to do the same!
KENTUCKY - At least 6 school systems closed.
“As the number of flu cases continue climbing in what's already been a very busy, and deadly, flu season, schools across our region are being forced to close for a few days …”
School systems included:
Boyd County - “… This is the second time in less than two weeks that classes have been cancelled for Boyd County because of illness.”
Ashland Independent Schools
Fairview Independent Schools
Greenup County
Russell Independent Schools
Raceland-Worthington Schools
Excerpt: “… will be closed …. because of low attendance and so many students suffering from the flu and other illnesses …”
“… According to the CDC, flu levels have been considered high in Kentucky since mid-December. West Virginia is also considered high right now, while Ohio's levels are in a moderate stage. My comment: But I identified at least 30 school districts or schools closed in Ohio! (although many Ohio schools might have closed a week or two after this story was published).
ILLINOIS - At least six school systems
closed in mid-January through Feb. 6 …
School Systems closed:
Bushnell-Prairie City Schools - Announced Jan. 15, 2020.
Harrisburg Unit 3
Pope County Community School District #1
Rome Community Consolidated School District #2
Trico Community Unit District School District 176
Note: All five will be closed Friday, Feb. 17.
Also, per a Facebook User Comment:
“.. Our students who attend Rushville City Schools (or Rush County Schools) will not have school either.
Excerpt from Jan. 15th article:
“… Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that flu activity is high in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin …”
MICHIGAN - At least 5 school districts in Western Michigan
Holland Public Schools/Holland West Elementary
Mendon Community Schools
Hesperia Community Schools
Zeeland Cityside Middle School
Constantine High School in St. Joseph County
“At least 5 schools have closed due to illness this flu season …. We have received tips that three other schools have closed their doors between Wednesday January 29 until Monday, February 3, for illness.
“… Mendon Community Schools Superintendent Leasa Griffith said over 20 percent of the elementary has called off sick.”
Facebook Reader comment: “WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME…..”
INDIANA - At least 7 schools or school districts
Schools/systems closed included:
Metropolitan Schools of North Posey County
Benton Community School Corporation
Rensselaer Central School Corporation
St. Augustine Catholic School
“Jan. 29, 2020 - (WFYI, Indianapolis): Seven Indiana schools have closed due to the flu, so far. And several others are reporting high absentee rates. But state education officials say there’s no cause for concern.
“Adam Baker, spokesperson for the Indiana Department of Education, says this is normal for this time of year. “So, we have not seen anything that is astronomical,” Baker says. “Any increase that would, you know, cause grave concern across the state.”
My comment: Based on my research, this is NOT “normal.”
“… Baker says schools in Indiana must report student absences greater than 20 percent to the Department of Education and the local health department.
“… Baker says several of the schools that have closed have smaller populations, so a 20 percent absentee rate is more likely …. Schools that closed are spread around the state and include all grade levels.”
This quote/story excerpt from another article I saved certainly doesn’t match Mr. Baker’s comment about this being “normal.”
“Jan. 28 - Many schools across the area are dealing with a brutal flu season this year, causing educators to cancel classes due to low attendance.”
Nor does this excerpt:
“The CDC had talked about this being one of the most severe flu seasons that we’ve seen in quite some time,” says Dr. Lori Caloia.
“… North Posey’s Junior High School has exceeded (the 20-percent absentee) percentage, with about 21% of their students sick with either the flu or strep throat. “We had around 185 students out yesterday,” says Dr. Bender …”
Nor does another excerpt support the characterization that this was a “normal” ILI/School closing season:
“… Indiana saw a spike in flu deaths at the end of December through the beginning of January, and it’s even worse than the 2017-2018 flu season. So far this year, there have been 31 flu-related deaths in Indiana. This time last year, there were 8 flu-related deaths in the Hoosier state.”
Reader comment by Rebecca Voyles: “It's bad this year and now we have to watch out for this corona virus also.”
My comment to Ms. Voyles: FWIW, I think the corona virus is what was already making many of your friends and neighbors sick. The purpose of this long article is to pound home this point/possibility.
VIRGINIA - At least 1 school district and 1 other school.
“… Not all illnesses are confirmed cases of the flu, according to school officials, who said they’ve been in contact with the Central Shenandoah Health Department.”
“… Mason Aiostock, the school custodian, says that close to half of the school districts' students and faculty were home in bed sick on Tuesday.”
“…. I’m used to calling school because of the weather but this is the first experience I’ve had with this type of issue," said Bath County Superintendent Sue Hirsh.
“… 107 students were absent on Friday due to being sick, but that number grew by 80 over the weekend.”
"According to the Virginia Department of Health, Virginia has spent eight weeks at a widespread level for the flu. “
Me: This would mean that “widespread levels of flu” in Virginia existed two months before this story was published in late January - Which means widespread levels of flu in Virginia began in late November 2019.
…. UPDATE: A school for special needs students in Manassas, Virginia closed for flu Feb. 20
WISCONSIN - At least 4 schools
WATERTOWN -- Two Watertown Catholic schools will be shut down on Tuesday, Jan. 28 and Wednesday, Jan. 29 due to the high number of confirmed cases of influenza A and B …. A news release indicates as of Monday, 22 percent of the student body is not in attendance as a result of the illness.
Two Wisconsin additions:
Jan. 30 - Another southern Wisconsin school is forced to close because so many students have been sick recently. St. Paul Lutheran canceled classes on Friday. The Wonewoc-based school posted onto Facebook that the closure was because of "the many students out will illness."
Earlier this week, Watertown Catholic its two campuses for two days because so many students came down with the flu. At one point, more than a fifth of students did not come to school on Monday, the school said.
