Don’t investigate this … or this … or this
…. Because if officials did, they might have to 'confirm' something that blows up all their bogus narratives.

In Part 1 of this article, I presented my iron-clad Covid maxim: “Officials never investigate that which they don’t want to confirm.”
One of the first Reader Comments this article generated was from the always-astute Substacker SimulationCommander:
“This goes for much more than Covid, too. Like the Nordstream bombings or cocaine in the White House. Then you can have the press parrot, "No evidence exists……."
And how, SC. This maxim does apply to every “taboo” subject that could/might detonate any false or bogus narrative. Alas, if I was going to list examples of every taboo topic that can’t be investigated (because inconvenient truths might be “confirmed”), I’d be writing until midnight.
This caveat stipulated, what follows are a few more Covid examples I think “confirm” my maxim that non-authorized conclusions cannot be “confirmed” … because they simply won’t be investigated. Or, if they are “investigated,” said investigation will itself be a scam, designed to protect the authorized conclusion.
Unauthorized findings and the ‘solution’ to make sure the public never learns of these narrative-destroying conclusions …
Possible Vaccine-Caused Deaths:
Don’t perform autopsies.
Don’t investigate or follow-up on all the people listed on the VAERS data base.
Make sure medical personnel don’t go overboard inputting VAERS reports. (Make sure the VAERS system is capturing only a tiny percentage of the possible vaccine-injured).
Make sure the MSM doesn’t interview or investigate the claims of family members who possibly died or had vaccine injuries.
Possible Iatrogenic Deaths:
Don’t perform any statistical comparisons from previous years.
Don’t interview any doctors, nurses or hospital administrators who believe the “Covid protocols” were actually killing patients.
Spike in All-Cause Mortality:
Don’t report it or investigate it.
Don’t question any life insurance companies or their actuary experts.
Don’t question any funeral home directors or coroners about any possible spike in deaths.
Don’t question any clergy that perform funeral services.
Don’t survey ambulance companies to see if they were/are responding to more emergency calls.
Don’t question florists to see if they were/are preparing more floral arrangements for funerals.
If some journalist or official must mention a spike in all-cause deaths, attribute these deaths to “long Covid” or “Covid that won’t go away” (even though the “vaccines” were supposed to prevent death in at least 95 percent of cases.)
Spike in “sudden deaths” or athletes suffering fatalities or serious medical emergencies while participating in their sports
Don’t seek to tally these incidents or compare them to previous years.
Censor the YouTube videos of hundreds of athletes collapsing while in competition.
Or: make sure said videos do NOT “go viral.”
Censor or “de-boost” the many thousands of headlines and stories that report on these incidents.
Possible early spread:
To reduce the length of this article, I refer readers to this article (“27 ways officials concealed evidence of early spread.”)
One mechanism that might suppress evidence of early virus spread would be to NOT perform any antibody studies of all naval personnel who were on a ship between November 2019 through March 2020.
(See end of this article for my latest “eureka!” observation/theory. This possibility is a stunner even to me.)
General techniques that make sure no
counter-factual evidence is ever confirmed …
Don’t give research money to any college or “scientific” research organization that might perform studies on taboo topics that could de-bunk the authorized narratives.
If some awkward or embarrassing studies are performed, censor them … or produce a “counter-study” designed to discredit the previous inconvenient study/anecdotes.
Steer studies to researchers who will produce results that match the authorized narratives.
Note: This is the “carrot” approach: “We’ll pay you if you produce a good study for us!”
More yummy carrots: Pay news organizations (via advertising spends and “Excellence-in- Journalism” grants) that run stories that support the narrative.
The stick: Boycott, censor, de-platform the few media organizations that persist in challenging the authorized narratives. Try to shut these sites down or get their key dissenting journalists fired (Tucker Carlson, James O’Keefe, etc).
Or: Put dissidents or “dangerous extremists/traitors” in jail for the rest of their lives (Julian Assange).
Or: Force them to flee to Russia (Edward Snowden).
Use non-stop propaganda to encourage other vaccines: “Don’t forget to get your flu shot. It’s not too late to get your flu shot. Flu shots prevent the flu.”
More carrots: “$10 gift card at Publix for everyone who gets their flu shot … or Covid shot.”
More sticks: “We’ll fire you if you don’t get your shot.”
Carrot and stick at the same time: “You can now go to a Broadway play … If you’ve gotten your shots and can prove it to us.”
Teasing my upcoming story on the outbreak on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier … and my latest discombobulating thought that flows from this research …
As I’ll soon report, the CDC and Navy actually tested 382 crew members (out of 4,800 crew members) of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier for antibodies. Blood for these antibody tests was collected from a “voluntary … convenience sample” on April 20-24, 2020.
The results showed that 60 to 62* percent of the Roosevelt crew members who got an antibody assay tested positive for antibodies (which provide antigen evidence of “prior infection.”)
*Note: Some sentences in this study say “62 percent” of crew members tested positive for antibodies, other sentences say “60 percent.”
Previously-reported PCR test results had suggested only 20 percent of Roosevelt crew members had been infected by the time this ship made it to port in Guam in late March, 2020.
In researching the “Roosevelt outbreak,” I learned there’d also been Covid outbreaks on a French aircraft carrier (the Charles de Gaulle) in the approximate same time period as the Roosevelt outbreak; there was also an outbreak on the USS Kidd missile destroyer.
