I’m Getting Cranky in my Old Age
I messed up and read a One Health statement from “Joe Biden.” Let the parsing begin.
Substack (former) doctor Meryl Nass has been relentless in her efforts to defeat the World Health Organization’s new treaty and amendments ever since the Powers that Be took away her medical license for trying to save lives.
One of Dr. Nass’s recent stories starts with this sentence:
Earlier this month the White House published its new “Pandemic Preparedness” targets.
This made me click on the White House link, which gives readers a long document that regurgitates the plan of the WHO bureaucrats. The document starts off with a letter that purports to be from the President of the United States himself, Joe Biden.
This is one of those “official” documents where one can’t go one sentence without gagging on a brazen lie.
From time to time, I like to parse these disinformation screeds. As you can probably tell from the opinions that follow, I’m getting a little cranky in my old age.
President Biden Statement, Paragraph by Paragraph …
“The COVID-19 pandemic had—and continues to have—a profound impact on our Nation and the world. More than one million Americans have lost their lives and nearly seven million Americans have been hospitalized, leaving families grieving and communities forever changed. “
My Comment: Who says “more than one million Americans have lost their lives and nearly seven million Americans have been hospitalized?”
Answer: The CDC says this, an agency has been wrong on every Covid statement and piece of guidance its issued for the past 50 months. The fact our president still believes every statement of the CDC, NIH, WHO and FDA tells me Joe Biden is the dumbest president this country’s ever produced.
The statement that “more than one million Americans lost their lives from this disease” is a preposterous claim, disinformation at its most egregious.
As a few non-indoctrinated Americans know, 94 percent of the people who allegedly died from “Covid” had multiple co-morbid conditions. What we had was not “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” but a pandemic of Bogus PCR tests and a never-ending smorgasbord of Pure Government-created Propaganda.
Also, the majority of alleged Covid victims were over the age of 80 when they died. One’s not supposed to point this out, but the quality of life of many alleged Covid victims had long since disappeared.
When a child or young person dies from a terrible accident or disease, that’s a genuine tragedy. I’m not convinced any healthy child in America actually died from Covid.
Back to statement: “… We experienced the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression as weaknesses in our supply chains were exposed, small businesses struggled to stay afloat, and 20 million Americans lost their jobs …”
My Comment: Whose fault was it that our nation experienced the “worst economic crisis since the Great Depression” or that “20 million Americans lost their jobs?”
It was the government that closed 3.4 million businesses - by decree. It wasn’t a novel respiratory virus with an Infection Fatality Rate similar to the flu that caused huge swaths of the country to lose their jobs and incomes.
And “supply chains” weren’t “exposed” by Covid; they were sabotaged by busy-body, clueless bureaucrats. Also, I’d note that no government employees lost their jobs or incomes. Government employees saved money because they didn’t have to commute to the office for 24 months. (From what I understand, millions of government employees are still working at home in their PJs.)
If the government (or president) says it, it’s a lie …
Resuming statement: “… And we saw how this global health challenge caused local consequences for our hospitals, our schools, and our communities. No sector of the economy or society was immune.”
My Comment: No sector of the economy was immune because the government protocols shut down all sectors of the economy (excluding Wal-Mart, Amazon, CVS and Home Depot).
The hospitals actually came out of Covid richer than ever thanks to myriad government bribes and Covid-subsidies. And, as the placebo nation of Sweden proved beyond a scientific doubt, no school needed to be closed.
Statement continues: “… That is why, since day one, I have been committed to ensuring that our Nation is prepared for a future pandemic and all biological threats, including strengthening and investing in global health security. Over the last 3 years, we have more than doubled our global health partnerships—working directly with 50 countries to ensure they can more effectively prevent, detect, and control outbreaks. And we are working with partners to support an additional 50 countries to save even more lives and minimize economic losses.”
Comment: Regarding your statement that this “partnership” is going to “ensure that our government can more effectively, prevent, detect and control outbreaks …”
The first paragraph of these 64 pages of BS says that one million Americans died and seven million were hospitalized. Well, the government had been working to identify “biological threats” for decades before Covid.
How did that prevention effort work out? American citizens are supposed to give the agencies and nations that failed spectacularly to “prevent and control” the last outbreak a mulligan and even more power and tax-payer money?
The ‘bi-partisan support’ is the problem …
Statement continues: “… With strong bipartisan support from Congress, we also championed the creation of the Pandemic Fund, a new international body that has already catalyzed $2 billion in financing from 27 contributors, including countries, foundations, and philanthropies, to build stronger global health security capabilities.”
My Comment: The fact we apparently have strong “bipartisan support” to ramp up the biosecurity complex even more scares the hell out of some of your subjects. Those “foundations and philanthropies” are headed by depopulation gurus like Bill Gates, who quadrupled his net worth in Covid times.
Statement: “… We are working to make life-saving medicines and vaccines more rapidly available in health emergencies, including through supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.”
Comment: Your “life-saving” non-vaccines have already killed millions of citizens and put millions of other citizens on permanent disability.
Remdesivir (“Run, Death is Near!”) is one of the FDA’s “life-saving medicines” that’s killed a stunning number of U.S. citizens. If the trial lawyers lobby wasn’t completely captured, all trial lawyers would be even bigger multi-millionaires just from representing clients killed by this toxic drug.
Blah, blah, blah …
Statement: “… And we are leading efforts to ensure international financial institutions, such as the World Bank Group, scale up lending for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response because health security, economic security, climate security, and national security are all related. This new Global Health Security Strategy lays out the actions the United States will take over the next 5 years to ensure we continue this progress and deliver on the goals established in my Administration’s 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan and the bipartisan Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 2022, enacted as part of the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act.”
Comment: Do you really think every American citizen buys this claptrap? More vaccines and more power for the WHO is going to give America more “national security” (Russia won’t invade us?) … and more “economic security” (citizens are supposed to thank the government for closing only 3.4 million businesses?) … and “climate security” (this “One Health/One Planet” initiative is going to result in fewer hurricanes, droughts and wild fires?”)
You write that you and your partners are going to “continue this progress.” With more progress like this, we’ll all be dead in five years.
Statement: “… Through investments and cooperation with foreign partners, we will continue to build our capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats wherever they emerge. And we will rally greater support for these efforts from other countries, the private sector, and civil society to ensure long-term impact.”
COMMENT: Re-stated: We are going to have more global government to fight more “biological threats” … threats that aren’t threatening anyone.
Statement: “…We stand at an inflection point in history, where the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. The new Global Health Security Strategy will ensure we remain vigilant to possible threats at this critical moment and help set a more secure, sustainable, and healthy course for our people and for people around the world.”
Comment: I agree we are “standing at an inflection point in history” … just like the inflection point when a herd of sheep stroll right off the White Cliffs of Dover.
And you must be using the same dope as your crack head son if you think your policies are setting our society on a “healthy” course. In my lifetime, America and its citizens have never been less healthy, which one can prove by the government’s huge Medicare and Medicaid expenses, plus Big Pharma’s pills for every ill.
BTW and FWIW, I don’t think one American believes you actually wrote one word of this statement. As Deep State presidents go, you’re the perfect Manchurian/Davos Puppet.
… There. Parsing done. I feel better.
(I don’t think I’m going to get many Joe Biden supporters to subscribe to my Substack … but not every American is big fan of The Big Guy.)
Ko-Fi tips for Cranky Substack authors:
I don’t read their bullshit because I know they are going to try to blow smoke up my ass. Maybe we should go back to real terms, instead of gaslighting, just say they are fucking liars.
Thank you! I feel better after reading your "parsing", too! Glad I'm not the only one who is cranky. You have read my thoughts.