Happy ‘Insurrection Day’
Essay reminds us what made America a nation … but why didn’t the Canadian Truckers’ Protest become today’s Boston Tea Party?

Michael Maharrey penned a brave, politically-incorrect but completely true article about why Americans really celebrate July 4th as Independence Day. A few excerpts highlight the theme’s developed by the author:
“Today we celebrate insurrection. No. I don’t mean the fake Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. I’m talking about the bonafide insurrection staged by American colonists against the British government.
“… Americans in that day believed tyranny should be resisted.
“… This wasn’t blind rebellion. It was rooted in the idea that government doesn’t control the people. People control the government.
“… Today, the prevailing opinion seems to be rooted in resignation. Americans spend more time asking government for permission than they do resisting.
“…. In the Declaration of Independence, (our Founding Fathers) declared that people have the right to ‘alter or abolish’ their form of government and establish a new one ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends.’ “
While reading this article, a few thoughts occurred to me. At the risk of also being labeled a “dangerous extremist,” I’d like to go ahead and publish these thoughts (while I still can) …
The Boston Tea Party Analogy …
Mr. Maharrey notes that a protest over “taxation without representation” precipitated the American Revolution/Insurrection. The symbolic protest that set the stage for the American Revolution was The Boston Tea Party.
For 18 months, I’ve believed the Canadian Trucker Convoy could have been an equivalent event to the Boston Tea Party.
I believe this event had the potential to flip the narrative on Covid policies and could have ended up being a seminal event just like the Boston Tea Party was 250 years ago.
Of course, this didn’t happen as Prime Minister Trudeau - king-like, issuing a couple of “emergency orders” - ordered his police force to arrest the leaders of the movement, seize money from their checking accounts and take away their right to have business insurance for their truck-driving operations.
In one weekend, the Trucker Protest was put down.
What this really ensured is that this protest would NOT have the ripple effects that, say, The Boston Party did. Those “ripple effects” had the effect of firing the rulers of the Colonists and showing that “the people” have the power to bring about change on their own. That’s the message/result Trudeau and his fellow WEF alumni leaders had to prevent. So, from their perspective, this protest had to be decisively and ruthlessly nipped in the bud.
In my opinion, the reason this protest didn’t spur further protests is because no “leaders” in society backed the truckers or the citizens who were showing support for the truckers.
The mainstream press didn’t. Big Tech and social media either censored coverage of the event or ran big stories vilifying the “science deniers” and “extremists” leading the effort.
No prominent politician or celebrity displayed an iota of courage and supported this protest.
Contrast this lack of support with what happened in The Boston Tea Party, where all the influential intellectuals and statesmen of the time (many of whom would become our nation’s Founding Fathers) did rally around the Boston Tea Party protestors and their over-riding message.
More than any event of the last 40 months, the quick and successful put-down of the Canadian Truckers Protest captures the difference between the “leaders” of our times and the leaders of society in the years before the American Revolution.
Once upon a time, a cross-section of societal leaders and citizens did say, “Enough is enough” and was NOT afraid to stand up to tyranny. Today, almost all “leaders” are eager to side with “the Crown” and will persecute and attack those who do stand up to injustice or challenge authorized narratives.
The truckers leading the protest were independent
and didn’t work for big companies …
I think another point about the Canadian Truckers Protest doesn’t get enough attention. As far as I know, the truckers leading this protest all pretty much worked for themselves. That is, big companies that have large fleets of 18-wheelers were (largely) not participating.
This tells me, again, that the corporate leaders are all in bed with Big Government.
They all intuitively know what “The Current Thing” is and that they should never go against any of the “authorized narratives” supported by society’s 900-pound gorilla.
For example, this is why we didn’t see any Wal-Mart truck drivers participating in the protest.
The “pack” of corporate CEOs functions in 100-percent homogeneity just like corporate-owned media “journalists” and editors do.
The Censorship State is massive
Yet another reason the Canadian Trucker Protest did NOT become an “historical” event is that support for the event was either censored or any positive stories about the event were “de-boosted” on the Internet, meaning these stories couldn’t reach as many people as they should have.
