Tucker Carlson got 130 million views when he interviewed Vladimir Putin, but, for my money, Tucker’s best interview yet might be the one he just did with Aaron Rodgers. (Speaking of money, the best $9 I’ve spent in recent months was my monthly subscription to Tucker Carlson’s “Encounter” interviews and podcasts.)
I’ve been waiting four years for one major celebrity to do a high-profile interview where the interview subject doesn’t care a lick about parroting the politically correct (or “authorized”) lines, especially about the Covid response and the non-vaccines.
What the country needs, I kept thinking, was one high-profile celebrity who would use the megaphone of fame to speak truth to power.
Well, I got my wish today as Rodgers fired tight spiral after tight spiral of truth in a refreshing and fascinating 136-minute “long form” interview with Tucker.
Not only did one of the most famous athletes in America tell us that he didn’t get a “vaccine” … more importantly, he told us, in knowledgeable detail, why he didn’t.
America’s Contrarian QB also tells us exactly what he thinks of Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Censorship, Big Military Industrial Complex and a political system where it’s hard to find any real differences on major issues between the parties.
Tucker’s viewers learn that RFK, Jr. did indeed talk seriously with Rodgers about being his vice presidential running mate and Rodgers, briefly, did consider it.
A “Kennedy-Rodgers” ticket didn’t happen, but Rodgers makes it clear he’s a major supporter of Kennedy … which is not surprising because Rodgers apparently despises Big Pharma and Fauci as much as Kennedy does.
Rodgers doesn’t mind criticizing the NFL …
I enjoyed the segment where Rodgers talks about the NFL “stooges” who were sent to all the NFL locker rooms to push vaccine up-take.
According to Rodgers, the goal was to get at least 90 percent of the players vaccinated. He also documents how athletes who didn’t get vaccinated were treated as third-class citizens. These players literally had to wear colored arm bands, get tested every morning, couldn’t eat with their teammates, etc.
Rodgers peppered the league official with questions about the “vaccines” and the concept of “informed consent.” According to the future Hall of Fame quarterback, the NFL’s vaccine-pusher couldn’t answer any of these questions.
After this propaganda session, Rodgers said many teammates and Green Bay Packers’ employees came up to him and thanked him for speaking out.
He also points out that everyone in every important organization in today’s world is paid off and captured. This includes the NFL, which Rodgers correctly pointed out gets massive amount of Big Pharma money in the form of television commercials during game broadcasts.
Rodgers, who has been in the NFL for 20 years, was candid that he can speak out where other players are probably afraid to do so. As Aaron says, he’s already financially set for life.
The average NFL player’s career is only three years. (Rodgers also had some interesting things to say about the large number of former NFL players who quickly fall on hard times after leaving the league.)
Rodgers was cancelled and smeared as an “anti-vaxer” and lost at least one major endorsement contract … but he didn’t care because he believes American citizens should be able to say what they believe. (Rodgers also had a weekly interview show with one of ESPN’s rising stars. On that show, he kept making critical comments about Big Pharma. That show - or Rodgers’ involvement in it - was literally cancelled).
Embracing a new approach toward the pro-vaxers …
The interview starts off with both Tucker and Rodgers outlining a new or different approach towards the people who think differently than they/we do.
According to Rodgers, we should be more forgiving or empathetic towards our neighbors (who often shunned and disparaged us) as he’s learned from experience that starting a fight with those in this huge group doesn’t work or advance more important societal goals. He thinks more people are learning they were duped by trusted experts and authorities.
Rodgers scrambles to the beat of his own drummer …
As I opined at the Vigilant Fox’s Substack, Rodgers has some - shall we say - unorthodox views on subjects like fasting, meditation, hallucinogenic experiences and even (like Tucker) on the possibility other-worldly beings might be living among us.
Regarding his views on the benefits of fasting, I think he might be onto something. Right or wrong, you can tell he’s passionate about Big Ag and Big Food pushing addictive and unhealthy foods on the population. The whole interview is fascinating.
Standing up for Snowden and Assange …
Aaron made a bigger fan out of this correspondent by bringing up the mistreatment of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Rodgers said he admires both men because they reported the truth even though they knew this might not end well for them.
Tucker made an interesting point when he analogized both men to a citizen who calls the police and says someone just robbed a convenience store. Tucker said the criminal was the person who robbed the store, not the person who reported that crimes had been committed.
Both Snowden and Assange were vilified for turning in law breakers. It was our own government that should be viewed as the villain in these cases. Both Tucker and Rodgers agreed Snowden and Assange are not the “traitors” they’ve been portrayed to be.
Rodgers also educated Tucker on Jon Krakauer's book on the late Pat Tillman, the former NFL player who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan, a death the military brass lied about repeatedly.
Rodgers is also a big fan of Carlson, who he praises (along with Joe Rogan) for upholding the tenets of classical journalism and genuine free speech.
1984 arrived in 2020-2024
Like myself, Rodgers sees a world that’s becoming far too similar to the world depicted in George Orwell’s 1984. He’s worried about the Surveillance State, social credit scores and the merger of politics and Big Business and Finance.
He ends his conversation on a note of hope, opining that the Deep State might have gone a bridge too far in rolling out their society-damaging agendas in too short a time span.
According to Rodgers, more people are starting to wake up and recognize who is really to blame for much of the world’s disturbing trends.
If “dumb jocks” exist in the world, Aaron Rodgers is definitely not in this group. He comes across as thoughtful, well-read, independent, patriotic, articulate (even with a few F-bombs), witty and likable.
For decades, Rodgers was one of the most famous athletes in America, but it’s only in recent years he’s become, arguably, the most influential athlete in America.
With high-profile, principled and highly-intelligent citizens like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers leading the freedom movement, the demise of freedom might not be a forgone conclusion after all.
If fascinating and truth-identifying interviews like this go viral, our team might be in good shape.
One thing’s for sure. We’ve got our quarterback.
Ko-Fi gratuities for Substack bench-warmers like myself ….
Tucker also recently aired two other fascinating interviews. One was with the half brother of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau's brother despises what his brother stands for (although he says he loves his brother). He comes across as a 1969 hippy (in the best sense of that word), a hippy who sounds like Ron Paul. Trudeau's half brother is currently riding around America in an a bus trying to elect RFK, Jr.!
The second interview was with the author of a 2020 book that argues Lyme Disease (and two other tick-borne diseases) was caused by the escape of a bio-weapon. This really struck me as I just finished "The Wuhan Cover-Up," which documents our government is full of mad scientists who have long been doing science that is killing and harming thousands of people. I did a little more research into this Lyme Disease scandal and hope to write a story about this soon.
"Rodgers peppered the league official with questions about the “vaccines” and the concept of “informed consent.” According to the future Hall of Fame quarterback, the NFL’s vaccine-pusher couldn’t answer any of these questions."
Of course they couldn't -- there was never actually any 'science' behind any of it. Rodgers was 'greylisted' because he dared point that out.