Even today, no college or pro athlete has died from Covid
I’ve already established the mortality risk from Covid for healthy children is virtually zero, but the same statistic is true for healthy young adults.

One of my previous articles that was picked up by Citizen Free Press (and thus was read by tens of thousands of people) pointed out that the mortality risk “from” Covid for “healthy” children and young people in the UK is/was literally 0.000 percent.
Researchers actually looked at every medical record of every hospitalized child in the UK in the first year of the official pandemic. They concluded that only six "healthy" UK children (out of approximately 12 million children in the UK) died "from" Covid (and that number, 6, might be high).
So I concluded there is no real mortality risk from Covid for children ages 0 to 18.
However, I also think there is virtually no mortality risk for healthy young adults as well.
I once spent a couple of days trying to find a conclusive/definitive case of one college or pro athlete who died "from" Covid. I did this to expand my age cohort to a group over the ages of 0 to 18 (roughly, the age cohort of 18 to 38, which would be the upper age of athletes still playing a pro sport).
I’ve still not found ONE definitive case of a "Covid death" among college or pro athletes in the world ... and this is now four years into Covid.
I estimate that, easily, more than one million young adults have participated in organized sports at the college and pro levels in these years.
Just among college athletes, young people participate in NCAA Division III, Division II, Division I-AA, Division I, plus the NAIA and all the junior colleges. This would include male and female student-athletes in probably 20 sanctioned sports.
I think more than 2,000 U.S. colleges sponsor organized sports.
My guess is that there must be tens of thousands of older athletes who play in the myriad pro sports from bowling to cricket to auto racing to golf and tennis, to track … to football, basketball, baseball and soccer - minor leagues to the highest levels.
Many of these college and professional athletes were forced to receive PCR tests three or four times a week to be able to play their sport … so sports commissioners and athletic directors were flushing millions of dollars down the toilet trying to monitor and identify Covid “cases.”
The Evidence is In …
Zero "Covid" deaths among a cohort (athletes) of more than one million people aged 18 to 38 tells us something about the "lethality" of Covid for young adults.
What this tells us is there is no mortality risk from this disease for healthy young adults - just like there is no mortality risk for healthy children who may or may not play organized sports.
It should also go without saying that if no athletes have died from Covid, there is zero need for athletes to get vaccinated to prevent “severe” cases. We also quickly learned that the “vaccines” don’t prevent infection or spread either. Still, even today, the SEC and Pfizer (and the NFL) are running non-stop TV commercials encouraging “everyone” to get their latest round of Covid shots. “Everyone” would include athletes who play these sports.
And far more healthy student-athletes participate in high school sports
I did find two or three stories about high school athletes who (allegedly) died from Covid, but I'm skeptical these two or three athletes really died "from" Covid.
But even if they did, if we expand our cohort to include high school athletes this, per my estimates, gives us an extra five million (or more) athletes who played organized sports during Covid times.
The number of high school athletes - male and female for all sports including JV - is a massively-large number.
To summarize, in the entire world, we might have had a handful of "Covid deaths" among athletes from high school through the pros.
The simple mortality rate and the Case Fatality Rate or Infection Fatality Rate from Covid is literally 0.000 percent. (One has to go out to four or five decimal points to pick up any deaths).
So based on the UK study referenced above and on the absence of news articles I could find that show any (or maybe two or three) "Covid" deaths among athletes aged 14 to 38 …. The mortality risk from Covid for healthy people aged 0 to, say, 38 … is virtually zero.
What still gets my blood boiling is everyone in sports and public health must know this .... and the “leaders” and officials who administer these athletic programs have obviously known this for years. Still, we had this powerful narrative that Covid is a mortality risk to "everyone."
.... I have also never seen one story in the sports press or any press that points out that ZERO college and pro athletes have died "from" Covid in four (!) years.
If we also include the millions of current and previous high school athletes, maybe a handful (allegedly) died "from" Covid.
The New York Times does its part to spread the authorize propaganda …
I did find one 2,500-word story from The New York Times that said one Division II football player from a Pennsylvania college died from Covid. The headline gives us the requisite propaganda: “College Football’s Worst Fear in the Pandemic: The Death of a Player.”
But if one reads the story, he will learn that this school had cancelled football and all sports in April 2020. This athlete had played football the season before but he wasn't a football player when he died "from" Covid in August 2020.
The football team hadn't met as a team for at least four months or done any weight-lifting sessions, held any team meetings or participated in one practice.
I’m not even sure I’d label this young man as a “student" at this college because (I think) he’d yet to attend any classes when he passed away.
This athlete also probably weighed well over 400 pounds (although the story says he weighed 350 pounds). Based on pictures, this young man might have been the largest football player I’ve ever seen. This means this former football player suffered from the No. 1 "co-morbidity" Covid risk factor - morbid obesity.
For what it’s worth, I find it quite interesting that the only big story the public got from the mainstream press about an athlete dying from Covid wasn't even an athlete when he died.
And the article never mentioned the apparent fact no other athlete had died from Covid in America ... which would have been the case (fact/truth) when this article was published in September 2020 ... just as it is in January 2024.
Key Take-Aways …
“Context” is no longer provided in today’s authorized “journalism.”
Journalists are apparently not allowed to publish any relevant statistics that might debunk any authorized narrative (like: no current athlete has died from Covid).
As this Canadian journalist conclusively proved at a symposium this past March, the job of today’s mainstream press is to publish “propaganda.” Real “newsgathering’ is no longer allowed. (Note: This is a highly-recommended video).
Any real journalist interested in performing simple and relevant research (“newsgathering”) would report the eye-opening and salient fact that (perhaps) no athlete in the world has died from Covid and that the mortality risk from Covid for healthy people ages 1 to 38 is virtually nil.
Statistically, it would seem that at least one mainstream newspaper or mainstream journalist would perform such journalism, but I’ve yet to find one example of this.
Which reinforces my conviction that the mainstream press is 100-percent captured. These journalists must all know their most-important job is to promote government propaganda.
Plenty of independent authors have noted that “real science” is now dead, but so is real journalism … at least at the most prestigious “news” organizations.
Far more young adults have "died suddenly" from the jabs than COVID itself.
Another excellent cohort of "young adults" is the U.S. military. As I showed in another article, the military says that 22 active and reserve military allegedly died from Covid in the first 18 months of the official pandemic. No active duty Marines or Air Force personnel had died. The military has more than two million members ... and I'm also skeptical of the 22 "Covid deaths" figure. Maybe 22 people died after testing positive for Covid with a PCR test, but I'm sure if someone looked closely at all of those deaths, they might reduce that figure significantly ... just like the UK researchers did.