Jan. 29 - WAUKESHA COUNTY -- Two Catholic schools in Watertown remain closed after the flu hit the community hard. Add Brookfield to that list -- where classes just resumed after a flu-filled Friday.
…. In Brookfield, extra cleaning was done over the weekend after Immanuel Lutheran School reported a quarter of its student body was out sick on Thursday. That number does not even include children who stayed at home as a precaution.
St. Paul Lutheran
Lutheran School in Brookfield.
OKLAHOMA - At least one school
JANUARY 15 - Seiling Public School will be closed Wednesday due an outbreak of the flu. More than 80 faculty members and students are sick with flu symptoms according to school officials. This has prompted a city-wide closure of the district.
“… The flu has hit Oklahoma particularly hard this year. According to the Centers for Disease control, Oklahoma is marked as one of the high activity states for the flu, along with neighboring states like Kansas and Texas.
TEXAS - At least 2 school systems … in early November 2019
School systems include:
Caldwell ISD
Teague ISD
NOVEMBER 10, 2019 CALDWELL, TX — Caldwell ISD announced school closures for Monday, November 11 due to a flu outbreak that's caused over 15 percent of the study body to be absent. The elementary campus has seen the highest numbers of students sick, with over 20 percent of the student body campus out, said officials.
This isn't the first district to close due to flu outbreak this season. Teague ISD also canceled classes for the same reason Friday, Nov. 8.
NOVEMBER 8, 2019 - KILLEEN, TX — AdventHealth Central Texas is expecting an intense flu season this year - mainly because this week they have seen an uptick in patients with flu-like symptoms. They said they are treating at least 100 cases a day - that's half of their patients.
Note: These links were sent to me by one of my readers, who reported her daughter - a student at Texas Tech University - was sick around November 13. The mother believes her daughter had Covid.
OREGON - At least 2 schools
Eugene, OR - GANNETT - USA Today Network Jan. 24, 2020: Headline: “Hundreds of students stay home due to fears of norovirus flu outbreak at two Eugene schools.
Excerpt: “… More than 40% of Mountain View students, about 300, stayed home Friday. The school has an enrollment of 771.
NORTH CAROLINA - At least one high school
Jan. 30, 2020 - “… one local high school cancelled classes for all students because nearly 20 percent of the school called out sick Wednesday.
Eric Grunden, Research Triangle High School's Chief School Officer, said the absences had been creeping up all week when on Wednesday, about 100 of the school's 550 students called out. Grunden said about the same percentage of teachers were absent as well.
“… Grunden said there were only about 11 confirmed flu cases that parents informed administrators about.My comment: This supports my belief that most “flu cases” are not, in fact, “confirmed influenza.”
“… The total number of deaths stands at 54 for the flu season, the highest total at this point in the last couple of flu seasons.”
GEORGIA - 2 school systems close in mid-December
School systems include:
Jackson County Schools
Fayette County Schools
Dec. 18, 2020 - JACKSON COUNTY, Ga. — Jackson County School System officials announced that students at its six elementary schools will get an extra day off for the holiday break due to a flu outbreak. The elementary schools there will be closed Thursday, Dec. 19, 2019. They said the flu has affected a "significant" number of students and staff.
"Georgia Department of Community Health recommends an epidemic consideration when more than 10 percent of the students are affected," Jackson County superintendent April Howard said. She said more than 14 percent of students and teachers were absent on Wednesday.
Dec 17 FAYETTE COUNTY, Ga. — More than 100 kids were out of school Monday after dozens of students were found to have the flu, according to a letter sent to home by the Crabapple Lane Elementary School principle.
ILI was 12.2 percent (!) in Georgia in late December
In my state of Alabama in late January/Early February (when many of the school closings occurred, The Dothan Eagle reported that 12.6 percent of doctor’s visits were for ILI.
Georgia recorded the highest levels of “flu activity” for 22 consecutive weeks (from Week 46 in 2019 through Week 15 in 2020).
Nationwide, ILI figures were at or above the national baseline ILI percentage for 22 consecutive weeks, an all-time record.
In my introduction I write, "For the life of me, I don’t understand why “early spread” isn’t being investigated by public health officials."
I of course DO understand why this subject is not being investigated. If it WAS investigated and many of these early cases were "confirmed" as early Covid, the entire authorized narrative would be destroyed. The whole operation would be shown to be a massive scam.
Everyone would know the lockdowns weren't needed; nor were the "vaccines" because everyone would know the real Infection Fatality Rate for Covid is miniscule (the same or lower than the flu.) It would mean "millions of cases" and "hardly any deaths at all."
A legitimate "early spread" investigation would also likely lead back to the people and organizations that created this virus and allowed it to escape. So such an investigation could mean they'd get strung up. Basically, there are powerful incentives to conceal any definitive evidence of early spread ever being revealed to masses. That's why my reporting has been completely ignored - by officials and by other journalists.
It's a hard truth to swallow, but some stories are simply "off limits" to investigation. Plus, as I keep writing: "Never investigate that which you don't want to confirm." It works every time.
What I’m really trying to show with this article is yet another subject that is taboo or off-limits to official investigators.
Any public health official with common-sense would have known cases of ILI were spiking in America as early as November 2019. This person would have quickly concluded, “Hey, we need to consider the possibility this new virus might have already been spreading in our country.”
This person would have lobbied for massive PCR testing of a cross-section of Americans as soon as possible. The same with antibody tests - do them as soon as possible and test any archived blood sitting in any blood bank depositories.
I’m sure some officials must have suggested doing just this. But that unknown person(s) was obviously over-ruled and told to shut up and leave the big decisions to his or her bosses.
I think with every one of my stories, the main theme or point is the same: We should NOT trust our “trusted” authorities or experts.