I Blame the Captured Mainstream Media Most of All
This is the group our rulers had to capture. This is the group that creates and protects all the faux and harmful narratives.

I’ve recently written several articles developing the theme that all important organizations are captured. Upon reflection, I think this might be the most important observation I’ve made since I started my Substack newsletter.
The goal of idealistic and contrarian writers is to produce content that might reveal truths that - if exposed and accepted as truths - might make the world a better (and safer) place to live. But this result is probably impossible in a world where all of the most important organizations are captured.
Thus, if one hopes to make significant contributions that might “save the world,” he or she is going to have to do something that changes the reality that all important organizations are captured.
Absent this reality changing, the best “our side” can hope for is that non-captured smaller organizations (like, Substack, the alternative media, etc.) continue to grow in influence and make a positive difference however they can.
But producing this result would be much easier if just a few of the more important “truth-seeking” organizations became uncaptured.
In my most-recent essay, I tried to illustrate how easy it would be for false and harmful narratives to be debunked if just a few key members of the key captured organizations did their most-important job and exposed the truth.
In thinking about this, I realized that none of the calamitous results of our Covid times would have probably occurred if, say, just 10 percent of members of these captured organizations had broken free from the forces of “group think” and simply reported real truths.
This thought allowed me to identify what must be the most important goal of the world’s real rulers: They have to achieve close to a 100-percent “capture rate” in the organizations that create and then protect the narratives that are used to control the people of the world.
The MSM is the most important and culpable villain
When it comes to creating and then protecting key narratives, no profession is more important than journalism. Journalists create the narratives that ultimately create the policies, emergency orders and mandates that literally tell people what they can and can’t do … what they are “required” to do … and what they are not “allowed” to do.
More importantly, skeptical journalism could challenge and debunk all of the key narratives that control the people of the world.
For example, the widespread distribution of honest journalism might mean that far fewer citizens would fear a respiratory virus that posed no real mortality risk to themselves or their family members.
Lies are far less likely to spread if they’re exposed to sunlight. However, if the truth is never exposed, lies grow faster than weeds. Big enough lies repeated enough times allow crimes against humanity to occur, produce rampant global misery and allow those who trade in lies to achieve even more power and control.
Given the above points, I’ve concluded the world’s nefarious rulers knew they had to capture the “watchdog” press. If they did not achieve this goal, every result they produced might not have been possible.
In the past, I’ve written that key organizations are completely captured. Upon further reflection, this probably isn’t true for all organizations. However, it is true when it comes to the most-important narrative-control organization, the so-called “mainstream media.”
In my last essay, I was really trying to ask this question - What if every member of the mainstream press was NOT captured?
A key member of the mainstream press “going rogue” must constitute the Nightmare Scenario for the Powers that Be. It’s the one development that could have stopped their agendas in their tracks.
But this didn’t happen. And the reason this didn’t happen is because 100 percent of the mainstream media is completely captured.
That is, if the mainstream media was only 90 percent captured, the world would probably now be a much different (better) place.
Important take-away No. 1: The Powers that Be must ensure that 100 percent of the mainstream media is completely captured. If this was NOT the reality, this would constitute an extreme risk to the continued status and control of the world’s true rulers.
Important take-away No. 2: All captured organizations are not of the same importance. The most important organization that has to be captured is the mainstream press.
The following examples might illustrate this point.
“Science” is actually not 100-percent captured
There’s no doubt that the practice of real science has now been captured by the Government Science Complex (just like Eisenhower warned us could happen).
However, plenty of honest or genuine scientists still exist. For example, all the scientists who signed The Great Barrington Declaration are not captured. Hundreds if not thousands of scientists are doing research and producing studies that debunk or challenge almost all of the claims of the Fauci-endorsed branch of scientists.
Question: So why does the scholarship of these dissident or contrarian scientists not matter?
Answer: Because the most-important job of the editors of the mainstream media is serving as “gatekeepers of the news.” These editors do not allow contrarian science to be seen (and thus considered) by the masses.
The mainstream press also tacitly agrees to ignore important books and articles. The best example of this might be Robert F. Kennedy’s best-selling book The Real Anthony Fauci, which was not reviewed by any prominent mainstream news organization.
My point is that dissident science probably won’t matter as long as the mainstream press ignores it and/or smears the authors or scientists who are questioning the authorized science.
Important Take-away No. 3: The mainstream media blocks important science and contrarian commentary. If 10 percent of mainstream media news organizations refused to perform this job, the narratives accepted as infallible truths might not have been viewed as such.