The French aircraft carrier had about 1,800 crew members and 90 percent of these crew members were later tested for antibodies (for some odd reason, only 7.9 percent of Roosevelt crew members were tested for antibodies).
The de Gaulle antibody results were almost identical to the percentage of the Roosevelt study, showing that 60 to 65 percent of these sailors had been previously infected.
On the USS Kidd, which had 333 crew members, at least 41 percent of its crew members had been previously infected based on PCR and antibody results.
I believe the antibody results on the Roosevelt, Charles de Gaulle and Kidd are trying to tell us something about the real R-naught number of the novel coronavirus.
The R-naught number tries to quantify how contagious a particular virus is. It seeks to tell researchers how many people one infected person might later - directly or indirectly - infect.
An R-naught number over 2 means “virus” spread” is going to be significant. If this number is 3 or 4 (or more), Katie bar the door!
True, naval vessels constitute the worst possible "spread" environments, but, if nothing else, these antibody results tell us that the majority of people in any “congregate” and extended virus-spread environment will at some point contract this virus.
NOTE: If any person has relevant information about a potential “early outbreak” on the Roosevelt or any naval ship (and a possible cover-up of same), please email me at:
On 3 ships with extreme outbreaks, only 1 sailor died from Covid …
Another key take-away from my non-authorized research project is that only one of approximately 7,000 sailors on these three ships died from Covid (and this lone Covid victim was 41.)
In other words, the antibody studies show that of at least 4,000 or so sailors infected with this virus, only one infected person died (and details of this one fatality are sketchy and include odd elements).
This means the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) for sailors under the age of 41 on these three ships was 0.0000 percent.
I argue this finding - if widely publicized - would have slain the false narrative that Covid was a threat to young adults.
And then this crazy thought hit me …
Upon deeper contemplation, I find it very interesting that no antibody studies were done of crew members of other ships that were at sea between December 2019 and March 2020.
Question: What if later antibody studies had been done of all naval crew members who had been at sea in these “pre-official Covid” months?
If this pro-active prevalence investigation (or “active surveillance” as Alex Berenson highlighted in a recent study about vaccine-caused heart issues) had been performed, I think researchers and the public might have found that 40 to 60 percent of crew members who served on every ship in any nation’s Navy might have also tested positive for Covid antibodies.
The reason more antibody studies weren’t performed is probably that no other "outbreaks" were publicly identified on any other ships.
However, the reason no or few possible early “cases” were identified on other ships is that no PCR tests were available on these others ships and no sailors were being tested with PCR tests before mid-March 2020.
So we got only “passive surveillance.” This, I argue, is why more early cases throughout the population weren’t identified. There were simply no PCR tests being given to people who may have been infected.
In my opinion, if these tests had been available and had been administered, PCR positive results would have started coming back “positive” just like they did on the other ships that did get these (then) scarce tests and started testing crew members.
Maybe more “PCR evidence” of early infections on more naval vessels would have prompted more later antibody studies of all the crew members of those ships (just like what happened on the Roosevelt, Kidd and de Gaulle).
With the exception of the outbreaks on these three ships, PCR and antibody testing didn't happen. I suspect that wide-spread antibody testing of all naval vessels didn’t happen ... for a reason.
Again: Don’t test for (or genuinely “investigate”) that which you don't want to "confirm." This strategy works every time!
P.S. See bonus text in today’s Readers Comments for more non-authorized queries and theories.
BONUS CONTENT: I will also soon present evidence that at least two “case zeroes” on the Roosevelt came on board the ship when it left port from San Diego on January 17, 2020 - the day before the first “confirmed” case of Covid in America.
As my regular readers know by now, I’m not afraid to present novel or original theories or ask questions nobody else has asked. One question that comes to mind about the Roosevelt antibody study is this one: If this virus is so contagious and crew members were exposed to infected shipmates for such a prolonged period of time, why didn’t virtually every sailor test positive for antibodies? Why didn’t, say, 90 percent of crew members (not “only” 61 percent) have antibody-evidence of prior infection?
I don’t know the answer for sure, but I think this is a fair and good question that hasn’t been answered to date.
I have some theories, including this one: Perhaps some percentage of crew members had already developed natural immunity when they boarded the ship in the days before January 17, 2020. Maybe by the time some crew members received antibody tests in late April 2020 (five or six months after they might have been infected), their antibody levels might have already faded to “undetectable” levels?
Or maybe “herd immunity” levels had already been reached?
Whether I’m onto something big or not, I’m pretty sure I’m asking non-authorized questions - questions that aren’t and weren’t supposed to be investigated and thus “confirmed.”
It occurs to me that my caption under the aircraft carrier photo might contradict my premise. That is, the CDC and Navy DID conduct an antibody study of Roosevelt crew members, which actually did debunk a key narrative. This study proved that Covid was only lethal to 1 of 4,800 crew members on the Roosevelt. However, this was not the spin of the antibody study, which actually got very little media attention. As far as I can tell, every news organization MISSED the giant headlines from that study: The IFR for Covid is miniscule ... and the virus must have come on board that ship when it left port.
And after one antibody study that showed 60 percent of the crew had been infected, the CDC and NAVY should have immediately done antibody studies of all sailors (or, if they wanted to save money, at least test 10 percent of the sailors from other ships for antibodies). They didn't do this, which tells me they were interested in NOT confirming wide-spread early infections.
This also tells me the CDC and Navy could count on 100-percent of the MSM "journalists" being dunces and not only "burying the lede," but not picking up on the obvious "news-worthy" elements of this study and outbreak.