Here, I’d draw readers’ attention to an important piece of real journalism produced by a team of journalists at Racket News. This incredibly-detailed story identifies at least 50 well-funded organizations that comprise the “Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC).”
Anyone who reads this article will probably reach the same conclusion as myself - namely that the project to squelch speech that dissents from the “authorized narratives” is massive … and clearly coordinated.
One key objective of the CIC is the effort to prevent dissenting opinions and true facts from “going viral.” As the article (complete with flow charts) shows, a group at Stanford University coordinates this “Virality Project.”
And the effort to keep contrarian speech from “going viral” is much broader than just “taboo” Covid topics.
Other examples of non-authorized speech include speech that questions the Climate Change orthodoxy, the necessity of fighting a proxy war with Russia in the Ukraine, the possibility that elections are now being stolen, Hunter Biden stories, RussiaGate, and details about the January 6th “Insurrection” among many other now-controlled narratives.
This army of “warriors” fighting “misinformation,” and “disinformation” has been so thoroughly seeded throughout society’s key institutions that any commentary that questions the claims of authorities or experts has almost zero chance of reaching enough people to change any dubious or false narratives (and thus the policies that control our lives).
Needless to say, no Censorship Industrial Complex was operating between 1765 and 1776. If it had been, America might still be a part of the British Empire today.
And the men and women working at these organizations are very good at their assigned jobs. They certainly had no problem neutralizing the “threat” to their rule embodied by the Canadian Trucker Protest.
The censorship chess move most people have missed …
Society’s underground “resistance” in the alternative media has performed stellar work showing the myriad topics “Misinformation Warriors” have declared “harmful” or a “threat” to the world.
However, I don’t think enough people grasp the true and ultimate purpose of these dissent-stifling measures.
In my opinion, what scares our rulers more than anything is the possibility citizens would emulate the nation’s founding patriots and simply seek a divorce from such abusive rulers.
In recent articles I’ve noted how “fear” controls almost everyone, or is used by rulers to control almost everyone.
But our rulers must also fear certain outcomes.
What they clearly fear the most is “truth-tellers” who would expose their nefarious deeds and their true character. This is why the Censorship Industrial Complex is vital to them. It blocks, muffles and intimidates would-be truth-tellers.
Sending an undeniable message to would-be Insurrectionists …
But our rulers must also set examples to those who have tried to expose them.
This is why Julian Assange, the founder of truth-reporting WikiLeaks, will almost certainly die in prison. This is why Edward Snowden is living as a refugee in Russia. This is why Tucker Carlson is no longer hosting his TV show on Fox News or James O’Keefe is no longer the CEO of the fearless watchdog journalism organization he created.
This is also why corporate America is boycotting Twitter as an advertising platform.
A “message” has been sent to would-be truth tellers and this message isn’t exactly subtle.
But a message is also being sent to any would-be Thomas Paines, Thomas Jeffersons, Ben Franklins, George Washingtons, James Madison’s, John Quincy Adams’s and Samuel Adams’s.
As Michael Maharrey notes in his article:
“I’m pretty sure the likes of Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson would have been labeled ‘anti-government extremists’ and de-platformed by social media had it existed in 1776.”
No doubt. In fact, they’d probably be in a gulag right now (with The New York Times and all the members of the CIC’s “Trusted News Initiative” cheering on their imprisonment.)
One suspects this is also the reason scores of January 6 protesters, who committed the great crime of walking through their own Capitol building, were thrown into jail with no possibility of bail for years. (Some of these “insurrectionists” are still in jail awaiting trial today).
Today, one doesn’t even have to call for an insurrection - just attend a certain protest or publish a certain factual document - and the “Crown” is going to come after you with every power in its formidable war chest of compliance.
“Message” sent … and, no doubt, received.
I write that the Deep State must be afraid of a genuine revolt, but this fear is probably mild as its members know they have already cowered and intimidated any person who might consider leading such an effort.
The author happens to be a “gold bug”
I also note Michael Maharrety wrote his essay for Peter Schiff’s website, SchiffGold.com. This means the author must be a “gold bug,” a pejorative akin to an “anti-vaxxer” or “science denier.”