Quantifying the capture rates …
I’ve previously estimated that approximately 40,000 American journalists work for what I’d label “mainstream media” or corporate-owned press.
My guess would be that 39,950 of these journalists are completely captured, meaning that not one of these 39,950 journalists will ever produce one story that challenges the authorized narratives (and, indeed, on Covid topics, 42 months into the official pandemic, they never have).
If this estimate is correct, this means that 99.875 percent of “mainstream journalists” are captured.
If one excludes, say, The Epoch Times and perhaps Fox News before it fired Tucker Carlson, I could identify 100 newspapers, magazines, TV networks and Internet sites I’d label as “mainstream media” news organizations.
In my opinion, all 100 of these news organizations are captured. Again, this simply means none of these “news” organizations have ever published any significant stories that question or debunk any of the key Covid narratives.
When I write that the mainstream media is “completely captured,” this is how I quantify this statement.
Trial lawyers
Other organizations that are supposed to seek the truth are probably just as captured.
In a recent column, I opined that “99 percent” of plaintiff trial lawyers will NOT represent any clients who have been harmed by Covid mandates or Covid coercion. This would mean that 1 percent of the nation’s attorneys are NOT captured. However, this percentage might be an over-estimate.
There are probably 10,000 attorneys in America who represent plaintiffs in some kind of injury lawsuits. If one percent of these lawyers have indeed filed lawsuits representing injured Covid victims, that would be 100 non-captured lawyers who now have pending Covid cases.
Maybe there are 100 lawyers who have filed such lawsuits, but I’m only aware of about 10 to 25 lawyers or law firms who have done so.
It’s possible the reason I don’t know that more cases have been filed is because the mainstream media’s “gatekeepers of the news” don’t write stories or cover these lawsuits.
If this is true, this further makes my primary point about the mainstream media. Even if potentially significant cases are filed, they don’t get covered by the nation’s establishment press.
One percent is better than zero percent …. But what if this figure was 10 percent? What if 1,000 sharp attorneys were filing Covid lawsuits? Again, the world might be a different place.
I also can’t say that 100 percent of politicians are captured. In Congress, I can think of three or four elected representatives (Senators Johnson, Rand Paul and Rep. Thomas Massie plus maybe one or two more) who have stuck their neck out enough to make me think they might represent my point of view.
However, Congress consists of 535 House and senate members. If you add the people who are no longer serving, more than 650 members have served in these bodies since official Covid happened. Five “Covid skeptics” in Congress divided by 650 members = 0.77 percent of Congress who are NOT “captured.”
Again, more than 99 percent of America’s key elected leaders have been largely silent when it comes to exposing crimes against humanity.
At the state level, I’m aware of perhaps two or three governors who conspicuously pushed back against the authorized Covid narratives, most prominent among these governors being Florida’s Ron DeSantis. Still, this would mean that 94 percent of governors might as well have been “captured” and were all-in on the Fauci-Birx mitigation and lockdown program.
Of America’s 200 largest cities, I can’t identify a single mayor who challenged the authorized narrative … so the mayors were 100-percent captured.
Among college presidents, the figure must be 99.9 percent captured. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, the figure is back to 100 percent.
I don’t know how many important non-profits, foundations and professional medical associations exist in America … but 100 percent of the most significant organizations were “all-in” on the Covid policies and, for the purposes of this essay, are 100 percent captured.
Statistically, how is this even possible?
When one tallies the number of important captured organizations - and then tries to picture all of the people who work in these organizations - the figure boggles the mind.
Indeed, in a nation of 330 million citizens, many of whom think like I do, it would seem statistically impossible that so many people and organizations are virtually 100-percent captured.
If there are 40,000 journalists working full-time in America, wouldn’t, say, 1,000 (2.5 percent of this cohort) go against conventional wisdom? Wouldn’t a nation this vast have at least 1,000 trial lawyers who were brave enough to represent clients who have suffered egregious harm?
Wouldn’t a few more politicians or influential CEOs have the courage to push back against a miscarriage of justice?
One would think this would be the case, but one would be wrong. The proof is not exposed by what “leaders” did, it’s revealed by what they did NOT do. And, apparently, never will.
An obvious question is how did this happen?
As it turns out, this result was surprisingly easy to accomplish.All the rulers of the world had to do was stoke rampant fear - create some kind of terrible health threat - and make the masses think that their solutions would eliminate this threat.
Our rulers knew that, for most people, fear is the greatest motivator … and it’s easy to produce rampant fear. They also knew that most people, above all else, want to remain a member in good standing of their social or business “herds.”
