Of all the elements of today’s “New Normal,” the most ominous is the “reform” that effectively changed the meanings of previously accepted words or terms. The following glossary illustrates how changes to our vocabulary played a central role in making the world a more dangerous and frightening place.
New Normal - “Normal” is something that’s long been the norm and is accepted as the norm. The key point is that the “old normal” no longer applies. In the old normal, a citizen might not have complied with authoritarian mandates, but in the New Normal, most will… that is, if one accepts the premise that we now live in a New Normal, a premise most people seem to have accepted.
Case - Shorthand for “medical case,” which for centuries is the way doctors described illnesses that required medical treatment. However, a “case” of COVID very rarely even requires medical treatment. Indeed, most people who’ve been infected by the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 probably didn’t know they had the virus.
Asymptomatic case - A “medical case” with no symptoms or necessity to receive medical treatment; a Nothing Burger that became the rational for shutting down the world.
Vaccine -- Previously a vaccine was an injection that provided “immunity” or prevented diseases, as well as the spread of diseases. Today, at least as it involves the COVID “vaccines,” vaccines simply (and allegedly) reduce the probability someone might develop a severe case of this disease or die from this disease.
Safe - A product or activity most agree is not dangerous or causes no harm. Creating this condition is the main reason the U.S. government exists.
Effective - Previously, a vaccine or medicine that prevented infection or virus spread. Today, a drug made by a company Anthony Fauci likes.
Harm - Something that injures, perhaps even kills, or causes someone pain or discomfort. Importantly, “harm” - like sticks and stones - can now be caused by speech.
Misinformation or Disinformation - Information that is provably false. In our “New Normal,” any information that challenges the pronouncements made by Anthony Fauci.
Self Censorship - When people, afraid of The Man, censor their own thoughts, saving the government the hassle of coming down on even more people.
Science and “The science” - A theory largely accepted by the scientific community and public.
In the past, a skeptic who examined or challenged the conclusions of peers was himself engaging in science. Today, “The Science” is what the authorized scientists and officials at public health bureaucracies say it is, and should not be challenged by other “scientists…” who perhaps should not even be called scientists and should now be labeled as “science deniers.” Or as…
Anti-vaxxer - Technically, a person who opposes all vaccines. In Newspeak, it means anyone who is against mandatory COVID vaccines. In practice, a slur used to denigrate anyone who questions the pronouncements of authorities. If you oppose mandatory COVID vaccines for whatever reason, you are a “science denier” or “anti-science…” and, as such can and should be punished or censored because you could be causing “harm” to the public.
Free or freedom - In “the land of the free,” the definition of freedom has radically changed.
For more than a year, some Americans were “free” to keep their jobs, go to a restaurant or see a play if they could prove they have received at least two injections of an experimental vaccine. Americans may be allowed to engage in “free speech” on social media… if they say the right things.
Content moderators now monitor more than “COVID” speech. If you publish “extremist” or politically incorrect speech that can be labeled as “harmful” or “dangerous,” you can lose your job or speech privileges. As the primary role of government is to keep people safe from words, being “offended” by speech is now a sanctionable offense.
Patriotism or patriot - In the past, a “patriot” was an individual who stood up to tyrannical governments and/or displayed a great love for his country. Today, for many Americans, a patriot is one who complies with the edicts of their government and helps attack or embarrass those who don’t automatically submit to governmental authority.
Public health - Previously, the state of overall health in hundreds of millions of people who comprise “the public.” In the last two years, the “health” of people who may or may not have COVID-19. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental health, obesity - all conditions that kill and harm people -- are really not part of “public health.”
The above was made possible by changes in accepted language. George Orwell was right. If you want to control the people, first control the language.
I'm sure readers can come up with "New Normal" terms I omitted.
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