At least for me, it’s not a coincidence those who view gold and silver as “real” or “Constitutional” money have been targeted for ridicule. This is because “gold bugs” also threaten the Establishment, which must have access to an unlimited supply of “money” to remain in power.
This money actually comes from a magic printing press, which “prints” fiat or “Monopoly” money as needed to spread around to crony “club members” and to mollify the masses via government pensions, welfare programs, government-dependent jobs, etc.
Our nation’s Founders had a prescient reason to view gold and silver as actual money and were correct that citizens should be wary of a government that creates a fiat printing press.
The author touched the political third rail ….
Michael Maharrey also earns a writer’s medal of valor for mentioning the real “elephant in the room.”
“Here’s a truth that will probably get me labeled an extremist – on July 4, we not only celebrate insurrection; we cheer on secession ….Independence Day is a secession holiday.”
Politically incorrect or not, this is actually true U.S. history. Once upon a time, Americans did secede from a tyrannical governing body.
Americans in 11 “sovereign” U.S. states seceded again in 1860-61, but the issue of slavery impugned this secession effort. However, this would not be an issue in, say, 2025.
To be clear, I’m not saying secession will happen nor am I am calling for this to happen. I’m simply saying it makes common sense - given the events of the last several years (and Deep State initiatives to come) - that serious secession movements could happen again. After all, history does sometimes repeat, right?
I think members of the Deep State have always known this could happen and that’s why they made all these masterful chess moves to make sure the other side’s Queen doesn’t use this ultimate “checks-and-balance” gambit.
To mix game metaphors, any “queen” who might play “the Secession card” has already been captured via the most important form of censorship, “self censorship.”
What’s next? Stay tuned, I guess …
So what conclusions should Americans who still believe in freedom and free speech make of all of these New Normal realities?
We’ll soon find out, I guess. As I see it, only two choices exist - resist or comply.
In 1776, the country’s leading voices said, “We must resist.” I don’t know how they did it, but somehow they pulled off a real Insurrection.
Today, we celebrate those brave patriots who gave the world a new nation, a nation - even with all its flaws - that made incredible advancements possible.
After the fledgling nation’s chosen leaders met at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a lady supposedly asked Ben Franklin what type of government these leaders had created - “a republic or a monarchy.”
“A republic,” replied Franklin, “if you can keep it.”
For what it’s worth, history - even today - says Franklin was a wise, old fellow.
It will be interesting to see the results of the 2024 presidential election, results which might tell us who’s going to control our lives for coming decades and what type of government really controls the lives of American citizens.
Some text from the "cutting room floor" (culled from this article for length reasons):
I’m a big believer in identifying or acknowledging “known knowables.” Here’s a few:
We know the Canadian Trucker Protest was naturalized and didn’t become another Boston Tea Party.
We know none of the many Covid scandals have become an “official” story.
We know Julian Assange is still in jail and that this citizen of Australia is getting ready to be extradited to America to be tried for treason.
We also know the FBI is still looking for other “domestic extremists” to arrest and throw into jail for participation in the January 6 protest or any other alleged speech crimes.
We know “central bank digital currency,” the WHO “treaty” and all the “solutions” to fight Climate Change are being fast-tracked.
We (should) know the FBI and Department of Justice are captured, just like the FDA, NIH and every other important institution and agency in America (and the world).
We know the Censorship Intelligence Complex has not disbanded and is, in fact, expanding and quadrupling down.
The question then becomes what do Americans do with these "Known Knowables?" Shrug their shoulders?
I happened to drive along the 401 route the truckers from Windsor were using on their day to drive to Ottawa. I have never seen so many people supporting a cause in zero degree (F) weather. There were thousands lining the bridges and even on the gravel shoulder of the highway from London to Woodstock (where I got off the 401 highway). So many cheering, flag waving supporters for those truckers who protested. I sent money to support them as I already knew the jabs were poison and they seemed our best hope. I am so sorry it didn't get more momentum. I am still supporting through contributions for legal funds for the leaders. I bought Tamara Lich's book as well. In comparsion the procession for a police officer killed in the line of duty a few months later got 2 police cars each on two bridges and that was it.