People want to “do the right thing” and they want to perceive themselves as the “good guys.” In this contrived narrative, society’s best citizens were the people doing what our rulers said they must do.
The battle was framed as “us against them” … And people like myself became the dangerous “them.”
Who really framed and then protected this narrative?
If one wants to identify the ultimate villain responsible for our New Normal, you have to start with the first principle our rulers started with - namely, they had to control the organizations that developed the narratives that led to the fear, that led to the control, that led to “us against them.”
Everything important that happens in the world traces back to a story - a story that has to be widely accepted. As it turns out, not enough people realize the authorized story might be bogus.
Which prompts this question: Did the journalists who told these never-ending faux stories know that their predicates were false (or even maybe false)?
The Fourth Estate is supposed to be the most cynical and skeptical group of professionals on the planet … but, still, every member of this group bought every detail of the Gates/Fauci storyline. Nobody (who mattered) ever questioned the key premises.
Take-away No. 4: All the key members of the mainstream media are either amazingly obtuse … or some journalists knew (or came to believe) the predicates might be false, but pushed the bogus storylines anyway.
Take-away No. 5: The reasons cited above might not matter. All that matters is that our rulers knew they could easily capture the mainstream press … and that they had to do so.
I think my last take-away is also important: Once members of any group embrace a narrative - and the narrative acquires psychological significance - few people are going to admit they might have been wrong.
The culture went bad …
The capture of the mainstream media occurred slowly over time. A newsroom culture that might have once celebrated skepticism of those with great power eventually morphed into an organization whose primary purpose was to defend those with great power.
To remain a part of the rapidly-diminishing mainstream media club, journalists had to embrace this new culture. If they didn’t, they’d be cast out of the club and probably, like me, become an apostate struggling to make a living on Substack.
And, like almost everyone else, these journalists weren’t big enough to admit they were wrong … or that they are really hypocrites who care nothing about pursuing the truth.
MSM journalists could have changed history and saved countless lives …
The easiest way to “save the world” would be if just 10 percent of mainstream media journalists recognized the error of their ways and simply perform the “watchdog” job they are supposed to perform.
This, hypothetically, could actually happen. But it would take a few brave leaders who admitted they were wrong and took on the hard work of changing a rotten, endemic culture.
Five or six principled publishers would have a much better chance of changing the world than, say, 100 new politicians or even a couple of brave scientists.
These publishers - by themselves - could probably change all the false narratives by producing journalism that debunks all the false narratives. They could make amends and, like real scientists, save the credibility of a vitally important truth-seeking profession.
I hate to end on a depressing note ….
Then again, the real rulers of the world understand this, which is why they now own all the important media organizations.
It’s the owners who select the publishers … so there won’t be one important truth-seeking, culture-changing publisher, much less five or six.
Which is a lot of words to come back to my depressing main point: All the important organizations are captured, the most important being the mainstream media, which has to remain captured and so, I guess, will.
Which brings me back to the point I made in an essay a couple of weeks ago. It will have to be the smaller, non-captured organizations - and the alternative press - that debunks all these false narratives.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think organizations that are completely captured will reform themselves, especially when the world’s real rulers are perfectly happy with the captured Status Quo they worked so hard to create.
One assumes they had their reasons and knew what organizations they were capturing … and why.
Since this essay was already probably too long, I cut this text. But that's why Substack gave us the Reader Comments!
In my last essay, I presented the example of The New York Times, the undisputed leader of the “pack journalism” fraternity. By itself, The New York Times probably has the prestige to debunk every erroneous claim of the Covid experts (“experts” who have not made a claim that wasn’t a lie or at least dubious).
In other words, it wouldn’t matter if 99 percent of the mainstream media news organizations incessantly spouted the Fauci storyline. If the “paper of record” went to war with Fauci, the whole House of Lies probably would have crumbled.
This would definitely have occurred if, say, 10 percent of the top mainstream media news organizations joined with the Times and started doing their own skeptical investigations.
Officials who have never received a single skeptical question on Covid policies would have been routinely fielding such questions from reporters at 10 of the country’s best known news organizations.
Question: In such an alternative-universe world, would all of the faux Covid narratives be as accepted as gospel as they are today?
My answer: No way.
“It took my breath away.” —Dr. Drew on the new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after the vaccine now have permanent heart damage and he doesn’t understand why this isn’t front page news. And he recommends injured students sue any school that mandated it."
My comment: If Dr. Drew read my essay, he would understand why this isn’t "front page news" - 100 percent of the mainstream media is captured, Dr. Drew. They get to play "gatekeepers of the news," which is no trivial job. It's the scientific studies they don't write about or mention that control the narrative.